TXT PROGRAMMING 1/8/18-1/13/18 STRENGTH WEEK: #10 January PLANK CHALLENGE WEEK 2. There are optional extra credit PLANK workout after every WOD to do with your class. MONDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) \ DOWELS STRETCH (5 MIN) WARMUP YOUR CHOICE :) STRENGTH:STRICT PULL-UPS BRO DEMO -Beginner: Shoot for 15-20 very assisted pull-ups (Bands or TRX pull-ups) -Intermediate: Shoot for 18-24 strict-pull-ups -Advanced: Shoot for 20-30 pull-ups (hard modifications= L-sit pull-ups or weighted pull-ups) *****Have Clients get into groups and break up the pull-ups in sets of 3-5 reps. No kipping. (Side note: kipping is generally safest when clients can do 2-3 strict pull-ups***** WOD: 3 Rounds: 10 Goblet Lunges (5/5) 10 Sit out (5/5) 250m Run 2 Rounds: 15 V-ups 15 Russian High Pulls 15 box jumps (modification: 10 high TRX jump squats) 1 Round: -8 TGU (4R/4L) PLANK CHALLENGE EXTRA CREDIT: 3 MIN PLANK NO REST 30 sec Resistance band single leg pull L DEMO 30 sec Resistance band single leg pull R 30 sec Resistance band single leg pull L 30 sec Resistance band single leg pull R 30 sec Resistance band single leg pull L 30 sec Resistance band single leg pull R TUESDAY GET THE CLASS IN A CIRCLE AND HELP THEM GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER DURING BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10 MIN) STRENGTH: 1 LAP WALKING LUNGE DBL KB WITH 10 REPS SIDE LUNGE RUN THE RACK WORKING UP TO HEAVIEST KB WITH BEST FORM . BEFORE MOVING UP TO NEXT WEIGHT DO 10 REPS SIDE LUNGE. WOD 20 MIN CUTOFF Benchmark Jason (CLASS SHOULD LOG HOW FAR THEY GOT) 20 Minute Ascending AMRAP. Start at 3 rep and add 1 rep each round for the entire 20 minutes. Stay on an exercise until you complete that number of reps before you move on. Beginner
PLANK CHALLENGE EXTRA CREDIT: 4 MIN PLANK NO REST 45 sec Straight Arm Plank 15 sec Plank resistance band pull DEMO 45 sec Straight Arm Plank 15 sec Plank resistance band pull 45 sec Straight Arm Plank 15 sec Plank resistance band pull 45 sec Straight Arm Plank 15 sec Plank resistance band pull WEDNESDAY MOBILIZE TOGETHER AS A GROUP BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN)dynamic stretch STRENGTH: Turkish Get Up w/ Press http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vWKMuDH528 Link doesn't show the press, but you guys get the point:) Have clients work up to a 1 rep max doing a press at each of the seven stations of the Get Up. No need to get back down- just place the bell back on the floor. Repeat top set 2X. Once again, plenty of rest between sets. WOD: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of... OA Snatch (R) OA rack squat w/ KB (R) OA Snatch (L) OA rack squat w/ KB (L) PLANK CHALLENGE EXTRA CREDIT: RESISTANCE BAND SHOULD BE ACROSS BACK Pass a resistance band around your upper back and hold the ends in your hand. Get into a plank position on forearms and toes, securing the band under your hands. Keep the spine in neutral. 