04/26/21-5/01/21 STRENGTH WEEK: #2 First 75 hard Starts May 3rd Here is the eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/75-hard-challenge-tickets-151702264557 COST OF 75 HARD: $20 for TXT Members Email us for promo code $180 for NON-TXT Members (TXT included for 75 days.) There are 6 rules to follow for 75 days: 1)Follow a diet: You can choose any diet – like Whole 30, Keto, Low Carb, Eating Clean, etc. 2)Drink one gallon of water: This is about setting the habit. 3)Two 30 or 45-minute workouts; one should be outside: do 2 workouts 30- 45+ minute workouts per day. One of them outdoors. walking or yoga is ok too. 4)Read 10 pages of a book (audiobooks don’t count): This needs to be something from personal development or nonfiction. 5)Take a progress picture every day: This is to help you see your progress. 6)No alcohol, and no cheat meals: If you cheat, even a little, back to day 1. Honesty if someone messes up i am not making them start back on day 1. This challenge is more about getting back on track with healthy skills then making people feel bad for not sticking to the plan. I want people to feel supported and inspired. :) LETS DO THIS!! TXT Run/Row Wharf 2 Wharf Join the Toadal Cross-training community for the 10k wharf to wharf run.Signing up for this event to run together does not sign you up for the actual wharf 2 wharf. This is just for fun. Event is free. EVENT SIGN UP TO RUN OR ROW: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/txt-wharf-2-wharf-tickets-152024129263 SWAG GROUP ORDER FORM LINK BELOW: https://www.customink.com/g/ujv0-00ce-e4a1 MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 8mins 10/10 Plank toe taps 10/10 pulsing lunge 10/10 side plank leg lift 20-30 Horizontal Press Strength TWO EMOM CHEST PRESS 5 rounds (alternate between EMOMs) EMOM 1: 5x 1 arm KB Press R, 1 arm KB Press L, 1 Press Double KBs EMOM2: 3x 3 pushup, 10 mtn Climber 30-45 WOD: 1 ROUND 10 spinal rock/ burpees 5 ROUNDS 5/5 Single Leg Deadlift to kb clean (KX DBL KB 25w/40m) 10 Sit ups 1 ROUND 10 Spinal rock/ burpees 5 ROUNDS 5/5 OA SWING 10 TRX rows or 5/5 kb bent over row 1 ROUND 10 Spinal rock/ burpees TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 6 min EMOM 5 Hollow body rock 5 leg lifts 10/10 mtn climbers 20-30 CORE Strength 10 min time cap REPS 20/16/12/8/4 Situp to Russian twist (double count reps) V-UP Superman 5 sec ARCH BODY HOLD (stays the same) 30-45 WOD 3 Rounds 45/15 (scale workout for skill level) clean pivot press with Pivot R https://www.instagram.com/p/B9J2HtOnnuu/?igshid=cs31v6ne5st8 modify with just strict press Clean pivot press with Pivot L Push up to the right of the KB then Left & Right arm Snatch https://www.instagram.com/p/B9HTgQsnMMw/?igshid=18untbou2x2os modify with just snatch Push up to the left of the KB then right & Left arm Snatch (Modify snatch to highpull or swing) Hollow Body Rock or dead bug WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 2 rounds 35 on/10 off Surfees Leg lift w/ twist SLDL w/ hop (bodyweight) R SLDL w/ hop (bodyweight) L 20-30 LIFT Strength 10 Min (Descending Rest) Kettle Bell Swing Workout Preform Swings at these intervals. Make sure to put the bell down if you start losing form or feel low backs. Should take about ten minutes. -First 5 rounds- 30 on/ 30 off -Then- 30/25 30/20 30/15 30/10 30/5 30 30-45 WOD "THE TALIA" 500m RUN or row or 1 min High knees & 1 min Touch jumps 20- Toes to Bar ( Int: knees to elbow B- knees to as far as possible or V-ups) 7 R&L- One legged squats (I- TRX assist B- 2 legs double the reps) 150- Jump Rope or jump jack 15/15- Snatch (I- High Pull B- Swing) 25- Weight overhead sit-up (I- weight on chest B- normal sit-up) 25- Burpees 10- Pull-ups (I- Banded B- TRX Rows z-overhead kb swing) 20- Dead Swings 40/40 - Mountain Climbers 15- Push-ups 15/15 - Jump Lunges 3- 50 m Sprints or 1 min mtn climber THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 10 squats 5/5 lunges 5 inch worms 5 pushups 5 hollow body rocks 20-30 Vertical Pull Strength 8 min of max pullup negatives. 3 reps with a 3 count lowering (rest as you need to) then end with 1 min MAX PULLUP (ZOOM Option 5 sets of 10 reps KB Plank pull through & 5/5 Stacking Plank.) 30-45 WOD: Partner up!! 5 rounds of the three EMOMS or half the reps if you can’t partner up. circuit through the 3 EMOMs Partners will share the reps and split them up however they please. You must finish the first exercise in the EMOM before moving to the next. If they finish before the minute ends they get to rest. If you do not finish before the minute timer, you move on to the next exercise. EMOM 1 10 DBL SNATCH 10 DBL SWING EMOM 2 20 v-up 20 pushups EMOM 3 10 pullups 10 DBL KB or GOBLET Thrusters FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 20 Air Squats 15 Plank Jacks 5/5 Plank Step Up 5/5 Windshield Wipers 20-30 LUNGE Strength 5 rounds 1 min Lunge squat Lunge body weight 1 min RTR weighted Lunge (working up to a heavier KB each round.) 30-45 WOD 15 Min AMRAP (stagger class) 6 Goblet squat with Bicep curl at bottom to goblet press with Tricep ext at top https://www.instagram.com/p/B9MKsarB8cz/?igshid=kqx0gw2zb91w 6 (Start Kneeling) Bicep curl to Press//Lunge to Standing with KB over head. (Alternate legs every rep) 6 Dbl KB Snatch 6 Dbl KB Chest Press 250M Row or 10 burpee plank jack (1 plank jack at bottom of burpee) SATURDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 30/10 Serratus Push Ups Plank Alt. Reach Reverse plank hold Dead Bug 15-25 Vertical Press Strength 5 min RTR swing clean to bottoms up press. 3R/3L 5 min RTR 2-3x with 3R/3L Alt Strict Press 25-45 WOD “Run To The Hills” For time with 20 minute cutoff: X=250M RUN, ROW or 20/20 ice skaters X 20 One Arm Snatches Right X 20 One Arm Snatches Left X 20 Burpees X 20 One Arm Thrusters Right X 20 One arm Thrusters Left X 20 Jump Lunges X 20 One Arm Swings Right X 20 One Arm Swings Left X 20 Jump Squats X Find us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram
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