1. Basic Mobility 2. Dowels 3. Specific Warm Up (SUGGESTION: Banded Good mornings) 4. STRENGTH:Romanian Deadlift ***Run the rack with 5REPS romanian Deadlifts. When you find your max, start over and run the rack 1-2 more times. This should take about 10 minutes*** 5. WOD: 18 MINUTE AMRAP: ***Every 3 minutes, do 5R/5L SITOUTS*** 8 Toes to Bar or V-ups 10 Alternating Clean n' Press 12 Box Step-ups 14 TRX Tricep press TUESDAY 1. Basic Mobility 2. Dowels 3. Specific Warm Up 4. STRENGTH: Bent over Back Fly with or TRX Back SUPERSET with 10 band pull aparts ***Run the rack to find a top set of 5 reps. Perform 4 sets at your top weight*** 5. WOD: 7 MINUTE AMRAP: 10 KB SWING HIGH PULLS 10 SKULL CRUSHERS 10R/10L LAWNMOWER ROWS 30 Double Unders (mod: 90 singles) REST 1 MINUTE 7 MINUTE AMRAP: 10 TRX Push-ups 10 TRX Wide elbow Rows 10 calorie row 30 Battle rope reps WEDNESDAY 1. Basic Mobility 2. Dowels 3. Specific Warm Up 4. STRENGTH: Bulgarian split SQUATS + Box step up 5R/5L -Run the rack with Bulgarian split squats 5R/5L reps . Perform 4 sets of 5 reps at your top weight. 5. WOD: (2 five minute clocks + 1 final run) 5-minute clock: -Run 250m then, ascending AMRAP for remainder of 5 minutes: 1,2,3... R/L Snatches Box Jumps Ball Slams Butterfly Sit-ups 5-minute clock: -Run 250m then, ascending AMRAP for remainder of 5 minutes: ****start where you left off R/L Snatches Box Jumps Ball Slams Butterfly Sit-ups + Run 250m after final AMRAP THURSDAY 1. Basic Mobility 2. Dowels 3. Specific Warm Up 4. STRENGTH: Double Chest Press + 10 HR push-ups -Run the rack with 5 reps of double chest press. When you achieve your top weight, superset you chest press with 10 hand-release push-ups. Try to go directly from you chest press into your push-ups, and save the rest till after the superset. If you need to, create a time cap appropriate to the fitness level of your class. 5. WOD: 15-minute AMRAP: 1R/1L TGU 5 knees to Elbows 9 Wall Balls 13 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 250m Run FRIDAY 1. Basic Mobility 2. Dowels 3. Specific Warm Up 4. STRENGTH: L-sit + Turkish Sit-up ***Do 4 tabata rounds of L-sits (or L-sit Practice). After that, have members find a 3 rep max of their Turkish Sit-up R/L. 5. WOD: 2 Rounds: 50 DU 30 crunch tucks 50m Sprints Chipper: 50 Dips 50 (25R/25L) one-arm thrusters 50 (25R/25L) one-arm swings 50 Body Scissors 2 Rounds: 50m Sprints 30 hollowbody rocks 50 DU SATURDAY 1. Basic Mobility 2. Dowels 3. Specific Warm Up 4. STRENGTH: One-arm High Pull ***Run the rack with 5reps one-arm high pulls. When you find your max, start over and run the rack 1-2 more times. This should be good practice for a challenging move. It should take about 10 minutes*** 5. WOD: 4 Rounds: 5 Renegade Rows (push-ups, row R, row L) 10 Chin-ups 15 KB Swings 20 Over head Goblet Lunges 25 Sit-ups
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