BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: Squat 5 min Static squat hold and run! Partner up.One partner holds a static squat, while partner completes a 250m run. and switch. 5 min Complete 3 rounds 5 rep max dbl kb squat. WOD: 15 min AMRAP Add 2 reps reach round! (Wall sit time doesn't change) 30 sec single leg wallsit r 30 sec single leg wallsit L 10 ab mat Situps 10 WALL BALL 10 KB Clean to reverse lunge R 10 KB Clean to reverse lunge L 10 TRX Rear foot elevated split squat R 10 TRX Rear foot elevated split squat L : GRIP STRENGTH CHALLENGE 8 rounds 20/10 HEAVY farmer carry ____________________________________ TUESDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: Press (H) 3 rounds 30 sec plank hold 30 sec pushup 10 min Form a circle. Moving clock wise around the circle. One person goes at a time. Each person does 10 DBL KB CHEST PRESS and holds reverse plank or hollow body hold till it is their turn again. If one person falls from plank everyone does 5 inch worms. Then resume. WOD: for your best time! (15 min cut off) 3 rounds 10 single leg deadlift R 10 pushups 10 single leg deadlift L 10 pushups 1 TGU R 10 pushups 1 TGU L 50m DBL KB Waiter Carry GRIP STRENGTH CHALLENGE 3 Laps across TRX AFRAME monkey bar ______________________________________ WEDNESDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH Core TABATA 8 rounds 20 on 10 sec plank of -Side plank hiplifts & 8 rounds 20 on 10 sec hollow body hold -Side V-up: WOD: CHOOSE one of the Below wods 5 rounds 20 min cutoff 8 Burpee 8 Sit out R/L 8 DBL KB Bent over row 4/4 Snatch R/L 4/4 DBL KB Reverse Lunge OR FLOW Version (ADVANCED) DO THIS FOR 5 ROUNDS (Below is 1 round) Press back to Sit out R Press back to Sit out L Press Back to DBL KB Bent over row to OA Snatch as you same leg reverse lunge R Press back to Sit out R Press back to Sit out L Press Back to DBL KB Bent over row to OA Snatch as you same leg reverse lunge L GRIP STRENGTH CHALLENGE 8 rounds 20/10 BAR HANG (with optional L-Sit hold) ____________________________________ THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH 10 min KB DEADLIFT & HEAVY SWING R.T.R (run the rack) 5 reps KB DEADLIFT after each deadlift stay on the same designated heavy weight KB and swing 10 reps. Then move up to next kb. When you get to heaviest go back to the beginning and R.T.R again. WOD: PARTNER UP! 15 min AMRAP with Ascending reps ADD 5 reps every round PARTNER does situps while waiting to go 5 KB ONE LEG DEADLIFT R 5 KB SWING CLEANS R 5 KB STRICT PRESS R THEN PARTNER GOES on Right arm 5 KB ONE LEG DEADLIFT L 5 KB SWING CLEANS L 5 KB STRICT PRESS L THEN PARTNER GOES on Left arm (Switch partners when switching arms) GRIP STRENGTH CHALLENGE 8 rounds 20/10 CHIN OVER BAR HANG ___________________________________ FRIDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH Pull (V) 10 min PARTNER PULLUPS! CHOOSE to add reps or add weight Starting at 1 pullup go up to 10 & back to 1. If they are adding weight stay at 3 reps. (PARTNER PRACTICES HANDSTAND WHILE WAITING) Before wod complete 10 Burpee pullups and one run. WOD: 10 Rounds 45 sec on 15 sec off Alternate between to two exercises -SEATED DBL KB STRICT PRESS or HAND STAND PUSHUP or PIKE PUSHUP -Strict Pullup 5 Min AMRAP 5 Burpee Box Jumps 10 Ball Slam GRIP STRENGTH CHALLENGE 5 min farmer carry when you put it down do 30 mtn climbers ___________________________________ SATURDAY: BENCH MARK! BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH LUNGE 10min R.T.R DBL KB LUNGE LUNGE WITH WEIGHT ACROSS ROOM. PUT DOWN WEIGHT. Reverse lunge back to other side of room and pick up next heaviest weights. When you get to your heaviest weight stay at the weight and continue to lunge till 10min is up. BENCH MARK WOD!: Lisa 20 minute AMRAP Beginner 20 V ups legs up knees bent hands to toes 20 Swings (Two hands one kettlebell) 15+lb Women 20+lb Men 20 Squats to parallel position (top of knee higher than crease of hip Run 250m Intermediate 20 V ups legs stay up hands to toes 20 Swings (Two hands one kettlebell) 35lb Women 53lb Men 20 Alternating Lunges Total(Back Knee Kisses Ground) Run 250m Advanced 20 V ups full extension hands to toes 20 Swings (Two hands one kettlebell) 53lb Women 70+lb Men 20 Jump Lunges Total(Back Knee Kisses Ground) Run 250m GRIP STRENGTH CHALLENGE 8 rounds 20/10 Alternate between the two exercises farmer carry Bar Hang
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