Happy New Year Toadal Crosstrainers!
This year in txt we will have monthly challenges. January's challenge will be 5000 Kettle Bell Swings. Recommended 250 swings a day for 5 days with 2 rest days. You can do this after class or any other time in the day. Please ask if you need help with form. Below are some recommended weights to help you challenge your self. As always listen to your body. HOW TO KETTLEBELL SWING DEMO LINK RECOMMENEDED WEIGHTS Men’s Open Class: Up to 135 pounds 18kg 136-150 pounds 20kg 151-165 pounds 22kg 166-250+pounds 24kg Men’s Masters: (50-64) Up to 135 pounds 16kg 136-150 pounds 18kg 151-220 pounds 20kg Over 221 pounds 22kg Men Seniors: (Over 65) Up to 135 pounds 16kg 136-150 pounds 18kg 151-220 pounds 20kg Over 221 pounds 22kg Women’s Open Class: Up to 100 pounds 10kg 101-120 pounds 12kg 121-135 pounds 14kg 136-200 pounds 16kg Over 200 pounds 18kg Women Masters: (50-64) Up to 100 pounds 8kg 101-120 pounds 10kg 121-135 pounds 12kg 136-200 pounds 14kg Over 200 pounds 16kg Women Seniors: (Over 65) Up to 100 pounds 8kg 101-115 pounds 10kg 116-135 pounds 12kg 136-200 pounds 14kg Over 200 pounds 16kg TXT LINKS:
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Author: Christa B.One lady on a mission to help people achieve their goals. Archives
January 2021
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