LIFT: SQUAT 7 MIN-EMOM - 3 HEAVY SQUATS - 5 BURPEES **Run the rack up to heavy weight first** WOD: 4 min AMRAP: - 5 KB swing/clean/press R - 5 KB swing/clean/press L - 5 Air Squats 1 MINUTE REST 21-15-9 **Definitely stagger you students if TRX's are limited** - Med-ball cleans - Double-unders (84/60/36 single unders) - TRX Power Pulls R - TRX Power Pulls L - Sprint TUESDAY Strength: CHEST PRESS 3 ROUNDS: (30 second ON, 15 Seconds OFF) -PARTNER PUSH-UP CLAP (Clap opposite hands after push-up. Switch hands after every push-ups. Very beginners can do this with hands on a Jump Box, or very modified kneeling push-ups) -THEN- 3X5R/5L SINGLE-ARM CHEST PRESS -Make sure they run the rack up to their top weight first. WOD: 4 ROUNDS: 12 (6R/6L) WEIGHTED, TRAVELING LUNGES 10 DIPS (RINGS, BOX, BENCH, ETC. Beginner use yoga block, or even lying down tricep extension with dumbbells) 10 CLEANS R (KB touches ground every time) 10 CLEANS L (KB touches ground every time) 10 DOUBLE-KB PUSH PRESS WEDNESDAY STRENGTH: CORE “Core Galore” 30 sec on 15 sec off of: One Arm Hover plank Right One Arm Hover Plank Left V ups Hipups Right Chinees Hipups Left Leg Lifts Plank With a knee lift (spiderman plank) Situps Hollow Body Rocks Bicycles Superman Rocks Mountain Climbers WOD: 3 rounds: 100 jumps rope 7 toes-to-bar 14 wall balls LAP holding medicine ball (from wall balls) 21 abmat sit-ups 28 (14R/14L jump lunges) THURSDAY Strength: PULL STRENGTH 10 MINUTE CAP: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 -PULL-UPS (Probably gonna need the bands for this one) -SIT-UPS (if people from Wednesday at in class, have them do supermen) WOD: ASCENDING 15 MIN AMRAP: Start at 3 reps, and add 1 rep every round: - R/L Pistols (MODIFY: with box or TRX for beginner - TRX rows - H.R. Pushups - Swings FRIDAY Strength: FRONT-RACKED REVERSE LUNGES CLICK HERE FOR DEMO -4X5R/5L - Run the rack up to top when. Make sure to alternate starting legs every rep. WOD: PARTNER WOD: (Each partner can only do 10 reps total and their partner has to wait while their partner is exercising, unless stated otherwise. Each partner will end up doing 1/2 the reps list. For example, Partner a does burpees 1-10, partner B does burpees 11-20, partner A does burpees 21-30, etc.) 2 LAPS (run together) 40 Burpees 60 Second Plank (done together) 80 Wall balls 100 Sit-ups 120 TRX Rows 140 Swings 160 Mountain Climbers SATURDAY “Basic Back and Front” 40 Seconds On 20 Seconds Off for 5 Rounds Of: Beginner Shoulder Bridge Hip Lifts Crunch Tucks Intermediate TRX Hamstring Curls Legs Up V Ups Advanced TRX Supine Pull Through V Ups Carissa 2 minutes on 30 seconds off of each exercise for 2 rounds. Total up all reps accomplished on every exercise to quantify. Set this up in a circuit format as to make sure not to run out of kettlebells. Beginner Bodyweight Squats (parallell position! if not capable have them squat to a box to quantify depth) Swings (15lb Women / 25lb Men) Push Presses (Alternate arms whenever you want just keep it even sudgest switching every 5-10 reps (15lb Women / 20lb Men) Jumping Jacks Intermediate Kettlebell Squats (20lb Women /40lb Men to parallell! can be goblet position or double kettlebell squat) Swings (25lb Women / 35lb Men) Push Presses (Alternate arms whenever you want just keep it even sudgest switching every 5-10 reps (20lb Women / 30lb Men) Rope Skips Advanced Kettlebell Squats (40lb Women /80lb men to parallell! double kettlebell position) Swings (35lb Women / 50lb Men) Push Presses (Alternate arms whenever you want just keep it even sudgest switching every 5-10 reps (25lb Women / 40lb Men) Double Unders
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