0-15 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 15 - 20 min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) Warm-up: 20x Judo push-ups 20x Knees to elbows 20x Depth jumps off bench 20x V-ups 20x Walking lunges Jump rope 2 minutes 20-30 min: RTR on alternating KB strict press for 5 reps, repeat top set 3 times, if they finish with extra time, start over & RTR bottoms up style. Super set Strict press with 3 Pullups 30-45 min: 3 rounds 10 snatch R 10 snatch L 5 wall walk 10 bottoms up press R 10 bottoms up press L 10 burpee wall ball Tuesday: 0-10 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 10 - 15 min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) Warm-up: 2 rounds 50x Squats Rest 30 seconds 40x Push-ups Rest 30 seconds 30x Box jumps, any height Rest 30 seconds 20x Pull-ups Rest 30 seconds Jog 400m 15-25 min: CORE: - 30 sec of each exercise for 3 rounds, no rest: chinees Russian twist flutter kick plank side plank hip up (r) side plank hip up (l) ** 1 minute PLANK HOLD 25-45 min: 20 min CUTOFF Reps: 10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10 BOX JUMP RUSSIAN TWIST KB COFFIN SITUP Wednesday: 0-15 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility.15 - 20 min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) Warm-up: 3 minutes jump rope 10x Hip drop (sun salutation) 15x Pull-ups 60 seconds hollow rock Jog 3 minutes 20-30 min: RTR on the SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT with 6 reps – repeat top set 3 times with a set of 10 KB DEAD DRAG in between 30-45 min: 21-15-9 reps of KB DEAD SWING DIAGONAL TOE TOUCH TRX HAMSTRING CURL 100 JUMP ROPE (Stays the same every round) Thursday: 0-15 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 15 - 20 min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) Warm-up: 20x Judo push-ups 20x Knees to elbows 20x Depth jumps off box 20x V-ups 20x Walking lunges Jump rope 2 minutes or ROW or Battle Rope 20-30 min: RTR on the Split Row 5 reps x 5 sets at the top weight SUPERSET with TRX Back Fly 30-45 min: 10 min EMOM: (every minute on the minute do all 3 exercises rest if you have time left over in the minute.) 8 KB Bent over row 8 HOLLOW BODY ROCK 8 KB Clean (4/4) Finish with 5 min of partner sprints Friday: 0-15 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 15 - 20 min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) Warm-up Run 4x50m; down forward, back reverse Then, 2 rounds of 25m Walking lunge, forward 25m Walking lunge, backward 15x Push-ups 15x PVC shoulder dislocate20-30 min: Pistol (trx assisted, bench assisted, partner assist or no assistance) have clients try each way – unless they are a pistol master already.. – and work on the different techniques for 10 minutes. 30-45 min: 4 rounds: 10 pullups, 15 pushups, 20 situps, 30 goblet squats Saturday: 0-15 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 15 - 20 min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) Warm-up: 3 rounds 15x Broad jumps 10x Jumping lunges 20x Push-ups 20-30 min: RTR on the KB chest press, repeat your top set 4 times. SUPERSET with 10 jump jack lunge 30-45 min: 3 rounds: 5 turkish getups, 10 sumo deadlift high pull, 10 pushup, 10 jump squat, 1 lap farmer carry
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