5 MIN PLANK NO REST DEMO OF ALL 50 sec 4 POINT PLANK WITH RESISTANCE BAND 10 sec KNEE LIFT PLANK WITH RESISTANCE BAND 50 sec PLANK WITH RESISTANCE BAND 10 sec SHOULDER TAP PLANK WITH RESISTANCE BAND 50 sec TOE TAP PLANK WITH RESISTANCE BAND 10 sec MTN CLIMBER PLANK WITH RESISTANCE BAND 50 sec KNEE TO ELBOW PLANK WITH RESISTANCE BAND R 10 sec T ROTATION PLANK WITH RESISTANCE BAND r 50 sec KNEE TO ELBOW PLANK WITH RESISTANCE BAND L 10 sec T ROTATION PLANK WITH RESISTANCE BAND L THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: CORE 6 Rounds of Each (20 sec on/ 10 sec off) 1- Weighted V Up (Holding KB in hands) 2- Grasshoppa 3- Side V Up (Alternating sides ea round) WOD: 3 AMRAPS 4 Min AMRAP 10 Vups 10 Ball Slams -50 Dbl Unders- 4 Min AMRAP 10 Side Plank Hip Ups 10 KB Highpull (DBL or Single) -50 Dbl Unders- PLANK CHALLENGE EXTRA CREDIT: DEMO 6 MIN PLANK NO REST 1MIN PLANK JACK WITH RESISTANCE BAND AROUND ANKLES 30 sec PLANK 1MIN PLANK JACK WITH RESISTANCE BAND AROUND ANKLES 30 sec PLANK 1MIN PLANK JACK WITH RESISTANCE BAND AROUND ANKLES 30 sec PLANK 1MIN PLANK JACK WITH RESISTANCE BAND AROUND ANKLES 30 sec PLANK FRIDAY MOBILIZE TOGETHER AS A GROUP BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN)dynamic stretch SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) WARMUP: 1 LAP MONKEY WALK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsX3zsU-G5Q 20 DEAD BUGS 30 LEG LIFTS SKILL: 3x 20-SECOND HANDSTAND AGAINST WALL modify with: plank STRENGTH: DEADLIFTS -Run the rack up to max weight, then 5X5 DEADLIFTS @ top weight. They should only rest 45 sec to 1 Min between weights. WOD: 10 MIN AMRAP: 7 Burpee jumping jacks (jumping jacks instead of jump) 10 Double KB Thrusters 14 Traveling KB lunges (same weight as thrusters) PLANK CHALLENGE EXTRA CREDIT:DEMO 7 MIN PLANK NO REST 1MIN SIDE PLANK ROW R 1 MIN SIDE PLANK ROW L 1MIN SIDE PLANK ROW R 1 MIN SIDE PLANK ROW L 1MIN SIDE PLANK ROW R 1 MIN SIDE PLANK ROW L 1 MIN PLANK SATURDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Upper body dynamic stretch https://youtu.be/yKjfZaLAf48 DOWELS (5 MIN) WARMUP: 3 ROUNDS 20 HOLLOW BODY ROCK 20 SUPERMAN ROCK 10 SEC CROW POSE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xrS2fUhN1s Skill: 3X10 Toes-to-bar (TEACH THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN KIPPING AND CONTROLLED.) STRENGTH: Bicep Curl to Strict Press (Arnold Press with KB)DEMO KB BICEP CURL DEMO 5X3 Max Strict Press superset with TRX Bicep Curl DEMO -THEN- 1X15 @ half your max weight for Strict press WOD 15 MINUTE AMRAP: -25 Double unders -10 (5R/5L) Pistols -8 OH Lunges (modify appropriately) -6 Burpee Pullups PLANK CHALLENGE EXTRA CREDIT: 8 MIN PLANK NO REST 1 MIN PUSHUP 1 MIN PLANK 1 MIN PUSHUP 1 MIN PLANK 1 MIN PUSHUP 1 MIN PLANK 1 MIN PUSHUP 1 MIN PLANK
1 Comment
1/15/2018 03:15:26 am
I'll be sure to follow your strength guide for this week's exercise. I've been following you for quite some time now. I know that you're very knowledgeable in this field. I'm very optimistic about my ideal physique and I hope that I can attain it. Ever since I've used your tips, I've been seeing some big improvements. Thank you for sharing this helpful guide and I'll be sharing this with my mates back in the gym.
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