MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Vertical Press Strength Vertical Press Strength LUNGE AND ALTERNATING STRICT PRESS (start standing then lunge to kneeling position and press right and left(1 rep,) then reverse lunge back to standing. Then lunge on other leg and press right and left (2 rep.) Always do presses in kneeling position of lunge. RTR on LUNGE and alternating kb strict press for 5 reps, repeat top set 5 times, if time start over RTR bottoms up style 30-45 WOD PARTNER EMOM: CIRCUIT THROUGH EMOMS. PARTNERS WILL SPLIT REPS however they please. Rest the remainder of the min. If you do not finish before min is over you get no rest. Move to the next emom. Circuit through all 3 EMOMS 4x so it takes 12min. (Example start with EMOM 1, then do 2, then do 3. Then start over at 1 and circuit through again.) EMOM 1: 10 T2B or v-up 20 Over head KB SWING (kx 35w/53m) EMOM 2: 20 cal row 20 H.R. Pushups EMOM 3: 100m dbl kB waiter carry (kx 25w/40m) 20 TRX ELBOWS WIDE ROW TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Core Strength 30 sec of each exercise for 3 rounds, no rest: Lateral Med Ball Throw R (Rotational twist with ball throw at wall. Please make sure the wall will not crumble.) Lateral Med Ball Throw L Flutter kick Plank Side plank hip Lift R Side plank hip Lift L 30-45 WOD 3 rounds: 1/1 Turkish getup, (kx 35w/53m) 10 sumo deadlift high pull, (kx 53w/80m) 10 jump squat 50M farmer carry (kx dbl 40w/80m) 250m Run (RX with med ball) WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Lift Strength RTR on the SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT with 6 reps – repeat top set 3 times with a set of 10 KB DEAD DRAG in between 30-45 WOD "Tyler Bro" 25 minute Chipper Set - Must complete all exercises in 25 mins, can alternate exercises at choice (may want little pieces of scratch paper to keep track) 10 Laps Running (1 lap is 250m) 50 Double Snatches (kettlebell each arm) (double 20's / double 35's) 50 Full Burpees 75 Goblet Squats (35w / 53m) 125 Sit Ups 500 Rope Skips THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Horizontal Pull Strength RTR with 5 rep DBL KB Bent Over Row superset with 15 rep banded tricep pulldown When you reach your top weight for dbl kB bent over row do 5 sets with banded tricep pulldowns. 30-45 WOD 15 Minute AMRAP Of: Short Run 100m 50m goblet Walking Lunges 10 TRX Rows Short Run 100m 50m Bear Crawl 10 TRX Overhead Squats FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Strength Squat Pistol (trx assisted, bench assisted, partner assist or no assistance) try each way – unless they are a pistol master already.. – and work on the different techniques for 10 minutes. 10 rounds 40 sec ON// 20 sec OFF ALTERNATE LEGS AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT DURING THE 40 SEC 30-45 WOD 3 Rounds of the following exercises: 1st Round 30 sec on 30 sec off, 2nd Round 30 sec on 20 sec off, 3rd Round 30 sec on 10 Sec off. Mountain Climbers on KB Burpees Thrusters Spiderman Planks Goblet Squats Jump Lunges TRX Jump Squats SATURDAY 0-5 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 5-15 Horizontal Press Strength RTR on the 5 REPS DBL KB CHEST PRESS SUPERSET with 10 REPS TRX CHEST FLY. repeat your top set 5X. 15-45 WOD THIS IS A WEIRD ONE A rack should consist of a light, med and heavy weight. You might want to might a light to heavy rack in the middle of the floor so this workout is easy to get through.Get as far as you can in 25 min: this is a top to bottom work out no chipping. Run the rack on the alternating kb Shoulder press for 5 reps one time through 40 pullups or 80 jumping pull-ups 40 double unders or 200 rope skips RTR on KB front squat for 5 reps one time through 100m walk lunge 20 burpees 40 wall balls RTR on the bent over row – 5 reps one time through 20 trx jump squats 40 sit ups 60 swings Run or 250 meter row (if you gots them rowers)
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