BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) ALL VERSIONS OF THE MURPH ARE FOR BEST TIME THE MURPH!!!! 1 mile Run (row 1609m) 100 Pullups 200 Pushups 300 Squats 1 mile Run (row 1609m) MODIFIED VERSIONS (half Murph) one time through 1/2 mile run (row 804m) 50 pullups 100 pushups 150 squats 1/2 mile run OR 10 rounds 300m run or row 10 pullups 20 pushups 30 squats TUESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) 15 min STRENGTH: TGU/ Lunge/ Run 15 minute 1 TGU left -at top of TGU, clients will do 1 lap of walking lunges with the bell in the rack position. When they return to their mat, they will "get down". 250m Run Repeat on right side 250m Run WOD: One Time Through FAST 30 Burpees 30 OA High Pull (R) 30 OA High Pull (L) 30 Weighted Jump Lunges 300 Rope Skips -OR- 100 Doubles RUN/ROW CHALLENGE 500 m RUN or ROW for TIME WEDNESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) STRENGTH: 1 STRICT PRESS + 2 PUSH PRESS -Perform 1 strict shoulder press and then 2 push press directly after. This is one round. Run the rack using this press sequence till you find your top weight. Do 3 sets at your top weight. (The strict press will be the limiting factor) WOD: 15 Minute ASCENDING AMRAP: 1,2,3... R/L TRX Power Pull 1,2,3...Knees to Elbows 1,2,3... Wall Balls 10,20,30 KB SWING RUN/ROW CHALLENGE 750m RUN or ROW for Time THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) STRENGTH: Core **Perform each exercise for 3 rounds - 30 seconds exercise, 15 seconds of rest. Complete ALL 3 rounds of 1 exercise before moving onto the next one (not as a circuit). Split up group as needs if TRX's are limited. Give as much transition time in between exercise as needed for set-up. 1. TRX Pikes (mod: TRX Knee tucks) 2. TRX Hamstring Curls 3. Chinees 4. Supermen WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 -Double Unders (5X jump ropes) - BALL SLAM -PULL UP -Sit-ups RUN/ROW CHALLENGE 1 mile RUN or ROW for time. FRIDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) STRENGTH: 4R/4L reps DBL or Single KB SNATCH **Run the rack with SNATCH. Complete 4 rounds of 8 (4R/4L) reps at top weight.** WOD: 3 Rounds: 10 H.R. Push-ups 10 Sit-ups 10 Alt. One arm Swings 2 Rounds: 15 Goblet Squats 15 TRX rows 15 Goblet Push Press 50 Jump Ropes or 10 DBL Unders 1 Round: 20 Burpees (no push-ups) 20 Coffin Situps with KB 20R/20L. High Knees 500m run SATURDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) STRENGTH: PARNTER Ladder TRX Row & Split Row - Have everyone partner up for the ladder TRX row & SPLIT row. Partner A does 1 TRX row then Partner B does 1 SPLIT ROW Then SWITCH. Partner A does 2 and B does 2. Move up in reps each set by 1 until you can’t complete the set. Then restart back at the beginning.WOD: 16 minute E.M.O.M. Minute 1,5,9,13: 50m SPRINT (RUN OR ROW) Minute 2,6,10,14: 10 Thrusters + 10 KB Russian Twist Minute 3,7,11,15: 1 rep SWING,HIGH PULL, SNATCH R. 1 rep SWING,HIGH PULL, SNATCH L. Minute 4,8,12,16: 10 Dips + 10 superwomen
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