BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: L-Sits with Yoga Blocks (Scale appropriately)
Run 1 Lap 20 Sit-ups 30 Double Unders or 150 singles 50 Air Squats 30 Double Unders or 150 singles 20 Sit-ups 1 Lap over head waiter carry (like farmer carry but over head with 2 kb) CORE CHALLENGE! MED BALL Side Throw (Partner up) 20 rounds 20 sec on /10 sec off Partner A Does right then left (each person gets Two 20sec intervals) Partner B Does right then left Partner A Stands in lunge & catches with twist & throws with as much power as possible from the hip. Partner B Throws Ball back TUESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) 15 min STRENGTH: 3R/3L KB BENT PRESS The bent press is an amazing exercise that aids in thoracic mobility, shoulder strength and stability, and allows you to press a great amount of weight overhead. Step 1 - Clean KB Step 2 - Rack KB Step 3 - Bend The bend has a simultaneous corkscrew (your body moving toward the front and the weight moving behind). As you start the bend, most of the weight will be driven into the back leg. As you move under the kettlebell, the weight eventually transfers to the opposite leg. The goal of this movement is to move away and underneath the weight. If you were to look at only the weight (and the forearm), you would see it in the same position. Some people can lock out the arm with the bend. Others might need to squat a little to get completely locked out. It depends on your body type. The goal is to get under the weight and not press it out. Thus, you may need to squat a little to get under it completely. During the bend, you will keep your gaze on the weight. Step 4 - Stand Up With the Weight After the arm is completely extended, you will do a slight corkscrew (opposite of the way down) to stand with the weight overhead. Step 5 - Return the Weight to the Ground 30-45 MIN WOD 15 MIN CUTOFF BUY IN: 5R/5L KB WINDMILL 3 ROUNDS 20 CAL ROW OR BIKE 10 SNATCH R 10 SNATCH L 10 BOX JUMP 10 T2B BUY OUT: 2 100M RUNNING LAPS WITH MEDBALL OVER HEAD (modify for members) CORE CHALLENGECore Circuit 4 Rounds (30 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest) 1) Hanging Leg Raises 2) One-leg Hip Bridges R 3) Weighted Sit-ups 4) One-leg hip bridges L WEDNESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) STRENGTH: CORE 2 minute - Navy Seal Sit Up Test: Remind students of correct Sit Up form, then have students partner up and perform the most situps they can in 2 minutes 3 ROUNDS 30 SEC ON// 20 SEC OFF TRX PIKE KB SITUP AND OVER HEAD PRESS PLANK (TRX PLANK OR EXERCISE BALL TO MAKE IT HARDER) WALL BALL SITUP WOD: 15 MIN AMRAP 5 HANDSTAND KICK UP OR 1 WALL WALK 20 TRX MTN CLIMBER 10 BOX OVERS 20 ABMAT SITUP 10 KB LEGS UP STRAIGHT TOE TOUCH CORE CHALLENGE3 Rounds Wall Walk/ Plank Hold Set a timer at 20/20 seconds. Hold a plank (with feet on wall, if possible). Once the first 20 seconds is up, they will walk their hands towards the wall, holding the handstand position until the bell rings again. They will then walk their hands away from the wall back to the plank position for another 20 secs... You get the idea. This should take 2 mins. -THEN- 8 rounds 20sec on /10sec off Side Vup THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) Skill: 10 min double under skill practice STRENGTH: Lower Pull Strength - Run The Rack For 10 Minutes Perform 10 Reps Each (really focus on getting them to the next level safely) BEGINNER - Single Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift (Goal is 50lbs men, 30lb women) INTERMEDIATE - Double Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift (Goal Is 2-50lb men, 2-30lb women) EXPERT - One Leg Deadlift (Goal Is 2-50lb everyone) WOD: 15 min EMOM ODD MIN: Total of 15 reps (each movement counts as 1 rep. Scale for safety and sill level) Dbl Swing Dbl highpull Dbl snatch EVEN MINUTE: 15 BALL SLAM CORE CHALLENGE1 min situp THEN REPS 20,16,12,8,4 superman Inchworm Bird dog DBL Leg lift with Ceiling Stomp THEN 1 min Situp FRIDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) SKILL: The importance of the hip hinge (see below.) 8 ROUNDS 20 on 10off Dead swing (SEE BELOW VIDEO) STRENGTH:Horizontal Pull Strength - Work On One Of The Exercises For 10 Minutes (really focus on getting them to the next level safely) BEGINNER - One Arm Row Place Other Hand On Wall For Support (Goal Is 3 Slow Reps To Bottom) INTERMEDIATE - One Arm Split Row (Goal Is 5 Reps With 30lb Women/50lb Men) EXPERT - One Arm 2 Kettlebell Row (Goal Is 5 Reps With 2-30lb Women/2-50lb Men) WOD: 3 Rounds of 5min work 1 min Plank (for 5 min get as many circuits of the exercises as possible then when 5 min runs out stop and hold a 1 min plank. That is 1 round) 12 Renegade Row 12 Ring Dips 12 (6R/6L) Pistols 12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls CORE CHALLENGE8 MINUTE E.M.O.M. - 7 Hanging Leg raises (SLOW!) -Every minute on the minute, perform 7 hanging leg raises. Modifications: Beginner: just raise knees to hip height Intermediate: Raise knees to armpits Hard: Actually touch knees to elbows (for real) Advanced: Touch toes to bar SATURDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) STRENGTH: 5 REPS KB SWING, FLIP AND SQUAT SUPERSET WITH 10 GOBLET SQUAT 3 SETS @ TOP WEIGHT WOD 20 MIN CUTOFF 5 ROUNDS 10 TRX SIDE LUNGE 250M ROW 10R/10L LUNGE BALL SLAM 10 WALL BALL 50m Heavy Farmer Carry CORE CHALLENGE30/20/10 -AB MAT SITUP -OBLIQUE VUP (FULL REPS ON EACH SIDE) -VUP -SWIMMERS
1 Comment
6/11/2018 04:21:47 am
To those people who want to be strong physically, I want to to encourage everyone to go to gym and get a fitness trainer. This is going to be challenging, but you will get the result that you want if you will start and end up being dedicated. The warm up routine was a bit challenging, but I am hoping that you will teach us more routines that are easy that's meant for the begginers. I am looking forward for that!
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