07/24/23-07/29/23 STRENGTH WEEK: #9 Hi TXT Community!! The 30 DAY CLEAN UP started July 23rd. I hope you are as excited as Tara & I are about eating cleaner and prioritizing your health & fitness!! Beach TXT starts August 4th. We will meet at Live Oak at 5:30 and go to 20th from there. Have an awesome week! Christa B MONDAYa fun video on mobility, flexibility and stability 0-10 Lead the group is toe to head Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility is practicing moving through 1 or some of these movements with little to no weight. Working to get your best full range of mobility in it. WARM UP:3 rounds 10 kb good morning 10 kb swing 10 touch jump twist 10 plank hip tap Short run 20-30 Lift Strength 4-5 Rounds SUMO DEADLIFT 6/6 Single leg DL 6/6 Rotational Deadlift 6/6 (MODIFICATION: ROMANIAN DEADLIFT NO ROTATION 6 reps) 30-45 WOD Buy in: 1 minute plank hold 13 min AMRAP 7R/7L REV. GOBLET LUNGE or modify for what is best for your knees 4 T2B or K2E or V-up (*T2B = TOES TO BAR. SCALE FOR SKILL LEVEL. ) 14 GOBLET SQUAT 4 T2B 14 Both Hands on Single KB PUSHUP OR Regular push up scaled on a box 4 T2B 7R/7L TURKISH SIT UP (To hip bridge point and back down.Half of a get up) 4 T2B Buy out: 1 min Reverse plank hold TUESDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 Rounds: 30 sec on/10 sec off Alternating pike reach Close grip bent over KB row Alternating single leg v-ups Alternating wide stance lateral lunge 15-25 Horizontal Pull Super Set 10 Min AMRAP 5 R/ L KettleBell Plank Row (From elevated plank position on box) 5 R/L KB Swing High Pull (MODIFICATION: perfect the swing or do high pull without swing) 5 TRX Muscle Up 25-45 WOD 1 time through: 10 TRX ROW (KX Horizontal) 10 Push up 10 TRX ROW 20 KB Pullovers (KX 35W/53M) 10 TRX ROW 30/30 KB Mountain climbers (KX 35W/53M) 10 TRX ROW 40/40 Bicycles 10 TRX ROW 50 Sit up (KX GOB SIT UP 25W/50M) 10 TRX ROW 40 Plank Jacks 10 TRX ROW 30 V ups 10 TRX ROW 20 Dips on a box 10 TRX ROW 10 Close grip push ups 10 TRX ROW WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique Warm Up: 3-4 Rounds 5 min CUTOFF 40 Mountain Climbers 10/10 S.L. Glute Bridge 10 Squats 10/10 Clams 20-30 Squat Strength: 10 MIN EMOM ODD: 3R/3L Single Arm Front Rack Squat & 6 Jump Squats EVEN: 15 Sumo Goblet Squat 30-45 WOD ASCENDING REPS Add one rep every round 5,6,7… CUTOFF 15 min 5R/5L Clean from the ground and Press 5 Burpees 5 Thrusters (KX 35W/53M) 5 Glute Bridge THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 3 rounds 30/10 Scapular pushups High Knees Single KB Goblet chest press with hip bridge Jumping jacks 20-30 Horizontal Press 10 min cutoff Superset 3-5 rounds of 5 reps One arm KB Chest press (hips elevated)R One arm KB Chest press (hips elevated)L TRX CHEST FLY 30-45 WOD 15 MIN CUTOFF 5 Rounds 5 Bottoms up Press (R)(KX 20W/40M) 5 Bottoms up Press (L) 10 DIPS on box 10 TRX BICEP CURL Short run or row (trainer decides distance) FRIDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 3 inch worm scorpion 3/3 iron cross 6 Legs up toe touch 20 bicycles 30 Butt kickers 15-25 CORE Strength: [10 MIN cutoff] REP: 30/20/10 (modify reps if needed) -KB Dead bugs -Sideplank hiplift R (MODIFICATION: Bend bottom knee or hold side plank for time) -Sideplank hiplift L -Abmat situp 25-45 WOD: 15 Min Ascending AMRAP start with 2 reps (KX for advanced members 35W/53M & bottoms up with situp has no set weight.) KB Halo R KB windmill R KB single-arm front squat R KB Halo L KB windmill L KB single-arm front squat L Kettlebell single-arm Sit Up (KX with bottoms up hold)L Kettlebell single-arm Sit Up (KX with bottoms up hold)R 250m run or row SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 Rounds 30 Grasshoppers 10 Serratus Push ups 30 Leg Scissors 3/3 Lunges 20-30 Power Lift You can RTR and then stay at most challenging weight 10 Min AMRAP 3R/3L Alternating Standing Strict Press (alternate the press) 50M Farmer Carry 30-45 WOD: REPS 30/20/10 15 min cutoff BURPEE BOX JUMP KB SWING (KX 35w//53/M) TRX T 10 cal row
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