TXT PROGRAMMING 08/29/22-09/03/22 STRENGTH WEEK: #2 Hi TXT Community, Lets welcome Ryan Willis to our training team! He is starting 6am Tu/Th at Live Oak on thursday 9/1/22. Hooray!! Next week will have way less burpees and pushups. I promise. I went a little overboard with the burpees, sorry. I usually have a burpee check so I don't over do it and that didn't happen last week. WHOOPS! Anyways, beach TXT is done for the summer. Thank you to everyone who came out and got sandy! The 6 week ultimate body transformation challenge starts September 4th 2022. There is still time to sign up! Tara Ford & I are starting a new cycle of the 6 week ultimate body transformation challenge!! It will start September 4th 2022. Here is the link to the eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/6-week-ultimate-body-trandformation-challenge-tickets-384248496597 All 6 Week UBTC members will have access to challenge exclusive Sunday yoga class, taught by challenge Coach Tara Ford. The challenge will cost:
The program will start with a two week sugar, alcohol and processed food cleanse. As the weeks progress you will slowly bring back in natural carbs and sugars. Coffee will not be removed from the eating plan unless you choose to do so on your own. After the first two weeks you will be required to take 1 "i just don't care" day a week; AKA cheat day or re-feed day. This is recommended for satiety and sanity. This challenge aims to help you shed fat and gain muscular strength /tone by helping you get to know your body and its cravings and what's really behind them. While at the same time achieving your fitness goals. 9/5/22 Monday is Labor Day weekend holiday and the only class will be 8am at West Side taught by me. Please join me for a fun labor day workout & there is only one class on monday September 5th. Clubs are open 8am-1pm. TxT zoom class recordings from the awesome Margaux are back and will be sent out every friday. If you would like to join her amazing workouts go to www.txtsantacruz.com Click on the 3 little lines on the top left and choose TXT ZOOM online classes. It will prompt you for a sign in. The password is TXTWOD and then you can choose a class on the calendar. There is also 6am M/W/F ZOOM with Ariana for you early early birds. I'm stoked to announce that we also have Chris Carlock and Nicole Bosinger currently training to join our training team. I'd also like to throw out an early congratulations to our Coach Derrick on upcoming wedding this weekend! Thank You to everyone working so hard and helping all our TXT members become stronger and more confident. I hope you have a fun week! In health & kindness, Christa Berry & Team TxT www.txtsantacruz.com Find us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 Rounds: 5 inch worm 10 scorpion 10 iron cross 10 kb squat/bicep curl, stand and overhead tricep ext. 20-30 Horizontal Press Strength BUY IN: 10 R/L SA KB Chest Press 2 ROUNDS 45 sec / 15 sec (everyone starts together) TRX Pushup Standing KB Halo alternate sides Goblet KB chest press (hips up) TRX TRICEP EXT. or kb skull crusher BUY out: 10 R/L SA KB Chest Press 30-45 WOD 15 Min AMRAP keep track of how many rounds you got and what weight you used. 10/10 sit out DEMO or grasshopper DEMO 10 KB swing (KX 35W//53M) (how to teach KB SWING) 10 Hollow body rock DEMO 20 Wall Ball (ZOOM KB Thruster) (KX 14W//20M) DEMO TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min cut off 3 Rounds 30 bicycles 10 leg lift 30 Leg Scissors up/down 20 Swimmers 100m run or Row 20-30 CORE Strength 10 min 2 rounds 30 sec Side Plank (adv add Leg Lift) DEMO 30 sec Side Plank (adv add Leg Lift) 30 sec Bird Dogs Hold R ARM & LEFT LEG DEMO 30 sec Bird Dogs Hold L ARM & RIGHT LEG 1 min Plank Hold DEMO 1 min Hollow Hold DEMO 30-45 WOD 15 min Cutoff Reps: 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2 (do reps on each side 2 R 2 L 4 R 4 L….ect) Goblet Forward lunge (Modify Lunges for beginners)(KX 35W//53M) Single Leg Deadlift DEMO(KX 35W//53M) KB Clean DEMO(KX 35W//53M) KB Wind Mill DEMO (KX 25W//40M) 10W//15M cal row (never changes) WEDNESDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 2 ROUNDS 20sec on/10 sec off TRX ROW or Bent over row 4 high knees to sprawl (elevate sprawl to a box for beginners) Alternating single leg v-ups (modify to alt side crunch) 15-25 POWER LIFT Strength 10 min time cut off Run the rack with both movements and then complete 3 rounds at your top weights. 10 Sumo Deadlift (feet wide kb between feet) DEMO 10 Suitcase Deadlift DEMO 25-45 WOD THE KATIE BENCHMARK BUY IN:250M RUN or ROW (KX run with 14W/20M Wall Ball only for advanced running.) 5 ROUNDS (Beginners scale to 3 rounds) (INT scale to 4 rounds) 50 M Farmer Carry DEMO 10 Pullups DEMO or TRX Pull up 10 Squats DEMO (KX gob squat 35w/53m) 10 Push Ups DEMO 10 Sit up or crunch BUY OUT: 250M RUN or ROW DEMO(KX run with 14W/20M Wall Ball only for advanced running.) THURSDAY SHORTENED WARM UP 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 20 sec on/10 sec off Frog hop around the room Banded lat pulldown Alternating single leg v-ups Hanging shoulder packing 10-20 Vertical Pull Strength 10 MIN EMOMs EMOM ODD: 5 Pullup negative 3 sec count lower DEMO EMOM EVEN: HOLLOW BODY HOLD or HOLLOW BODY ROCK DEMO or CHIN OVER BAR HOLD 20-45 WOD ascending and descending reps. Circuit through the exercises. 1,2,3,4,5,6-10 DBL KB Dip to DBL KB Pushup (Modify by separating move movements and /or moving it to the box) DEMO 5 T2B (or Knee to navel or V-Up or legs up toe touch) DEMO 10,9,8,7,6-1 BOX JUMP DEMO or BOX STEP UP DEMO FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 MIN AMRAP 10 bicycles 3/3 walking lunges 10 Glute Bridges 5/5 x walk with band DEMO 20-30 LUNGE Strength 5 rounds EMOM 1 min 15/15 Jump Lunge & Wall sit til time is up (Modify Lunges for beginners) 1 min 5/5 BOX STEP UP DEMO add a KB in goblet hold to make it harder 30-45 WOD 5 Rounds 10 DEADLIFT DEMO (one heavy KB between the feet) (KX 60W/90M+) 2 WALL WALKS DEMO or 3 INCH WORMS DEMO PUSH UP OPTIONAL 5 GOBLET THRUSTER DEMO (KX 35W/53M) 50m WALKING LUNGE OR GOBLET WALKING LUNGE(KX 35W/53M) SATURDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 5 min cut off 3 x 3/3 ice skater + 1 sprawl each side 3x Inchworm + scorpion Seperate exercises if to difficult 10 Touch jump 10 Gob Thruster 15-25 Vertical Press Strength 3 rounds - 45 on/ 15 off ½ kneeling KB curl to OH press R (right knee down) DEMO ½ kneeling KB Curl to OH Press L (left knee down) Kneeling goblet shoulder press to overhead tricep extension (or standing if they have bad knees) DEMO 25-45 WOD: Benchmark THE LEAH (20 min cutoff) 10 Rounds 4 Handstand Kick up or Spinal rock handstand 4 Burpee Box Over (KX 20W//24M) 4 DBL KB Snatch (or high pull or swing) (KX 25W//40M) 40 Jump Rope
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