0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 Strength Horizontal Pull LAWNMOWER ROW Optional Challenge: Instead of resting your forearm on your leg, try extending your supporting arm horizontally outward as you do your row. Keep a tight core and solid split stance. Run the rack with sets of five rows until you reach your top weight. Perform 5x 5r/5L at top weight. 30-45 WOD 15 MIN AMRAP 14 DBL KB BENT OVER ROW (KX 35w/53m) 4 T2B 14 GOBLET SQUAT (KX 40w/60m) 4 T2B 14 KB PUSHUP 4 T2B 7R/7L TURKISH SITUP (KX 35w/53m) 4 T2B *T2B = TOES TO BAR. SCALE FOR SKILL LEVEL. TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 SQUAT Strength RTR to warm up Goblet or DBL KB SQUAT with 1 sec pause at bottom: 5 X 5 reps at top weight 30-45 WOD 4 min amrap 10 jump squat 10 sumo deadlift 1 min rest 4 min amrap 10/10 ice skater 10/10 bottoms up press 1 min rest 4 min Amrap 20 hollow body rock 10 burpee with med ball WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 3 ROUNDS 30 ON/10 OFF TRX Seated Pullup KB Overhead Carry Hollow Body Hold 20-30 Strength Horizontal Press RTR to warm up DBL KB Chest Press: 5 X 5 reps at top weight 30-45 WOD 5 ROUNDS 10 DIPS 25 SUPERMAN 25 V-ups 25R/25L Single leg hiplift 15R/15L SITOUTS or grass hopper RUN 250 Finish with 120 wall walls THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 20-30 CORE Strength 3 ROUNDS 20 HOLLOW BODY ROCK 20 SUPERMAN ROCK 10 SEC CROW POSE Skill: 3X10 Toes-to-bar (TEACH THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN KIPPING AND CONTROLLED.) 30-45 WOD 7 Rounds As Fast As You Can Of: (15 Minute Cut Off) 100 Rope Skips (KX 20 Double Unders ) 10/10 Plank Up Downs 10 Burpees FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 3 ROUNDS 5 Push Up to Dip ON KB 5 per direction KB Halos 5 HINDU PUSHUP 20-30 Strength Power lift 3-5 rep Dbl KB Dead Lift / 10 TRX HAMSTRING CURL
30-45 WOD 4 rounds 10 DBL KB deadlift (KX 35w/53m) 10/10 DBL KB Bulgarian split squat or Goblet to make it easier (KX 35w/53m) 30 Squat jump jacks (stay in squat) 30 Frog hops SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up WARMUP: 2 rounds 30 seconds Downward Dog Hold 15 Scapular Push Ups 15 Band Pull Downs (to engage Lat.) 20-30 Strength Vertical Pull PULLUP [10 MIN] 6 ROUNDS PARTNER UP! A: 5 PULLUPS or Trx row B: partner plank then switch 30-45 WOD 15 Minute Ascending AMRAP Of: Start on 3 snatch each side and 6 goblet thruster (Perform 1 rep on the first round, 2 on the second and keep increasing each round by 1 rep until time is up. The symbol 2X indicates you multiply the reps by 2 etc. for any other number) One Arm Snatch Right (KX 35w/53m) One Arm Snatch Left Goblet Thruster (2X) (KX 40w/80+m)
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