MONDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up
STRENGTH: 10 MIN PARTNER LEG RAISE &THROW One partner lays on the ground holding the other partners ankles The other partner throws their legs. 20 THROWS THEN SWITCH After both have gone the run together and start again. WOD 15 MIN AMRAP 20 WALL BALL SITUP RUN 10 TOES TO BAR 100 JUMP ROPE OR 25 DOUBLE UNDERS WALL BALL CHALLENGE 10 wall walls TUESDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up Swing - Run the rack working on the Swing for 10 reps. For strong clients have them swing 2 kettlebells. Watch for neutral spine throughout and don’t allow bad form to swing heavier. Stay at heaviest have them complete 3 rounds of 10 reps on most difficult weight, that they can maintain perfect form on 15 Min WOD 60 sec on 30 sec off 1st round, 40 seconds on 20 seconds off 2nd round 30 sec on 15 sec off 3rd round, 20 sec on 10 sec off 4th round of: 1 DEAD SWING (do first version) (good tutorial) 2 O.A STRICT PRESS RIGHT 3 O.A. STRICT PRESS LEFT 4 SNATCH SWING SWITCH or swing switch (only do snatch swing switch, always switch hands in front of you. Watch the video at 1 min) . WALL BALL CHALLENGE 20 wall walls WEDNESDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up STRENGTH: 10 MIN HORIZONTAL PULL 10 reps TRX ROW FROM GROUND OR TRX ROW WITH FEET ON EXERCISE BALL (Have people take their time trying to accomplish the best rows for 10 reps, they do not have to bust them out.) THEN 10 STACKING PLANKS REPEAT AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE IN 10 MIN. BENCHMARK WOD!! Christa Get as far through the list as you can in 20 minutes, seriously cut them off at 20 minutes! 10 Weighted Jump Lunges (per leg, 20lb Women, 35lb Men) 20 Wall Ball (12 LB Women /12 LB Men) 30 One Arm Snatch (35 LB Women/ 50 LB Men (15 r /15 L) 40 Pushups (Full Chest to Yoga Block Women, Full Chest to Ground Men) 50 Burpees (Chest To Ground On Every Rep) 40 Pushups (Full Chest to Yoga Block Women, Full Chest to Ground Men) 30 One Arm Snatch (35 LB Women/ 50 LB Men (15 r /15 L) 20 Wall Ball (12 LB Women /12 LB Men) 10 Weighted Jump Lunges (per leg, 20lb Women, 35lb Men) WALL BALL CHALLENGE 30 wall walls THURSDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 10 MIN STRENGTH: 5X5 Squats -Run the Rack until you find your max set of 5. Then perform 4 more rounds of 5 reps. WOD 30 Min cut off: 21 Turkish get-ups, right arm 50 O.H. swings 21 overhead squats, left arm 50 O.H. swings 21 overhead squats, right arm 50 O.H. swings 21 Turkish get-ups, left arm WALL BALL CHALLENGE 40 wall walls FRIDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 10 MIN Alternating Press - Run the rack working on alternating press for 5 reps right and left. For advanced clients have them master the bottoms up version of the alternating press. 15 MIN Death By Burpee THRUSTERS!! - Do one set of burpee Thrusters at the top of each minute for 15 minutes and increase each set by 1 rep until you aren't able to make it in the 1 minute. Once you can’t make it anymore work back down. *Start everyone out on 6 reps. (EXAMPLE: 6 reps, 7 reps, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16FAIL, 15, 14, 13, 12) WALL BALL CHALLENGE 50 wall walls SATURDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique Warm Up:10 rounds AS FAST AS POSSIBLE 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1x sit-ups 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10x Superman 10 min E.M.O.M (EVERY MINUTE ON THE MINUTE) 10 ROUNDS 1 MIN EACH 20 SITOUTS total REST OR HOLD PLANK WITH THE REMAINDER OF THE MINUTE DEMO (scale according to fitness level) WOD (20 MIN CUTOFF) 3 rounds of 20 REPS (TRY TO STAY AT THE SAME KB WEIGHT THE ENTIRE TIME) · KB SITUP (KB ON CHEST) · KB UP AND OVER (touching the kb on the ground behind the head, as you sit up bring it up and over head to touch on ground infront of you) · KB EXTENSION (like a vup, extending kb overhead legs out straight, bring kb in and touch knees) · COFFIN SITUPdemo · LEG RAISE TO CEILING STOMP (hold on to KB on the ground above head)
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