05/15/23-05/20/21 STRENGTH WEEK: #9 MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 5 MIN AMRAP 30 Mtn climbers 10 KB good morning 10 KB deadlift Short run 20-30 Lift Strength: RTR working up to heaviest 3 rep Snatch At your top weight do 5 sets of 3 reps at top KB weight. 30-45 WOD: 3 ROUNDS 1 MIN WALL BALL 1 MIN ALT SWING SWITCH 1 MIN RENEGADE ROW + PUSH UP 1 MIN BOX JUMP 1 MIN TURKISH GETUP, SNATCH, TURKISH GET DOWN & SWITCH SIDES TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 30/10 Hindu Pushup Inch worm scorpion Sit out or grasshopper 20-30 Horizontal Pull 10 min amrap class can run the rack off to a difficult 5/5 of gorilla row. 10 TRX ROW (ZOOM 10 KB HIGH PULL SWING) 5/5 GORILLA ROW https://youtu.be/EbB5vlSJAvU 30-45 WOD: 15 MINUTE AMRAP: -25 Double unders or 125 Jump Rope -10 (5R/5L) Pistols (can use TRX or change to Goblet squat) -8 KB Overhead Lunges (modify appropriately) -6 Burpee Pull Ups (can separate the movements) WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 3 ROUNDS 10 squat 3/3 GSW 20 jump rope or jump jack 20-30 Squat: RTR dbl kb or goblet kb squat 3 reps working up to heaviest weight Do 5 sets of 3 reps at top kb weight 30-45 WOD: 7 Rounds As Fast As You Can Of: (15 Minute Cut Off) 250m Run 5/5 Goblet Reverse Lunge 10 Spinal Rock to Jump or Hollow Body Rock THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5,10,15,10,5 Pike pushup Sit up Leg scissors up down 20-30 Horizontal Press RTR with 3 reps of standing shoulder press. 5 sets of 3/3 reps of shoulder press at top weight 30-45 WOD: 15 min AMRAP 5 THRUSTER (KX DBL KB 35W/53M) 5/5 ½ kneeling bicep curl to shoulder press 10 Leg lift ceiling stomp 200m ROW (ZOOM 30 KB SWING) FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min AMRAP 5 Hindu pushup 10 Beast Bulldog 10 situp 10 legs up toe touch 20-30 Core 5 Rounds 45/10 SIDE PLANK HIP LIFT R SIDE PLANK HIP LIFT L HANGING LEG LIFTS (NO T2B Slow and controlled) 30-45 WOD: NO AND THEN! 2 Rounds: 50 DU or 100 jump rope 30 Jumping Jacks 50m Sprints AND THEN: Chipper: 50 Pullups (ZOOM 50/50 Bent Over Row) 50 (25R/25L) one-arm thrusters 50 (25R/25L) one-arm swings 100 Single v-ups AND THEN: 2 Rounds: 50m Sprints (ZOOM 50 High Knees) 30 Jumping Jacks 50 DU or 100 jump rope (ZOOM 100 MTN CLIMBER) SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 ROUNDS 5 Push Up to Dip ON KB 5/5 KB Halos 5 HINDU PUSHUP 20-30 Power Lift: DBL KETTLEBELL CLEAN and rowing machine Run the rack on the 5R/5L DBL KETTLEBELL CLEAN with 20 cal ROW on rowing machine. Once an 5 rep max is reached, have them repeat three times with no rowing. 30-45 WOD: 10 Min AMRAP 3/3 KB SWING CLEAN 3/3 single leg deadlift + clean + reverse lunge 50 Spider Plank THEN 8 rounds of 20 sec on/10sec off Wall ball Burpee
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