05/29/23-06/03/23 STRENGTH WEEK: #1 Hey TXT Trainers! There is only one class on monday 5/29. Heather is leading the murph at the west side club at 8am. Please join her for the murph. There will be a warmup, group photo and then the workout begins. All other classes continue as normally scheduled and christa returns to teach on wednesday 5/31. Thank You for helping me cover all my classes. I really appreciate it and I hope everyone has a wonderful memorial day weekend!! Aaron's last 6am west side class will be wednesday. Come on by and do the workout bright and early. :) MISS YOU GUYS!! Christa B Monday 29th THIS WILL BE THE DAY OF THE MURPH 8am WS Heather This will be the only class offered on monday. MONDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 MIN AMRAP 10 BOOT STRAPPER 5/5 BOX STEP UP (modify height if height is too challenging.) 5R/5L SIDE PLANK HIP LIFT 10 CEILING STOMPS 10/10 MTN CLIMBER 100m run WOD: (CUTOFF 9am) THE MURPH (modify as you please below are a few of MANY options) Buy in: 1 mile run or 1609 meters Row 1 round 100 pullups 200 pushups 300 squats Buy out: 1 mile run or 1609 meters Row THE MURPH Buy in: 1 mile run or 1609 meters Row 10 rounds 10 pullups 20 pushups 30 squats Buy out: 1 mile run or 1609 meters Row TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 4 rounds 20/10 Band pull apart Jump rope or jump jack 20-45 min Vertical press Strength & WOD FIND A BEST FRIEND! ~ “The Day of Partners” 5 Min: Partner Strict Press pyramid - Start @ 1 Rep, then your partner does 1 rep. Then you do 2 reps and your partner does 2 reps. Hold your KB’s in the front rack position while your partner presses. REPS 1-10-1 get as far as you can. · 5 Min: Partner Push Ups - Start @ 2 reps, and increase my 2 each round (rest while partner is performing their set) · 5 Min: DBL KB Farmer Carry and WALL SIT- Partner #1 holds a WALL SIT, while partner #2 must do 2 laps around the classroom Farmer Carry. · 5 Min: Partner Planks - One partner will plank and they must hold a plank for 30 seconds, then switch. Other partner rests or holds a hollow body hold. · 5 Min: Partner Sprints this can be done on the rower too for 150m - Short distance outside, sprint as fast as possible, and rest while partner is running. · WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min AMRAP 150m Row 10 TRX Push up 20 butt kickers 10 Squat 5/5 side lunge 20- 30 MIN Core Strength: 3 rounds 40 sec on//20 sec OVER THE SHOULDER BALL TOSS or FROG JUMPS (no rest) Plank hold with shoulder taps (try to keep hips still) BEAST Bird Dog Hollow body Hold KB Dead Bug 30-45 min WOD: 20 Seconds On 10 Seconds Off For 4 Rounds Of: V Ups or T2B KB Swings (KX 35w/53m) 30 Seconds On 10 Seconds Off For 3 Rounds Of: Jump Rope or Double Unders Wall Balls Goblet Squats (KX 35w/53m) THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 Rounds Run or Row 250M 10 Wall Balls 10 KB Swings 20-30 Lift Strength SUPER SET exercises Conventional Dead-lift start with 3 warm up sets with lighter weights then 3 sets x 8 reps Touch and go reps, :3 tempo lowering KB’s to the floor. Tempo Romanian Dead-lift 3 sets x 10 reps 3210(:3 down, :2 pause in lowest position, up FAST, no stopping at the top.) 30-45 WOD LUCKY #7 - 7 Rounds of the following exercises for 7 reps each. 7 Vups (Modify by Legs straight up toe touch.) 7 Snatches R (KX 25W//35M) (Modify to OA SWING or OA HIGH PULL) 7 Snatches L 7 Burpees (Modify to touch jump or take out pushup) 7 Pullups (Modify by doing TRX Pullup or TRX ROW) FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: Ascending 5 min Amrap start @ 2 REPS TRX T BANDED LAT PULL DOWN BANDED TRICEP EXT KB SQUAT AND BICEP CURL 20-30 Horizontal pull Strength: Super Set exercises Tempo TRX Row 3 sets x 8 reps 3330(:3 down, :3 pause, :3 up, :0 at the top) Bent over DBL KB row 3 sets x 10 reps No Tempo. Select a weight that you can complete all 3 sets of 10. 30-45 WOD: BUY IN: 20 RENEGADE ROW + PUSH UP (MODIFY by doing alternating bent over row and separate pushup.) (KX DBL 25W/DBL 40M) REPS 5/10/15/10/5 BOX JUMP or STEP UP (dbl the reps for step up)(KX 20W/24M) CAL ROW (10 calW//15 calM stays the same) KB GOBLET SQUAT (KX 35W/53M) BUY OUT: 20 TRX MUSCLE UP or modify by doing DEEP TRX ROW SATURDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 20/10 Spiderman Planks Lite Gob Thrusters Pushups Jump Rope 10-20 Squat Strength: Super set squats Tempo Goblet squat 3 sets x 8 reps 3330(:3 down, :3 pause, :3 up, :0 at the top.) :90 rest between each set. Goblet Squat 3 sets x 10 reps No tempo, but keep rests at :60-:90. 30-45 WOD “The TERRIBLE 10’s” - Make sure students do the most challenging version/weight on each exercise, or they will finish the circuits too quickly. · 5 rounds: (8 min Cut Off must move on to the next 5 rounds) o 10 Pull Ups or 15 TRX ROWS o 10 Push Ups · 5 rounds: (8 min Cut Off) o 10 DBL KB Thrusters or Goblet Thruster o 10 DBL KB SUITCASE Deadlifts or SINGLE KB Between the feet DEADLIFT · 5 rounds: (8 min Cut Off) o 10 Weighted Sit Ups or situps (KX 25W/50M) o 10 Superman FINISH WITH: 1 MIN AB MAT AB BURNOUT -- In health & kindness, Christa Berry & Team TxT www.txtsantacruz.com Find us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram
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