0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Vertical Pull Strength 5 ROUNDS 10 rounds (5 MIN) 15 SEC ON/15 SEC OFF HOLD CHIN OVER BAR FOR 15 SEC 5 MIN OF: 3 SETS OF 5 REPS PULLUP NEGATIVES (OR TRX NEGATIVES) IF THEY NEED MORE OF A CHALLENGE GRAB A WEIGHT BELT. PULLUP FAST AND LOWER YOURSELF SLOW. 30-45 WOD 3 Rounds: 10 Pull Up 10 Burpees 250m Run 2 Rounds: 15 V-ups 15 Russian High Pulls (single Kb) 15 box jumps (modification: 7/7 goblet step up) 1 Round: -8 TGU (4R/4L) TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Lunges - 15 minute 1 TGU left -at top of TGU, clients will do 1 lap of walking lunges with the bell in the rack position. When they return to their mat, they will "get down". 250m Run Repeat on right side 250m Run 30-45 WOD 1 round 10 spinal rock/ burpees 5 Rounds 5/5 Single leg Romanian Deadlift 10 Push-ups 1 rounds 10 Spinal rock/ burpees 5 Rounds 5/5 Goblet Bulgarian Split squat 10 TRX rows 1 round 10 Spinal rock/ burpees WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Press Strength 1 STRICT PRESS + 2 PUSH PRESS -Perform 1 strict shoulder press and then 2 push press directly after. This is one round. Run the rack using this press sequence till you find your top weight. Do 3 sets at your top weight. (The strict press will be the limiting factor) 30-45 WOD Buy In: 3X 10 TRX Biceps Curls 10 TRX Triceps Press then: 3 Rounds: 5R/5L Single-arm Swings 10 pull, catch, press ( single kb) 5R/5L Snatch 10 TRX Jump Squats Short Sprint Buy Out: 3X: 10 Sit-ups 20 Leg Scissors 30 Russian Twist THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 CORE **Perform each exercise for 3 rounds - 30 seconds exercise, 15 seconds of rest. Complete ALL 3 rounds of 1 exercise before moving onto the next one (not as a circuit). Split up group as needs if TRX's are limited. Give as much transition time in between exercise as needed for set-up. 1. TRX Pikes (mod: TRX Knee tucks) 2. TRX Hamstring Curls 3. Chinees 4. Supermen 30-45 WOD 10 min EMOM of : 6 dbl kb deadlifts with push press weight 6 push press 6 box jumps or dbl kb Box step up with push press weight Finish with 8 rounds 20/10 Russian Twist with KB FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Lower Pull Strength - STRENGTH: 2R/2L reps DBL or Single KB SNATCH **Run the rack with SNATCH. Complete 4 rounds of 4(2R/2L) reps at top weight.** 30-45 WOD 15 Minute AMRAP: 50 Mountain Climbers 50M/50M One arm waiter carry/ One arm farmer carry 15 Ball Slams 50M traveling lunges (no weight) SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Horizontal Pull Strength - PARNTER Ladder TRX Row & Split Row - Have everyone partner up for the ladder TRX row & SPLIT row. Partner A does 1 TRX row then Partner B does 1 SPLIT ROW Then SWITCH. Partner A does 2 and B does 2. Move up in reps each set by 1 until you can’t complete the set. Then restart back at the beginning. 30-45 WOD 1 round FAST (WORK FOR FULL 15 MIN) 50 DOUBLE KETTLEBELL CHEST PRESS 50 RENEGADE ROW WITH PUSHUP 150 JUMP ROPE OR 50 D.U. 50 TRX MUSCLE UP 50 DIPS (RINGS, TRX OR ON A BOX.) 150 JUMP ROPE OR 50 D.U.
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