BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: Lawnmower Rows & TRX ROW Run the rack with sets of 5 repetitions each. Complete 5 sets of 5 reps at your top weight. WOD: 4 Rounds: 5 Handstand Push-ups or Pike Pushup 7 kipping Pullups 9 Ball Slams OR 30 sec battle rope double slam 11 V-ups 40 Double Unders or 100 single jump rope TUESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN)Warm Up Suggestions: 3 rounds of 5 reps. sprinters hip stretches, side lunges, hindu pushups STRENGTH: BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT Run the rack with sets of 5R/5L repetitions. Complete 5 sets of 5 reps at your top weight. WOD: 12 Minute E.M.O.M. (every minute on the minute) Odd minutes (1,3,5, etc.): 3R/3L Clean n’ Press + 15 Sit-ups Even minutes (2, 4, 6 etc.): 10 Hand-release Pushups + 7R/7L Jump Lunges (use trx to make jump lunge easier.) WEDNESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) warm up hindu pushups, rocking planks, plan scapular rectractions, shoulder packing. STRENGTH: KB CHEST PRESS 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 (That's 8) -Members have 8 total sets to find their max weight, from warm up to max. Stay heavy when you find your max. WOD: 5 ROUNDS (Encourage members to go heavy) 5 TRX MUSCLEUP 5R/5L PISTOLS 5R/5L SNATCHES 5R/5L LAWNMOWER ROWS 30 (15R/15L) MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Warm Up Suggestions: Shoulder rolls, Overhead squats, Overhead Lunges, Jumping jacks, sprinter stretch and hamstring flexibility. Hanging Leg raise. Coach them to get their knees as high up to the bar as possible, count their reps and try to encourage more reps each time. Also lets go for maximum range of motion =, if they can do 10 o more with knees to armpits lets try 3-5 with knees to elbows. Strength: CORE (10 minutes) 1) L-SIT (90 seconds) -Have students do a total of 90 seconds doing an L-sit. Have them break up the time and rest however much they need to in order to achieve this 90 second goal. -then- 2) TURKISH GETUPS Have students spend remaining time of the 10 minutes doing Turkish Getups. Run the rack 3 turkish get ups. WOD: 12 minute AMRAP 12 (6R/6L) Goblet Box Step-ups 6 DBL KB Thrusters 6 Burpee Lateral Jumps (over the mat) FRIDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) 10 alternating Tabata Rounds (5 each) Odd rounds: Supermans Even: V-ups Strength: LIFT: Sumo Deadlift High Pulls Run the rack with sets of 5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls. Stay at top weight for 4 additional rounds (5 rounds total at top weight. Here’s a good video: WOD: Partner WOD: 20 Minute AMRAP -Each partner is doing HALF of the labeled reps (except for the jump rope). You cannot mess with the order of this workout. Start with the top and work your way down. Each partner will switch off every 10 repetitions. When one partner is going, the other partner is resting. Get through this list as many times as you can with your partner in 20 minutes. -50 Double Under or 150 Singles (do together) -80R/80L Over head KB Walking lunges -80 Dips -60 Ball Slams -40 CALORIE ROW -20 pull-ups -3 Laps (run together) SATURDAY (THERE IS ALLOT!!!) BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5MIN) Warm Up Suggestions: Shoulder rolls, Overhead squats, Dowel presses and strict pulls, anything you can do to get them to activate their lat to bring their elbow from overhead to their hip. STRENGTH: PULLUP for 10 minutes LIFT: Pull Vertical 8 minute EMOM of 3-5 pull-ups. Use assisted bands if needed. For strong individuals add weight. Please read: If client can do about 2-3 pull-ups, consider teaching them to kip. If they cannot, their rotator cuffs might not be strong enough and they could get a shoulder injury. Also, teach them to activate lats. If we don’t activate our lats, we tend to use too much bicep and can develop bicep tendonitis where the tendon connect to the shoulder. Teach them to pack shoulders (“slide shoulder blade into back pockets”) and pull down elbows. To correct this tendonitis: 1) Foam Roll in front of shoulder in the anterior delt where the biceps tendons connect to the shoulder. 2) Then stretch. This Video is a little creepy…. kind of dungeon porny, but it is a good stretch: WOD:30,20,10 reps of: -Burpee Toes to bar -ceiling Stomps see Then Partner Chipper: 60 Squat tosses with med ball 60 goblet walking lunges 60 sit-ups tosses with med ball 40 Pushups 40 KB swings 30 Bottoms up KB Press 4 Partner Sprints **only one partner can work at a time. Partners can break up their reps between them as desired. The reps posted are total reps, not per person** Partner FINISHER: 45 seconds R/L side plank while other partner Battle Ropes or Box Jumps
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