MONDAY REGULAR SCHEDULE Live Oak: 6am Gabe, 8am Derrick, Noon Gabe, 5:30pm Elfin Cabrillo: 6am Tricia, 8am Tricia, noon Margaux, John 6pm Downtown:6am Ariana Westside: 6am Simon, 8am Ariana, 6:30pm Simon Scotts Valley: NO 6am , 6pm Ariana TUESDAY all clubs 8-1pm CHRISTMAS EVE Live Oak: 9am Gabe Cabrillo: No txt Downtown:NO TXT Westside: 8am Ariana Scotts Valley: NO TXT WEDNESDAY ALL CLUBS CLOSED MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! THURSDAY clubs 8am to regular close time Live Oak: 1030am Danielle, 5:30pm Derrick Cabrillo: 9am Ben, 6pm Tricia Downtown: 12pm Derrick Westside: 6:30pm Simon Scotts Valley: NO TXT FRIDAY REGULAR SCHEDULE Live Oak: 6am Gabe, 8am Derrick, Noon Christa, 5:30pm Gabe Cabrillo: 6am Tricia, 8am Tricia, noon Margaux, John 6pm Downtown: 6am Ariana Westside: 6am Simon, 8am Ariana, 6:30pm Simon Scotts Valley: 6am Christa SATURDAY REGULAR SCHEDULE Live Oak: 9am Tricia Cabrillo: 9am Rick Westside: 10:30am Tricia MONDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique,Lower body dynamic stretch Warm Up game or exercises of trainers choice 20-30 Horizontal Press Strength Tempo KB Chest Press 3 sets x 8 reps 3,3,3,0 Tempo ( 3 down, 3 pause at bottom, 3 up, 0 sec pause at top.) KB Skull Crushers 3 sets x 10 reps 30-45 WOD: Partner Chipper: (Each person has a cap of 10 reps and must do 10 reps before their partner can go. Each student must FARMER CARRY HOLD while their partner is performing their exercise) 100 Situps 80 burpees 100 KB swings 100 Double Unders or 300 Rope Skips 4 Laps (both partners must run the lap together!) TUESDAY Christmas EVE! 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Upper body dynamic stretch Warm Up game or exercises of trainers choice WOD 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS!! COMPLETE AS YOU SING THE SONG. 1 REP... 2,1... 3,2,1...4,3,2,1.....5,4,3,2,1...ECT. 1-50 M SPRINT 2- HANDSTAND OR PIKE PUSHUP OR SHOULDER PRESS HEAVY WEIGHT 3- BURPEE PULLUP 4- KB SWING 5- HALO R/L 6- PISTOL (3/3) AKA SINGLE LEG SQUAT 7- DIPS or TRX TRICEP EXT. 8- KB OR DB SNATCH (4/4) 9- T2B OR VUP 10- WALL BALL 11- BOX JUMP 12- HEAVY DEADLIFTS OR SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT (6/6) WEDNESDAY: CHRISTMAS DAY!! 20 min HIIT workout for fun! 20 Min stretch sesh with warmup THURSDAY 0-20 min Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique /Upper body dynamic stretch Warm Up game or exercises of trainers choice 20-30 Vertical Pull Strength Pullup do a ladder with a little rest in between, start at 2, go up by 1 all the way to 10 (if they can, scale as necessary, as well as add weight for advanced) 30-45 WOD 6 Min AMRAP 5 Burpee Pullup 10 Side V Up (ea side) 15 Dbl Under 250M Run 6 Min AMRAP 10 Swing 10 TRX muscle up 10 TRX Jump Squat 250M Run FRIDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique,Lower body dynamic stretch Warm Up game or exercises of trainers choice 15-25 LUNGE Strength DBL KB Reverse Lunge 3 sets x 12 reps. :60-:90 rest between ea set. Tempo KB Front Rack Step Ups 3 sets x 8 reps 3030(:3 up,:0 at the top,:3 down,:0 on the floor.) 25-45 MIN WOD:20MIN CUTOFF 400m RUN THEN: 1 TIME FAST 10 TRX TRICEP PRESS 10 DIVER SITUP 10 KB SKULL CRUSHERS 1 min SWIMMERS 20 BOX OVER 20 TOES TO BAR 15R/15L BOTTOMS UP PRESS 30 AB MAT SITUP AFTER: 400m RUN SATURDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Lower body dynamic stretch Warm Up game or exercises of trainers choice 20-30 Vertical Press Strength KB Strict Press 4 sets x 10 reps Increase off last week. Standing Single Arm KB Strict Press 4 sets x 12 reps 12 on ea side 30-45 WOD: 16 minute E.M.O.M. Minute 1,5,9,13: SPRINT Minute 2,6,10,14: 10 Thrusters + 10 sit-ups Minute 3,7,11,15: 25 D.U. (125 singles) Minute 4,8,12,16: 10 H.R. Push-ups + 10 superwomen
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