Hi TXT Community,
Monday 9/7/20 Labor Day class schedule. Please sign up for classes on the club systems app. Zoom txt Christa 8am, west side Bill 6am, live oak Derrick 8am, Christa noon, Christa 5:30pm, Cabrillo Tricia 8am, Scotts Valley Christa 6am. Clubs open 9am-1pm and Cabrillo fitness open 7am-1pm. So many ways to get your workout in. Everything goes back to normal schedule tuesday. We also added tuesday/thursday 6am at cabrillo fitness with Coach Tricia. TXT PROGRAMMING 09/07/20-09/12/20 STRENGTH WEEK: #9 MONDAY BASIC MOBILITY & DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique, WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Warm Up: 2 Rounds: 5 walk out push ups 10 squats 5 R/L Rocking lunge 10 sit ups 10 MIN AMRAP STRENGTH: SUPERSET 15 TRX HAMSTRING CURL or Towels under feet 5 reps SUITCASE DEADLIFT WOD: 20 MIN For your best time with challenging weight. RUN 400M or 30 burpees 10/10 Bulgarian split squat ------------------------- finish 2 ROUNDS Double Kettlebell Swing x 10 Reps or 5/5 each side Double Kettlebell Snatch x 10 Reps or 5/5 each side Double Kettlebell Front Squat x 10 Reps or 5/5 each side Double Kettlebell Clean and Press x 10 reps or 5/5 each side H.R. Push Ups x 10 Reps Double Kettlebell Highpulls x 10 Reps or 5/5 each side ---------------------------- then: 10/10 Bulgarian split squat RUN 400M or 30 burpees TUESDAY BASIC MOBILITY & DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Warm Up 40 sec on/15 sec off 2 Rounds Alternating pike reach Close grip bent over KB row Alternating single leg v-ups Alternating wide stance lateral lunge 15 min RTR WITH LAWN MOWER ROW SUPERSET WITH TRX ROW 8 LAWN MOWER ROW (on each arm) and 15 TRX ROW (or 10/10 KB plank pull through) WOD:1 ROUND For BEST time: (20 MIN CUTOFF) Must finish each exercise before moving to the next. Row 1000m or 300 rope skips or 150 DBL Unders or 100 jump jacks 10/10 KB Strict press (ON EACH ARM) 30 bench dips Run 400m or 1 min ice skaters 30 Overhead KB swings 20 bent over dbl kb row or 10/10 bent over row 10/10 Pistols per leg 100 Situps --------------------------------------- WEDNESDAY BASIC MOBILITY & DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Warm Up: 3-4 Rounds 40 Mountain Climbers 10/10 S.L. Glute Bridge 20 Air Squats 10/10 Clams STRENGTH: 8 minute EMOM: -4 double cleans or 2R/2L clean + 5 squats (Weights touch the ground after every clean. When 4 cleans are completed, then perform 5 squats GOBLET hold kettlebells) WOD: 15 Minute AMRAP: (When you reach the bottom, work your way back up) 25R/25L OA Swings 40 Air Squats 30R/30L Mountain Climbers 20 Dbl KB Push-press or 10/10 one arm p.p. 10 Hollow Body Rocks 20 DBL KB Push Press or 10/10 one arm p.p. 30R/30L Mountain Climbers 40 Air Squats 25R/25L OA Swings --------------------------------------- THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY & DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Warm Up 3 rounds 30/10 Scapular pushups High Knees Single KB Goblet chest press with hip bridge Jumping jacks 10 MIN STRENGTH: DBL KB CHEST PRESS 10-15-20-15-10 DBL KB CHEST PRESS (or split up reps on arms) with 20 FROG JUMPS between each set of CHEST PRESS WOD: CHIPPER!! you have to chip away at in order to finish IN ANY ORDER YOU CHOOSE (20 MIN TIME CAP) 1 round 10 Handstand push-ups (or practice kicking up to handstand) or pike pushup 20 hanging Knees to elbows or Toes to bar OR Vup 30 Burpees 40 Box jumps or 20/20 step ups 25/25 Kb Snatch 60 Pull-ups or 30/30 north south plank 70 Push-ups 80 Sit-ups 45/45 Side Goblet lunge 100 Double-unders or 500 Rope skips or 150 jump jacks --------------------------------------- FRIDAY BASIC MOBILITY & DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Warm Up REPS 20/15/10/5 (3x does not change) 3 x side shuffle Skaters with balance Touch jumps 3x Bear crawl forward and backward 5 MIN -SKILL: Partner L-sit or rest for 30sec if you don't have a partner tips and demo 5 ROUNDS 30 sec Partner A 30 Sec Partner B 10MIN Strength: -5X10 TURKISH SIT UP R&L 30 bicycles in between each set of Sit Ups -After (everyone together) 2 minute PERFECT plank WOD: 15 min cutoff 5 ROUNDS 10 DIPS 25 SUPERMAN 25 V-ups 25R/25L Hip Ups 25R/25L SITOUTS RUN 250 or 100 grasshopper --------------------------------------- SATURDAY BASIC MOBILITY & DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Warm Up 3-4 Rounds 30 Grasshoppers 10 Serratus Push ups 30 Scissor Kicks 10/10 Lunges 10 MIN -SKILL & Strength: Partner PISTOLS if you have no partner rest for 30 sec 5 ROUNDS 30 sec Partner A 30 Sec Partner B SINGLE LEG Deadlift 5 rounds 5R/5L reps at a heavy weight, WOD: THE SANDWICH 15 MIN CUTOFF Begin by performing one rep of the double kettlebell snatch and the renegade row. Each cycle there after you will load one additional ingredient (one rep of one new exercise), and continue to cycle through, without rest, until you have constructed a 5-layer sandwich. This should be difficult and require a lot of control. Once you reach Layer 5 work backwards deconstructing the sandwich. Doubles can be broken up into single arm. Create your sandwich like this: Layer 1 – Double Snatch + Renegade Row Layer 2 – Double Snatch + Double Press + Renegade Row Layer 3 – Double Snatch + Double Press + Front Squat + Renegade Row Layer 4 – Double Snatch + Double Press + Front Squat + Double Clean + Renegade Row Layer 5 – Double Snatch + Double Press + Front Squat + Double Clean + Double Swing + Renegade Row Perform only one rep of each exercise. No rest between layers. Recommended Operating Weight: Pair of 35lb or 50lb kettlebells for most males Pair of 20lb or 25lb kettlebells for most females
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