1. 10 min Basic Mobility & Dynamic Mobility - Hindu Pushups, Side Lunges, Shoulder rolls, OH Squats, Push Presses Technique Practice - Practice Elements of the Thruster Especially core tension in the lockout 2.10 min Warm-up 2 minutes of single or double unders Then, 2 rounds of 20m Walking lunge 10x Knees to elbows 30x Mountain climbers 3. 10 min STRENGTH: SQUAT Double Kettlebell Thruster - Run the rack on the Double Kettlebell Thruster for 7 reps. Repeat rack 3x See Video 4. 15 min WOD: 10x10m shuttle Run with slam ball Then, 3 rounds of 5x/leg Box step-ups 10x Ball slam 20x Hand-release push-ups 30x Sit-ups 10x10m shuttle Run with slam ball TUESDAY 1.5 min Basic Mobility 2. 5min Dynamic Mobility - Sprinters Stretches, Hindu Pushups, Good Mornings, Shoulder Rolls 3 .5min Warm Ups - Med Ball Core Warm Up & Technique Practice - Perfect the One Arm Swing. 4.10 min STRENGTH: HORIZONTAL PRESS TRX partner pushups. Reps 1-10-1. partner will do jumping jacks while waiting for their turn. 5. WOD 5 rounds 3x TRX Muscle-ups 6x Spinal rocks 9x Handstand push-ups or pike pushup 12x Pistols (6/6) WEDNESDAY 1. 5 min Basic Mobility 2. 5min Dowels 3.5 min Warm Up: 3x jump rope for 1min, 30 sec rest then Run 200m 10x Toes to bar 20x Supermans 30x Push-ups 40x Squats 4. STRENGTH: CORE 10 Minute AMRAP of: 10 Diver situps 10 Side Plank Hip Raises Right and Left (on elbow or hand) 10 Super man 5. WOD: 4 rounds 30 on 10 off : Supine Leg circles outward and inward Mountain Climbers Deadbugs High Knees as FAST as you can In place THEN as fast as you can 50,25,10 reps of: AB MAT Situps Russian Twists with med ball THURSDAY 1. 10 min Basic Mobility & Dynamic Mobility - Hindu Pushups, Jump Squats, Spine Drills Warm-up Run 4x50m; down forward, back reverse Then, 2 rounds of 25m Walking lunge, forward 25m Walking lunge, backward 15x Push-ups 15x PVC shoulder dislocate 2. 10min STRENGTH: POWER LIFT Technique Practice - Work On the kettlebell clean, It should kiss not smash the wrist!! 5 REPS One Arm or Double Kettlebell Clean. 5 MIN WORKING UP TO A HEAVY CLEAN (SINGLE OR DOUBLE KB.) 5 MIN EMOM 5R/5L CLEAN then bridge hold for remaining time. 3. 25min WOD: Repeat the following series for 5 rounds (only rest when there is rest) 20x TRX Tricep press 12x TRX high pull 15x TRX bicep curl Rest 20 seconds 30x Chinees (each leg) Rest 30 seconds Jump rope for 3 minutes 1 minute HEAVY FARMER CARRY FRIDAY 1. 5MIN Basic Mobility 2. 10 MIN Dowels Shoulder Rolls, Good Mornings, Lunges Technique Practice - Push Press Practice and Pullup Strength Drills 3. Warm Ups - 5 min AMRAP of: 10 hollow body rocks 10 Hip Lifts R 10 Hip Lifts L 10sec crow pose hold 4. 10MIN STRENGTH: VERTICAL PULL 1 round 10x Pull-ups Run 400m 10x Pull-ups Run 400m 10x Pull-ups Run 400m 10x Pull-ups Run 400m 10x Pull-ups 250x Double-unders or 500x single jump rope 5. WOD: Max rounds 12 minute time cap 1x Burpee Toes to bar 2x Long jump Ball Slam 3x KB Squats Add 1 rep to all movements each successive round, continue until failure or time elapses SATURDAY 1. 5 min Basic Mobility 2. 5min Dynamic Mobility - Side Lunges, Squats, Shoulder rolls, OH Squats 3. Warm Up 2 rounds 1 minute plank 30 seconds wall sit 1 minute jump rope singles 30x Double-unders (attempt if you cannot yet) 1 minute jump rope singles 30 seconds wall sit 1 minute plank 4. 10min STRENGTH:LUNGE For max rounds 10 minute time cap: 1x Clean Thruster & Lunge 1 lap Then go up in weight and repeat. 5. WOD: 20 minute AMRAP : 20 V ups full extension hands to toes 20 KB Swings (Two hands one kettlebell) 35lb Women 50lb Men 20 Jump Lunges Total(Back Knee Kisses Ground) Run 250m
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