BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) 10 MIN STRENGTH: Vertical Pull STRICT PULL-UPS -Beginner: Shoot for 15-20 very assisted pull-ups (Bands or TRX pull-ups) -Intermediate: Shoot for 18-24 strict-pull-ups -Advanced: Shoot for 20-30 pull-ups (hard modifications= L-sit pull-ups or weighted pull-ups) *****Have Clients get into groups and break up the pull-ups in sets of 3-5 reps. No kipping. (Side note: kipping is generally safest when clients can do 2-3 strict pull-ups***** WOD: 3 Rounds: 5/5 Goblet Lunges 10 Burpees 250m Run or row 2 Rounds: 15 V-ups 15 KB Swing 15 box jumps (modification: 10 high TRX jump squats) 1 Round: -8 Turkish Sit Up (4R/4L) WALL BALL CHALLENGE 150 wall walls TUESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: (choose 3 kb's double or single.) Tempo KB Squat 3 sets x 8 reps 3330(:3 down, :3 pause, :3 up, :0 at the top.) :90 rest between each set. At heaviest KB Squat (should be able to do all 10 reps without rest) 3 sets x 10 reps No tempo, but keep rests at :60-:90. WOD: 15 min AMRAP ASCENDING REPS Start at 3 reps and add a rep each round 1 min hollow body hold stays the same KB Bulgarian Split Squat KB Single Leg RDLs Goblet Squats Bird Dog 1 min Hollow Hold Wall Ball Challenge 160 wall walls --------------------------------------- WEDNESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: Vertical push KB Strict Press3 sets x 10 reps Kb Arnold Press 3 sets x 12 reps WOD: Start with 1 min plank then 4 Rounds: 50m Farmer Carry 15 Wall balls 12 Sit-ups to Russian twists 10 High pull from ground (single or dbl KB) 50m Sprint run or 100m sprint row After 4 rounds are finished do a 1 min plank WALL BALL CHALLENGE 170 wall walls --------------------------------------- THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) 10 MIN STRENGTH:CORE 5 rounds: Farmers carry 1 minute, plank 1 minute. For advanced clients have them try the one arm farmers carry (30 sec each arm) make sure they stay stabilized and solid through their midline. WOD: 250 m RUN or ROW – THEN, 3 rounds for time: 15 toes to bar or v-up 15 hollow body rock 15 situps 15 burpees (for beginner clients have them use a box to elevate their burpee.) ** after 3 rounds finish with another 250m run or row WALL BALL CHALLENGE 180 wall walls --------------------------------------- FRIDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) WARMUP BY TEACHING THE HIP HINGE. VERY IMPORTANT. CHECK OUT THIS LINK Strength: KB Deadlift 3 sets x 8 reps Touch and go reps, :3 tempo lowering the bar to the floor. KB Tempo Romanian Deadlift 3 sets x 10 reps 3210(:3 down, :2 pause in lowest position, up FAST, no stopping at the top.) WOD: CIRCUIT THROUGH THE EXERCISES 4 rounds 30 sec ON/ 15 sec REST
WALL BALL CHALLENGE 190 wall walls --------------------------------------- SATURDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Strength: Tempo DBL KB Chest Press 3 sets x 8 reps 3330(:3 down, :3 pause, :3 up, :0 at the top) DBL KB CHEST PRESS 3 sets x 10 reps No Tempo. Select a weight that you can complete all 3 sets of 10. WOD: 5 min AMRAP 5/5 Half Kneeling KB Press 10 Pushups 5 min AMRAP 5/5 KB Lawnmower Row 10 TRX ROW 2 lap of 50m Single Arm Waiters Carry (switch arms on lap) 8 round 20 sec ON/ 10 sec REST (alternate sides each round) Side Plank WALL BALL CHALLENGE 200 wall walls
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