TXT PROGRAMMING 12/25/23-12/30/23 STRENGTH WEEK: #2 Hi Txt Community!! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday!! (ARM CHALLENGE WILL BE POSTED LATER.) Holiday Toadal CrossTraining Hours * Sunday, 12/24 Clubs open 8 am - 1 pm Childcare is CLOSED! Monday, 12/25 - Christmas Clubs Le closed, no classes Tuesday, 12/26 No 6am TXT All other classes are a go! NO 6:30pm @ WEST SIDE Toadal Clubs open 8 am - 9 pm Childcare 9 am - 2 pm Time to set those fitness goals for 2024 and smash them Holiday schedule Sunday, 12/31 Club open 8 am - 1 pm Childcare is CLOSED! Monday, 1/1/2024 - New Years Day! We are closed! No Classes. Tuesday, 1/2/2024 regular class schedule LET’S DO THIS!! Thank You for an amazing year let's make 2024 even better!! Lots of Love, Christa B MONDAY ALL BODY WEIGHT EXERCISES for your at home fun!!! Merry Christmas!!! 0-15 MIN Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique: (using the length of the room for laps) Butt Kickers Backwards Butt Kickers 3x Side Slides High knee skips Single Leg hops across room Warm Up: 3,6,9,12,9,6,3 Mtn Climber (DBL REPS) Bicycles (DBL REPS) Seal Jacks Scorpion Iron cross + V-up 15-25 MIN Horizontal Press Strength: 10 Min AMRAP 10 Pike Pushup 5 Hindu Push Up 10 Handstand kick up 30 sec handstand hold or Down dog hold 25-45 MIN WOD CHIPPER!! you have to chip away at in order to finish IN ANY ORDER YOU CHOOSE (20 MIN TIME CAP) 1 round 10 Handstand push-ups (or practice kicking up to handstand) or pike pushup 20 V-up (Modification Leg Lift) 30 Jump Squat 40 Box Jump or use a stair to hop on and off 50 Pull Up 30/30 Side plank hip lift 70 Push-ups 80 Sit-ups 45/45 Jump Lunge 100 Jump jacks TUESDAY short warm up 0-10 MIN Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Movement Patterning/Technique: (using the length of the room for laps) Walking knee hugs L- Sit Butt skoots Crab walk Walking Straight Leg Raises Stork Walks Warm Up: 2 Rounds 1 Min Plank Hold 10 plank up downs 1 Min Hollow Body hold 10 sit up 1 Min Reverse plank hold 5 Burpees w/ push up 10-20 MIN CORE Strength: 4 Rounds (30 seconds on each exercise no rest) Hanging Leg Raises (slow) or seated v-sit leg lift One-leg Hip Bridges R One-leg hip bridges L KB Sit-ups Supermans 20-45 MIN WOD: circuit through the 3 exercises (25 min CUTOFF) 26,22,18,14,10,6,2 BOX OVERS 10,10,10,10,10,10,10 T2B or Hanging Leg lift or V-UP or Leg Lift Single KB High pull (NO SWING) (KX 35w/53m) WEDNESDAY Take a group photo before doing the WOD :) PLEASE!! 0-15 MIN Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique: (using the length of the room for laps) Karaoka Side slides Traveling GSW Warm Up: 5 min Amrap 5 Inch worm with full walk out (no pushup walk hands out past shoulders) 10 hollow body rock 10 superman 5/5 sitout or grass hopper 5/5 xwalk 15- 45 MIN WOD 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS!! COMPLETE AS YOU SING THE SONG. 1 REP... 2,1... 3,2,1...4,3,2,1.....5,4,3,2,1...ECT. Go lite and fast it should not be heavy. 1/1 TGU (KX 22w/45m) 2- SINGLE KB HIGH PULL SWING (KX 22w/45m) 3- BURPEE PULLUP or (MODIFICATION: BURPEE JUMP BAR TOUCH) 4- SINGLE KB SWING (KX 22w/45m) 5- HALO R/L (KX 22w/45m) 6- PISTOL (3/3) AKA SINGLE LEG SQUAT (Modification Use a box for depth.) 7- BOX JUMP 8- KB OR DB SNATCH (4/4) (KX 22w/45m) 9- T2B OR VUP 10- BALL SLAM OR OVER THE SHOULDER THROW 11- GOBLET SQUAT (KX 22w/45m) 12- HEAVY DEADLIFTS OR SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT (6/6) (KX 53w/70+m) THURSDAY 0-20 MIN Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique: (using the length of the room for laps) 1 lap inch worm + updogs Lateral bear crawl right and left Crab walk High knee skips Warm Up: 3 rounds 5/5 Scorpion 10 jump jack 10/10 lateral high knees 5 hindu pushup 10 seal jack 10/10 lateral butt kickers 20-30 MIN Vertical Pull Strength 10 Rounds 45 sec on //15 sec off Pull Up Negative 30-45 MIN WOD: 4 Rounds of 50m/50m OA WAITER CARRY (KX 35W/53M) 20 WALL BALL (KX 14W/20M) 5/5 Gob Bulgarian Split Squat (KX 25w/40m) FINISHER: 30 KB Swings FRIDAY 0-15 MIN Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique: (using the length of the room for laps) Hamstring scoops Butt kickers Lateral high knees both sides Warm Up: 8min AMRAP 15 Weighted Good Mornings 10 Inch Worms 1R/1L Bodyweight TGU 15 Squat Jacks 10/10 Dead Bugs 15-30 MIN LUNGE Strength: 3 ROUNDS (15 min cutoff) 8 Tempo Goblet Lunge R (3 down, 3 Pause, 3 up, 0 at top) 8 Tempo Goblet Lunge L (3 down, 3 Pause, 3 up, 0 at top) 5R/5L SL Deadlift Single arm front rack carry 30sec/30sec 30-45 MIN WOD:(For Time) BUY IN: 25 Goblet squat (KX 35w/53m) --- then: 4 rounds: 6 R/6 L Snatches KX 25W/40M 6 Renegade rows + pushup 6 Toes to Bar (or V-up Scale to appropriate skill level) ---- BUY OUT: 500m RUN or 500m row SATURDAY 0-20 MIN Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique: (using the length of the room for laps) 1 lap inch worm + updogs High knee skips 3x Karaoka Stork walks Warm Up: 3X 10 TRX Biceps Curls 10 TRX Triceps Press 10 KB Deadbugs 20 Leg Scissors 20-30 MIN Vertical Press Strength: 3 ROUNDS 10/10 Bottoms up Press 10/10 Strict Press 10/10 Front Raises 30-45 MIN WOD: 15 MIN CUTOFF 5 Rounds: 15 OA Swings L (KX 25w/45m) 15 OA Swings R 10 OA Thrusters L (KX 25w/45m) 10 OA Thrusters R 5 V-UPS -- In health & kindness, Christa Berry & Team TxT www.txtsantacruz.com Find us on Facebook
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