0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique,Lower body dynamic stretch 10-20 min SKILL WORK:
12 Minute AMRAP: 10 DEEP TRX Rows 10 Hand-release Push-ups 10/10 Bicycles 10 Wall Ball Burpees 5 plank walk pushups to the right 5 plank walk pushups to the left January CHALLENGE Bi's & Tri's 8 rounds 20/10 (alternate between the two every round) TRX Bicep Curl TRX Tricep extension TUESDAY New years DAY! 0-15 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 15 - 20 min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) 20-30 min STRENGTH: TGU/ TSU
30-45 min WOD: 3 AMRAPS 5 Min AMRAP 20 Situps 20 Plank Wall Touches (Touch wall with alternating hands. Keep spine neutral and core intact) 20 Leg Lifts over KB -250M Run- or 100 jump rope 5 Min AMRAP 20 Mtn Climbers 10 Side plank hip ups 5 box jump -250M Run- or 100 jump rope 1 Min AMR(reps)AP Toes to bar Burnout or V-Up! Make sure they count their reps! January CHALLENGE Bi's & Tri's 3 rounds 10 spiderman pushups 10 dips (ring, bench or bar) WEDNESDAY 0-10 min Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Upper body dynamic stretch 10-20 min STRENGTH: DBL KB CLEAN
25-45Min WOD: Do it top to bottom no chipping 7 R/7 L- One legged squats (I- TRX assist B- 2 legs)10 - Pull-ups (I- Banded pullup B- TRX Rows) 150- Jump Rope15 R/15 L- Snatch (I- High Pull B- Swing)20 - DBL KB Dead Lifts25 - Weight overhead sit-up (I- weight on chest B- normal sit-up) 30/30- Jump Lunges40 - Toes to Bar ( Int: knees to elbow B- knees to as far as possible or V-ups) 50 - Burpees 80 - Mountain Climbers 1 min plank January CHALLENGE Bi's & Tri's 5 rounds 5 chinup 15 resistance band pulldowns THURSDAY 0-10 min Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique /Upper body dynamic stretch 10-20 MIN STRENGTH TRX L-sit pull-up ladder. reps 1-10 Have clients partner up and perform a pullup ladder starting at one rep, and ascending to ten reps. Advanced- strict, hanging Intermediate- strict, bent knee, feet touch ground every rep Beginner- strict, bent knee, feet remain on the ground 28-45 min WOD: 8 Minute AbRAP haha 10 Russian Twist 10 Side Vup 10 Diagonal Toe Touch 8 min EMOM: 10 ball slam 5 knees to elbow January CHALLENGE Bi's & Tri's 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 standing skull crusher hammer curl FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique,Lower body dynamic stretch 20-30MIN STRENGTH: Partner Lunges
30-45min WOD: 1 round 10 spinal rock/ burpees 5 rounds 5 Heavy DBL KB Deadlift 10 Push-ups 1 Round 10 Spinal rock/ burpees 5 Rounds 5 Heavy DBL KB Deadlift 10 TRX rows 1 round 10 Spinal rock/ burpees January CHALLENGE Bi's & Tri's just bi's today 6 rounds 6 TRX cross chest curl 6 TRX Hercules curl L 6 TRX Hercules curl R 6 TRX chest tap curl SATURDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, 10-20 FUN WARMUP GAME 20-30 MIN STRENGTH RTR Half Kneeling Press Have clients reach a 5 rep max on the Half Kneeling Press. Position is basically the bottom of a lunge with one knee resting on the ground. If left leg is in front, the bell should be in the left hand. Have clients really weight their lead foot and tell them they should feel like they could stand up at any moment. Repeat top set 3X 30-45 min WOD: 15 Minute ASCENDING AMRAP: 1,2,3... R/L TRX Power Pull 1,2,3...Knees to Elbows 1,2,3... Wall Balls 10,20,30 Jump Rope 50 m FARMER CARRY (this never changes) January CHALLENGE Bi's & Tri's just tri's today 6 rounds 6 TRX MUSCLE UP 6 TRX EXTENSION 6 feet in TRX close grip pushup
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