1/25/21-1/30/21 STRENGTH WEEK: #9 MONDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique,Lower body dynamic stretch https://youtu.be/xnLaMMIaVZo WARMUP: 1 LAP MONKEY WALK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsX3zsU-G5Q 20 DEAD BUGS 30 LEG LIFTS 10-20min SKILL: 3x 20-SECOND HANDSTAND AGAINST WALL ---modify with: plank 20-30min STRENGTH: Lift Strength DEADLIFTS -Run the rack up to max weight, then: 5X5 DEADLIFTS @ top weight. They should only rest 45 sec to 1 Min between weights. 30-45min WOD: 10 MIN AMRAP: 7 Burpee jumping jacks (jumping jacks instead of jump) 10 Double KB Thrusters 14 Traveling KB lunges (same weight as thrusters) SPRINT -then, WITHOUT REST, go directly into: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 - Swings - Sit-ups TUESDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Upper body dynamic stretch https://youtu.be/yKjfZaLAf48 WARMUP: 3 ROUNDS 20 HOLLOW BODY ROCK 20 SUPERMAN ROCK 5 SEC CROW POSE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xrS2fUhN1s Skill: (if you have a bar use it) 3X10 Toes-to-bar (TEACH THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN KIPPING AND CONTROLLED.) 20-30MIN STRENGTH: Horizontal Pull Bicep Curl to Strict Press (Arnold Press with KB) 5 sets of 10 reps Max Strict Press superset with TRX Bicep Curl (if you have access to a trx) -THEN- 1X30 reps @ half your max weight for Strict press 30-45min WOD 15 MINUTE AMRAP: -25 OH KB Swing -10 (5R/5L) Pistols -8 OH Lunges (modify appropriately) -6 Burpee Pullups (modify appropriately) WEDNESDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Upper body dynamic stretch https://youtu.be/yKjfZaLAf48 10-20 WARMUP: 2 rounds 30 seconds Downward Dog Hold 15 Scapular Push Ups 15 Band Pull Downs (to engage Lat.) 20-30MIN STRENGTH: Squat 8 minute EMOM: -4 double cleans + 5 squats (Weights touch the ground after every clean. When 4 cleans are completed, then perform 5 squats GOBLET hold kettlebells) 30-45MIN WOD TABATAS: FINISH EACH TABATA BEFORE MOVING TO THE NEXT EXERCISE (8 ROUNDS 20ON/10OFF) - Sumo deadlift high pulls - TRX Rows + JUMP SQUAT - Wall ball Burpee - 10 bicycles + 3 situp (in same 20 sec) THURSDAY 0-10 min Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique /Upper body dynamic stretch https://youtu.be/yKjfZaLAf48 10-20MIN WARMUP: 3 ROUNDS 5 Push Up to Dip ON dbl KB 5/5 KB Halos 5 HINDU PUSHUP 20-30MIN STRENGTH: Horizontal Press 5 Rounds 5 dbl kb chest press 10 diamond pushup 30-45min WOD: 21-18-15-12-9 -Goblet Squats -Hand release Pushups -Abmat Sit-ups -TRX tricep press or KB tricep ext FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique,Lower body dynamic stretch https://youtu.be/xnLaMMIaVZo Warm Up: 3 ROUNDS 30 ON/10 OFF TRX Seated Pullup KB Overhead Carry Hollow Body Hold 20-30MIN STRENGTH: Core 10 min EMOM: 1R/1L Turkish Get-up (only let them choose a weight that allowed them to finish the minute) -then- 3X10 weighted sit-ups 30-45MIN WOD: 3 ROUNDS 10 KB Squat, Catch and Press (start with kb on the ground) 10R/10L 1 Arm Kettlebell Row (balance on one leg to make it harder) 10R/10L Single Rack Reverse Lunge 10 Renegade row Run or Row 250M SATURDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Lower body dynamic stretch https://youtu.be/xnLaMMIaVZo Warm Up: 2x 15R/15L Side Lunges 20 reps TRX Rows 20 reps Superman 20-30Min STRENGTH: 10 min AMRAP 10 DEAD LIFT 5/5 elevated glute bridge 10 SUMO DEADLIFT 1 MIN wall sit or squat hold 30-45min WOD: PARTNER CHIPPER! --When it is your turn, you have to complete exactly ten reps before your partner can go; you partner has to PLANK while you're going. Also, the way the reps work is each partner end up doing HALF of the number of reps listed. Example: Partner A does reps 1-10, the Partner B does 11-20, then partner A does 21-30. So on, so forth. Half fun! 60 Hollow Body Rocks 80 WALL BALL 100 KB Swings 120 KB Squats 140 V-UP 160 BALL SLAM 4 laps (each partner does 2 laps in the end. You partner planks while the wait for you)
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