Wed 11/25 normal classes and club hours Thur 11/26 No Classes. Clubs are open 8am-1pm on Thanksgiving. We are hosting a socially distanced masked hike on thanksgiving day. We will be meeting at 9am at the Vienna woods trail head on Danube dr. //Cross Road //Wilshire dr.The trail will take about an hour. It is a dog friendly trail. Should be an hour long hike. There will be a body weight workout option with an instructional video by coach Margaux. WOOHOO! Friday Classes will be: (clubs open 8am to normal close time)
PURPLE TIER REQUIREMENTS: All classes must move outside. If you do not have canopies or lights please let me know. Live oak class UPDATE: We have lights for the windward parking lot and we will have safety cones to keep us safe. WHERE TO FIND CLASSES AS OF NEXT WEEK: West Side is outside the aerobics room Scotts Valley is in the gated parking lot Live Oak is in the winward parking lot as of monday and shares the parking lot with FREEFALL MMA TU/TH 10:30am. Cabrillo is in the front parking lot. TXT PROGRAMMING 11/23/20-11/28/20 STRENGTH WEEK: #10 MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 15,10,5 Seated dowel press Pike pushup Shoulder packing in plank 250m RUN ot Row 20-30 Vertical Pull Strength: 10 min cut off 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10… North South Plank R the L 5 Pullup negatives 3 sec lower (zoom or no pullup option OH KB SWING) 10 KB HIGH PULL (from the ground) 10 KB Dead drag 30-45 WOD: 15min AMRAP 2 PULL UPS or 2 WALL WALK or 2 INCH WORM WITH PUSHUP 4 DEAD SWINGS 3/3 SIT OUT 8 JUMP LUNGE 10 KB HEAVY SWING TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 Rounds 10/10 Butt kickers 10 Sumo squat 10 Reverse lunge 20 Jump rope or jump jack 20-30 Lunges - 10 min AMRAP Clean to Reverse Lunge R Clean to Reverse Lunge L Lateral Lunge to Overhead press R (goblet or dbl KB) Lateral Lunge to Overhead press L Goblet Box Step Up R Goblet Box Step Up L 30-45 WOD: 15 MIN AMRAP 1 TURKISH GET UP R 5/5 GOBLET FORWARD LUNGE 1 TURKISH GET DOWN R 10 KB SITUP 1 TURKISH GET UP L 5/5 GOBLET REVERSE LUNGE 1 TURKISH GET DOWN L 10 KB V-UP or T2B 10 BOX OVER BURPEES or LATERAL BURPEES WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 30 sec on each PLEASE WATCH SHOULDER INFORMATIONAL VIDEO it will explain the exercises you will need pullup bands for this External rotation with band with 5 sec hold Horizontal abduction with band 5 sec hold Cheerleader with band 5 sec hold 20-30 Press Strength 3 ROUNDS 45 SEC ON 15 SEC PLANK HOLD KB PRESS L// SWING SWITCH // KB PRESS R KB GOBLET Pull from ground to chin then PRESS OVER HEAD PIKE PUSHUP or HSPU 30-45 WOD: 3 ROUNDS at 5 MIN each Start at 1 rep each and add a rep each round. Continuously circuit through the exercises, stop at 5min timer and do 5 INCHWORM BALL SLAM. Then continue where you left off. KB WINDMILL R KB WINDMILL L KB RENEGADE ROW + PUSHUP KB OVERHEAD SQUAT R KB OVERHEAD SQUAT L ROW 250M (rowing meters never change) THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, MOBILITY WARMUP 10 MIN Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 5 walk out push ups 5/5 curtsy lunge to knee hug 10 leg lift toe touch 15/15 cross body climbers 20-30 CORE 10 Min Amrap: 10 sit up bridge to opposite reach 10 knee huggers 10 hollow body rocks 10 dbl bicycle to sit up 10 double plank jack/mountain climber 30-45 WOD: Buy in: 5 inchworm/push back/hop forward/shuffle back 30 mountain climbers 15 - 20 min AMRAP 10 reverse push ups 5 spinal rocks 10 double jump squat to dbl jump lunge 5 burpees 5/5 side step sit out 5 tuck jumps 10 ceiling stomp to sit up 5 dbl high knees to sprawl Buy out: repeat buy in! POST WORKOUT STRETCH FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 Min Amrap 10 Single leg glute bridge R 10 Single leg glute bridge R 10 TRX Deep squat or hold a KB and get low squat 10 Step over & Step Under 10 KB Good morning 20-30 Lower Pull Strength - 10 min AMRAP 10 TRX HAMSTRING CURL (can use towel or exercise ball at home) 5/5 SINGLE LEG DEAD LIFT 10 SUMO DEADLIFT HIGH PULL 30-45 WOD: 5-10-15-20-15-10-5 (15 min cutoff if you finish before 15 min climb the pyramid again. This should be fast and light.) SIT UP BICYCLE (DBL REPS) MTN CLIMBER (DBL REPS) SUPERMAN BALL SLAM DEAD LIFT SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 30/10 Pike toe touch Ball slam toss over the shoulder Toe taps on ball Jump jack 20-30 Horizontal Pull Strength - 10 MIN EMOM ODD MIN: COMPLETE all in the min rest for the remainder of the min 5 TRX or BOX PLANK & ONE ARM ROW R 5 TRX or BOX PLANK & ONE ARM ROW L 3/3 PLANK PULL THROUGH EVEN MIN: TRX ROW BURNOUT 30-45 WOD: 5 MIN AMRAP 5 PULL//CATCH//SQUAT 10 BOX JUMP 5 MIN AMRAP 5 BURPEE to HIGH PULL 5 SPINAL ROCK TO JUMP or HANDSTAND 5 MIN AMRAP 2/2 SINGLE LEG SQUAT 3/3 LAWN MOWER ROW 4 DBL SNATCH
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