BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: CORE 1 min Plank THEN REPS 20,16,12,8,4 One Arm Plank L One Arm Plank R Side Plank hold with Leg Lift L Side Plank hold with Leg Lift R Inchworm Birddog DBL Leglift with Ceiling Stomp THEN 1 min Plank WOD: Martha BENCHMARK 3 ROUNDS (CIRCUIT) 40 seconds on 20 seconds off. Count total reps of every exercise to score. Aim for higher total reps. MARTHA BENCHMARK
HANDSTAND CHALLENGE 5 rounds 30 on 15 off Handstand Kick up (no Wall) to balance or walk. ____________________________________ TUESDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: RTR on KB deadlift for 8 reps, once you hit your top set repeat 4 times with 5 dead swings in between sets WOD: 6 rounds 2 min work Then rest 1 min (18min cutoff) KEEP TRACK OF ROUNDS 5 pullups 5/5 pistols each leg (or use TRX for assisrance) 10 Sumo Deadlift DBL KB Highpull (KX 35W/53M) HANDSTAND CHALLENGE 5 rounds 30 on 15 off Handstand Kick up (no Wall) to balance or walk. ______________________________________ WEDNESDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: RTR on the split row for 8 reps, repeat top set 4 times with 5 difficult TRX rows in between sets WOD: *THE SUBE* 20MIN CUTOFF GUIDELINES X = cardio BEG: 50 jump jack, INT: 75 jump rope, ADV: 25 DBL UNDER WOD: X 10 thrusters (B w15/m25) (I w 20/ m35)(A w30+/m40+) X 20 push ups X 30 goblet squats (B w20/m30) (I w25/m40)(A w35+/m50+) X 40 bicycles (per leg) X 50 SNATCH (25 R, 25 L) (B w15/m20)(I w20/m35)(A w30+/m40+) X 40 bicycles (per leg) X 30 goblet squats X 20 push ups X 10 thrusters X HANDSTAND CHALLENGE WALL WALK or Hand Stand Walk across room 3 rounds 1 min on 30 off ____________________________________ THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) use XWALKS and Hiplifts to warmup glutes STRENGTH: RTR on the kb DBL KB Squat for 5 reps, repeat your top set 4 times (use wall ball or box to get correct depth for squat) WOD: 250m Run Before EMOM Then 5 min Emom of: 5 jump lunges, 5 hollow body rocks, 5 wall balls 250 m Run in between EMOM Then 5 min Emom of: 5 burpees, 5 spinal rocks 250 m Run after EMOM HANDSTAND CHALLENGE WALL WALK or Hand Stand Walk across room 3 rounds 1 min on 30 off ___________________________________ FRIDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: CHEST PRESS partner up and spot each other. Have clients run the rack with single-arm chest press for 5 reps each side. Have students complete 4 sets at top weight. WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP: 7 Traveling Ball Slams (frog jump with ball slam) 7 Box overs (every time over the box counts) 7R/7L Clean n' Press (touch ground every time. make sure everyone keeps their shoulder packed when the release to the ground.) 7R/7L TRX Power Pulls HANDSTAND CHALLENGE Handstand (Push-up) Practice --Beginner or injured: 30 seconds of push-up plank to downward facing dog. Keep alternating in controlled manner. --Intermediate: Hold a handstand for 20-30 seconds with feet against the wall. --Advanced: 5-10 handstand pushups against the wall. Place 1-3 abmats under their heads. As they get better at HSPU’s, take away abmats. Make sure shoulders are packed and glutes are clenched. You may have student spot other students by holding onto their ankle and lifting them up. ___________________________________ SATURDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: 3 REPS DBL KB CLEAN OR SINGLE KB CLEAN SUPERSET with 3 PULLUPS WOD: 25 MIN CUTOFF WOD: 3 ROUNDS 10/10 ALTERNATING SWING 10R/10L CLEAN-SQUAT-PRESS 5R/5L PUSH UPS WITH ONE HAND ON KB 5 TURKISH GETUPS R 5 TURKISH GETUPS L 10/10 KB RUSSIAN TWISTS (if there are no back problems) HANDSTAND CHALLENGE Handstand (Push-up) Practice --Beginner or injured: 30 seconds of push-up plank to downward facing dog. Keep alternating in controlled manner. --Intermediate: Hold a handstand for 20-30 seconds with feet against the wall. --Advanced: 5-10 handstand pushups against the wall. Place 1-3 abmats under their heads. As they get better at HSPU’s, take away abmats. Make sure shoulders are packed and glutes are clenched. You may have student spot other students by holding onto their ankle and lifting them up.
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