0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Vertical Pull Strength -Weighted Pullups (Work on scapular retraction. Shoulder blades in back pockets) Have clients partner up and work up to their 1 rep max. Add weight for advanced clients. Repeat top set 3X 30-45 WOD 15 minute AMRAP: 2 Wall Walks 4 Over mat Burpees 6/6 Sitouts 8/8 Jump Lunge 10 Heavy Swings (KX 40+W/70+M) (Emphasize quick transitions) BACK CHALLENGE 3 rounds 15 TRX Back fly 15 Bent over row TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Lunges - The lunge is a great movement for developing the thighs and strengthening the hips. Lunges target two primary muscles groups: 1) the hip extensors, comprising the gluteal muscles (glutes) and hamstrings 2) the knee extensors, made up of the four muscles collectively known as the quadriceps. The muscles used in the lunge are the same as those utilized in the squat, but the lunge provides greater range of motion, allowing more substantial glute and hamstring development. 10 ROUNDS (8 MINish) 30 ON / 15 OFF RUN THE RACK. FRONT LUNGE EVERY 30 SECONDS, THEN MOVE UP TO THE NEXT KETTLEBELL. WHEN YOU GET TO YOUR HEAVIEST STAY ON IT. 30-45 WOD START WITH: 1 MIN FARMER WALK (KX 53+W/80+M) THEN 10 MIN AMRAP 5R/5L DBLKB BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT ON TRX OR BOX (KX 35W/53M) 10 KETTLEBELL SWING WITH FLIP TO SQUAT (KX 35W/53M) 15 TRX HAMSTRING CURL 1 MIN PLANK THEN END WITH: 1 MIN FARMER WALK (KX 53+W/80+M) BACK CHALLENGE 3 rounds 10 Renegade row 10 Banded lat pulldown WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Press Strength - Run The Rack On The Press For 5 Reps (3 sets of 5 reps on top weight) (really focus on getting them to the next level safely) BEGINNER - One Arm Press (Goal Is 5 Reps With 30lbs Women/50lbs Men) INTERMEDIATE - One Arm Bottoms Up Press (Goal Is 5 Reps With 30lbs Women/50lbs Men) EXPERT - One Arm 2 Kettlebell Press (Goal Is 1 Rep With 2-30lbs Women/2-50lb Men) 30-45 WOD 15 Minute ASCENDING AMRAP: 1,2,3... R/L TRX Power Pull 1,2,3...Knees to Elbows 1,2,3... Wall Balls (KX 14W/20M) 10,20,30 Jump Rope (KX 5,10,15 ..DBL UNDER) THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 CORE Hanging Leg Raises - Form 2 lines behind the pullup bars and have them perform a set close to failure of one of the following variations of the hanging leg raise. You should be able to get 3-5 sets in. (Progress to the next exercise when they can do 3 or more sets of 10 reps) BEGINER - Hanging Knee Raises INTERMEDIATE - Hanging Knees To Elbows ADVANCED - Hanging Toes To Bar EXPERT - Strict Toes To Bar (SLOW) 30-45 WOD: 3 ROUNDS 45on/15off (15 MIN TOTAL) 1. SPIDERMAN PLANK 2. HALO R (KX 35W/53M) 3. HALO L 4. L SIT HANGING FROM BAR 5. HOLLOW BODY ROCK BACK CHALLENGE 3 rounds 3-5 pullups 10 Banded pull a parts FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 KB SNATCH 10 min (5min RTR//5min Timed Snatch) RUN THE RACK: Start at lowest weight and work your way up to most challenging weight. If the cannot snatch have them start at the top of the snatch and swing it from overhead to a clean position and then strict press it up. If they are not confident with the correct form do not let them move up to a heavier weight. They can use this time to practice form. 5 KB SNATCH R/ 5KB SNATCH L (move up to next weight.) 30-45 WOD Get As Far Through The List As Possible In 15 Minutes: 100 Rope Skips (50 dbl unders) 20 PULLUPS 90 Rope Skips (45 dbl unders) 20 DBL KB Swings (KX DBL 25W/45M) 80 Rope Skips (40 dbl unders) 20 Jump Lunges (10 R/10 L) 70 Rope Skips (35 dbl unders) 20 One Leg Deadlifts (10 R/10 L) 60 Rope Skips (30 dbl unders) 20 Goblet Squats (KX 40W/70M) 50 Rope Skips (25 dbl unders) 20 Bottoms Up Presses (10 R/10 L) (KX 20W/40M) 40 Rope Skips (20 dbl unders) 20 Wall Balls (KX 14W/20M) 30 Rope Skips (15 dbl unders) 20/20 Mountain Climbers (R&L) 20 Rope Skips (10 dbl unders) 20 Burpees 10 Rope Skips (5 dbl unders) BACK CHALLENGE 8 rounds 20/10 trx back fly SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Horizontal Pull Strength - Work On One Of The Exercises For 10 Minutes (3 sets of 5 heavy reps at top weight) (really focus on getting them to the next level safely) BEGINNER - One Arm Row Place Other Hand On Wall For Support (Goal Is 3 Slow Reps To Bottom) INTERMEDIATE - One Arm Split Row (Goal Is 5 Reps With 30lb Women/50lb Men) EXPERT - One Arm 2 Kettlebell Row (Goal Is 5 Reps With 2-30lb Women/2-50lb Men) 30-45 WOD 3 X 4 Minute AMRAP Of: CIRCUIT #1 (4 Minutes) Sprint 1 Lap First Then Do As Many Rounds Of The Following: 10 Snatches Right 10 Snatches Left ***REST 1 MINUTE*** CIRCUIT #2 (4 Minutes) Sprint 1 Lap First Then Do As Many Rounds Of The Following: 10/10 KB Clean (KX 35W/53M) 5 Vups ***REST 1 MINUTE*** CIRCUIT #3 (4 Minutes) Sprint 1 Lap First Then Do As Many Rounds Of The Following: Max Amount Of Burpee Box Jump BACK CHALLENGE 8 rounds 20/10 Reverse plank hold
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