06/12/23-06/17/23 STRENGTH WEEK: #3 Hi TXT Community, We progress into week 3 of our programming. For our strength section we will continue to keep the reps high and the weight low, preparing ourselves for lower rep heavier weights. 😀 Summer is quickly approaching and so is warmer weather and swim wear. We should always practice self love and acceptance. And what's a better way to practice self love than eating delicious healthy foods, removing the low energy sugary foods and celebrating all our body can do with exercise! To help you celebrate YOU Christa & Tara are going to offer a 30 day Clean Up, starting in the middle of July to help you get back on track with diet and exercise. Preparing you to be confident and ready for all summer festivities!! More details to come in the next few weeks. As always I hope you have a wonderful week! Christa Berry and the TXT Team MONDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: REPS 40,30,20,10 : Jump Rope sit – ups (half reps) KB swings (focus on a good henge movement) Bicycle 15-20 -5 min SKILL: Double unders 4 Tabata rounds of double under practice (Tabatas are 20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest) Coaching tips: Shoulders dropped, elbows in, light on your feet, fast wrists, and jump a little higher. 20-30 CORE Strength : 1 min Plank THEN REPS 20,16,12,8,4 Plank Shoulder tap Side Plank hold with Leg Lift L Side Plank hold with Leg Lift R Sit up Straight leg + Toe touch DBL Leglift with Ceiling Stomp (controlled lower) THEN 1 min Plank 30-45 WOD 4 Rounds: 250M run or row 12 Hand-release Pushups 12 Dips 12 V-ups 12 (6R/6L) Pistols 12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls TUESDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 30-20 -10 reps of: Walking lunge (each leg) Banded good morning (focus on engaging hamstrings in henge motion) Chinees (x2 reps) 15-20 -5 min SKILL: Double unders 4 Tabata rounds of double under practice (Tabatas are 20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest) Coaching tips: Shoulders dropped, elbows in, light on your feet, fast wrists, and jump a little higher. 20-30 LIFT Strength: DBL KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges + SUITCASE DEADLIFT Run the rack with front rack reverse lunges in sets of 4R/4L + 10/10 Suitcase Deadlift. The two movements do not have to use the same weight. When you reach your top weight, stay heavy and perform 4-5 rounds at top weight. 30-45 WOD 21-15-9 Wall balls Pull up X5 Mountain Climbers (105, 75, 45) Abmat Sit-ups WEDNESDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 6 min EMOM ODD: 6 TRX jump lunges, 5 hollow body rocks, 4 band pull aparts EVEN: 2 burpees, 6 Dead bugs 10-20 -10 min SKILL: Handstand (Push-up) Practice --Beginner or injured: 30 seconds of push-up plank to downward facing dog. Keep alternating in controlled manner. --Intermediate: Hold a handstand for 20-30 seconds with feet against the wall. --Advanced: 5-10 handstand pushups against the wall. Place 1-3 abmats under their heads. As they get better at HSPU’s, take away abmats. Make sure shoulders are packed and glutes are clenched. You may have student spot other students by holding onto their ankle and lifting them up. 20-30 Horizontal pull Strength: 10/10 Plank on a box while OA Row + 10 TRX Tempo row (Tempo 3 up, 3 pause at top, 3 down, 0 at bottom.) Run the rack with OA Plank on a box while OA Row (or bent over row, or lawn mower row) in sets of 10/10 reps + 10 TRX Tempo row. When you reach your top weight, back back to the beginning of the rack and work your way back up again. Stress the importance of a tight core and flat back. NO BRO LIFTING! Tempo does not change. 30-45 WOD: 12 minute ascending AMRAP: (1 rep first round, 2 reps second round...) TRX Muscle Up (ZOOM: Skull Crusher) Gorilla row (1R/1L) (KX DBL 35w/53m) Sit Up Wall Ball X10 Jump Rope (x5 DBL Under) FINISHER: 1 minute plank (hardest modifications possible) 1 minute wall sit (hardest modifications possible) THURSDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min AMRAP 5 pull ups 10 Trx assisted pistols each leg 15 grasshoppers Short Run 10-20 -10 min SKILL: Handstand (Push-up) Practice --Beginner or injured: 30 seconds of push-up plank to downward facing dog. Keep alternating in controlled manner. --Intermediate: Hold a handstand for 20-30 seconds with feet against the wall. --Advanced: 5-10 handstand pushups against the wall. Place 1-3 abmats under their heads. As they get better at HSPU’s, take away abmats. Make sure shoulders are packed and glutes are clenched. You may have student spot other students by holding onto their ankle and lifting them up. 20-30 Squat Strength: 4 rounds 5/5 DBL KB Front rack or Goblet Box Step up + 10 DBL KB Squat (get full depth if you cannot go full depth do not get heavier) 30-45 WOD: Run 250m 3x 15 Toes-to-bar (Mod: V-up and over) 15 OH KB Swing (KX 35w/53m) 15 Squat + Halo (KX 35w/53m) Run 250m 2x 10 Toes-to-bar 10 OH KB Swing (KX 35w/53m) 10 Squat + Halo (KX 35w/53m) Run 250m 1x 5 Toes-to-bar 5 OH KB Swing (KX 35w/53m) 5 Squat + Halo (KX 35w/53m) FRIDAY strength should start at 10 min in 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 10 ALTERNATING KB SWINGS 10 WINDMILLS R 10 WINDMILLS L 5/5 Halo 10-30 Horizontal Press Strength: Take 5 MIN TO FIND YOUR TOP WEIGHT FOR DBL KB CHEST PRESS, THEN ON TOP WEIGHT START: 10 MIN AMRAP 5 DBL KB CHEST PRESS (on challenging weight) 5 PUSHUP (best version of a plank pushup) 1 MIN STRAIGHT ARM PLANK 30-45 WOD : Buy in: 10 box over ball slam 10 Minute AMRAP: 7 Renegade Row + Pushup 7 Box jumps 7R/7L Clean n' Press (touch ground every time, no swing) (KX 25w/40m) 7 Burpee + T2B Buy Out: 10/10 KB windmill (KX 35w/53m) SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 24/12/6 Plank to Pike toe touch (divide reps) Side V-UP (divide reps) Flutter Kick Swimmers 20-30 Core Strength: 4 rounds 10 Toes to Bar (Mod v-up and over) 10 Hollow body rock 10/10 Side plank hip lift 10/10 KB Russian twist 30-45 WOD Partner workout Split reps/calories as you please. Do not do exercises out of order. Only 1 person works at a time. 50 wall balls (KX 14w/20m) 50 cal row 50 box over burpee 50 cal row 50 Gob Thruster (KX 35w/53m) 50 cal row 50 box over burpee 50 cal row 50 wall balls (KX 14w/20m)
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