TXT PROGRAMMING 09/13/21-09/18/21 STRENGTH WEEK: #2 MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min AMRAP 5 hindu pushup 3 inchworm scorpions 5 wall ball 50 jump rope Short run 20-30 Horizontal Press Strength TWO EMOM CHEST PRESS 5 rounds (alternate between EMOMs) EMOM 1: 5x 1 arm KB Press R, 1 arm KB Press L, 1 Press Double KBs EMOM2: 3x 5 pushup, 10/10 mtn Climber 30-45 WOD:3 Rounds 45/15 clean pivot press with Pivot R (KX 35W//53M) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9J2HtOnnuu/?igshid=cs31v6ne5st8 modify with just strict press Clean pivot press with Pivot L (KX 35W//53M) Push up to the right of the KB then Left & Right arm Snatch (KX 35W//53M) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9HTgQsnMMw/?igshid=18untbou2x2os modify with just snatch Push up to the left of the KB then right & Left arm Snatch (KX 35W//53M) Hollow Body Rock or dead bug TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 30/10sec KB Good Morning (held at chest) with KB reach when you stand (light KB) 4 high knees to Burpee no p.u. Alternating single leg v-ups 20-30 CORE Strength 10 min time cap REPS 20/16/12/8/4 Russian twist (double count reps) T2B or K2E or V-up Superman 5 sec ARCH BODY HOLD (stays the same) 30-45 WOD: “Run To The Hills” For time with 20 minute cutoff: (ZOOM: running can be 100 mtn climbers or bicycles.) 250m run 20 One Arm Snatches Right 250m run 20 One Arm Snatches Left 250m run 20 Burpees 250m run 20 One Arm Thrusters Right 250m run 20 One arm Thrusters Left 250m run 20 Jump Lunges 250m run 20 One Arm Swings Right 250m run 20 One Arm Swings Left 250m run 20 Jump Squats 250m run WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 1,2,3,4 Single Leg Deadlift each side 2 Burpees between each exercise! 10,9,8,7 X-Walk or side plank leg lift each side 20-30 Power Lift Strength DBL KB SQUAT 5 Rounds of 3 (2 sec pause at bottom of squat) Tempo squat + 2 Regular temp DBL KB Squat REST REPEAT (The weight should be challenging and you can run the rack.) (ZOOM 10 min EMOM Odd Min: Tempo squat 3 sec down 2 sec pause 0 up. Even min: 15 gob squat + 5 jump squat) 30-45 WOD Partner up!! 5 rounds of the three EMOMS circuit through the 3 EMOMs Partners will share the reps and split them up however they please. You must finish the first exercise in the EMOM before moving to the next. If they finish before the minute ends they get to rest. If you do not finish before the minute timer, you move on to the next exercise without finishing. If people don't want to partner or it's ZOOM half the reps for the EMOM. EMOM 1 10 DBL SNATCH (KX 25W//40M) single snatch is 6/6 split between partners 10 DBL SWING (KX 35W//53M) EMOM 2 20 v-up 20 pushups EMOM 3 10 pullups (ZOOM 6/6 Lawn Mower row) 10 DBL KB or GOBLET Thrusters (KX DBL 35W//53M) THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min AMRAP 5/5 KB snatch 5/5 KB swings 1 wall walk or 3 inchworms 3 KB Burpee + Thruster + Goblet Reverse Lunge 20-30 Vertical Pull Strength 8 min of max pullup negatives. 3 reps with a 3 count lowering (rest as you need to) 1 min MAX PULLUP 30-45 WOD: 3 ROUNDS 27 Wall Ball (KX 14W//20M) 18 Sit Up (KX Ab mat Sit Up) 9 DBL KB Clean from the ground (KX 35W//53M) THEN 1 min Rest Or Plank THEN 3 ROUNDS 15 T2B or v-up 3/3 Goblet box step up or Lunges (KX 35W//53M) FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min AMRAP 30 butt kickers 3/3 side plank hip lift 3/3 SA chest press 5 full spinal rocks 10 glute bridges 20-30 LUNGE Strength 5 rounds 1 min rev. Lunge, squat, rev. Lunge body weight, squat repeat 1 min RTR 5/5 weighted forward Lunge (working up to a heavier KB each round.) 30-45 min WOD 5 ROUNDS 5/5 Snatch (KX KB 25w/40m) 10 T2B or V-up & over 1 ROUND 10 Spinal rock/ burpees 5 ROUNDS 5/5 OA SWING (KX KB 25w/40m) 10 Box Jump 1 ROUND 10 Spinal rock/ burpees SATURDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 20/10 Ball slam Wall ball Jump rope or jump jack 15-25 Vertical Press Strength 5 min RTR swing clean to bottoms up press. 3R/3L 5 min RTR 3x with 3R/3L Seated Alt Strict Press 25-45 WOD 15 Min AMRAP (stagger class) 6 Goblet squat with Bicep curl at bottom to goblet press with Tricep ext at top (KX 35W//53M) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9MKsarB8cz/?igshid=kqx0gw2zb91w 3/3 (Start Kneeling) Bicep curl to Press//Lunge to Standing with KB overhead, then back down (KX 20W//30M) 6 Dbl KB Snatch (KX 35W//53M) 6 Dbl KB Chest Press (KX 35W//53M) 250M Row (ZOOM 6 Burpees)1 ROUND 10 spinal rock/ burpees -- In health & kindness, Christa Berry & Team TxT www.txtsantacruz.com Find us on Facebook
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