CABRILLO IS CLOSED LIVE OAK HAS NOON TXT WITH GABE 9/4 HAPPY LABOR DAY!! MONDAY 10 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 10min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SKILL WORK:
12 Minute AMRAP: 10 DEEP TRX Rows 10 Hand-release Push-ups 10 Wall Balls 200m Sprint (just make it a short run, make 'em move FAST). TUESDAY 10 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 10min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) CORE:
Partner Chipper: (Each person has a cap of 10 reps and must do 10 reps before their partner can go. Each student must rest while their partner is performing their exercise) 100 Situps 80 burpees 100 KB swings 100 Double Unders or 300 Rope Skips 4 Laps (both partners must run the lap together!) WEDNESDAY 10 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 10min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) STRENGTH: DBL KB CLEAN
"THE TALIA" 2- Lap 20- Toes to Bar ( Int: knees to elbow B- knees to as far as possible or V-ups) 7 R&L- One legged squats (I- TRX assist B- 2 legs) 150- Jump Rope 15 R&L- Snatch (I- High Pull B- Swing) 25- Weight overhead sit-up (I- weight on chest B- normal sit-up) 25- Burpees 10- Pull-ups (I- Rings B- Rows) 20- Dead Lifts 76- Mountain Climbers 15- Push-ups 30- Jump Lunges 3- Sprint THURSDAY 10 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 10min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) Incorporate into warm-up: 2 Rounds: - 10 Bar Scapular retractions (Click here for a demonstration) - 10 scapular wall slides (Click here for a demonstration) STRENGTH: (Cut off after 10 minutes) PULL-UPS: Partner up! -Demonstrate a pull-up and show everyone how to activate their lats by sliding their shoulder blades toward their glutes. An example is given in the video above. -Make everyone try a pull-up if they haven't done one before. -Then, make sure everyone is partnered up for the following pull-up modifications:
30 Russian Swings --- 4 Rounds: 10 thrusters (2 hands, 1 kettlebell) 10 Burpees (must clap hands above head) 10 SUPER MAN --- 30 Russian Swings FRIDAY 10 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 10min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SKILL: L-Sits with Yoga Blocks (Scale appropriately)
15 minute 1 TGU left -at top of TGU, clients will do 1 lap of walking lunges with the bell in the rack position. When they return to their mat, they will "get down". 250m Run Repeat on right side 250m Run WOD: 15 min amrap Run 1 Lap 20 Sit-ups 30 Double Unders or 90 singles 50 Air Squats 30 Double Unders or 90 singles 20 Sit-ups 1 Lap over head waiter carry (like farmer carry but over head with 2 kb) SATURDAY 10 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 10min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) STRENGTH: 7 minute EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) 3 Heavy Squats 5 Burpees (no push-up if they came on Wednesday...ouch) **have your class warm up their squats first and find their ideal weight before you start your EMOM. Incorporate some dowel work and bodyweight squats into your warm up** WOD: (For Time) 50 Double unders or 150 Singles --- then: 6 rounds: 6 R/L Snatches 6 R/L Reverse lunge WITH kb halo 6 Toes to Bar (scale leg raises appropriate to skill level) ---- then: 2 Laps run or 500m row
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