02/27/23-03/04/23 STRENGTH WEEK: #8 Hi TXT Community! Welcome to the last week of the 6 week challenge. We are kicking off Monday with a fitness challenge. It won't be a normal class but it can be fun. Push to achieve your best results. You will be comparing your results to your previous fitness test 5 weeks ago. And then emailing them to [email protected] Have fun & thank you for your dedication. In health, Christa Berry MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique Warm Up: 3 rounds 5 TRX or reg pushup 5/5 single kb shoulder press 10 KB swings 20 jumping jacks Strength Test Day: we are re-testing. Please ask everyone to document their results. 1 min Push-up Test Holding the plank position try for as many push ups as possible. If you need to elevate your hands to a box to continue to hold please do so. NO KNEELING PUSH UPS. Document how many you got and what style and depth you did. And how hard it was on an RPE scale. · (4min-ish) 2 minute - Navy Seal Sit Up Test: Correct Sit Up form for this test is: Hands on shoulders, shoulder blades must touch ground each time. Partner holds their feet and counts reps. Partner up and perform most sit ups they can in 2 minutes. Have them document how many sit ups they got. If you cannot do sit ups do 3 sets of 20 reps Dead bugs Document how many you got and what style you did and how hard it was on an RPE scale. 1 min Plank hold: Planking on your forearms with feet together. If you need to elevate your hands to a box to continue to hold please do so. NO KNEELING. Document how long you got, what style and depth you did and how hard it was on an RPE scale. 5 Min: Partner Strict Press pyramid - Start @ 1 Rep, then your partner does 1 rep. Then you do 2 reps and your partner does 2 reps. Hold your DBL KB’s in the front rack position while your partner presses. REPS 1-10 Document what weights you used, if you had to put the weights down and if you and your partner made it to 10 reps in 5 min and how hard it was on an RPE scale. If you do not have a partner, take two weights and do 3 sets of 10 reps strict shoulder press. Document your weight and how it felt. Save for re-testing in 5 weeks and how hard it was on an RPE scale. · (10+ min) 1 Mile run or row (for time): Try to calculate a distance at your club, and have students run 1 mile for time. (you might know your 250m distances, which would then be running ~6.4 laps) or people can row 1609m. Scale this to what you feel most comfortable with. You can run a mile on an elliptical or treadmill. You can also bike a mile. Document your time and how hard it was on an RPE scale. TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 30 on/10 off Good mornings (dowel or KB) Sit out or grasshopper Kb swing Lateral Lunge 20-30 10 min EMOM Dbl Swing/ High Pull/ Snatch for 10 rounds Have class perform 15 reps at the top of the minute every minute for 10 mins of: Dbl Swing/ High Pull/ Snatch If Members are still learning the hinge, have them do 15 kb swings and work on hip timing. If they are not comfortable with that, have them perfect their deadlift. 15 Deadlifts every min. 30-45 WOD: 15 Min AMRAP 9 Hanging Leg Raise 15 Wall Balls 21 Dbl Unders or 100 jump rope 250M Run or row WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up Warm Up : REPS 20,12,4 superman Bird dog DBL Leg lift with Ceiling Stomp Deadbug 20-30 Vertical Pull 10 MIN EMOMs EMOM ODD: 5/5 KB North/south plank ….Then PLANK til min is over EMOM EVEN: 5/5 KB Plank pull through …..Then HOLLOW HOLD til min is over 30-45 WOD choose the best version for your ability 15 Ascending AMRAP add 1 rep every round
THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique Warm Up: 3 rounds 30on/10off Glute Bridge X walk r & L Jump squat 20-30 Lunge 10min cut off 5 rounds 5R/5L Single Leg KB DL to Reverse Lunge 10 TRX Jump Squat to Jump Lunge R/L 30-45 WOD 3 rounds (18min) 1Min in each exercise -Burpee -Clean To Forward Lunge then swing switch to other side -Swing to Swing Squat (or just swing) -5R/5L Bulgarian Split Squats -TRX Jump Lunge -Rest or Plank FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up:REPS 15/10/5 Band pull apart SIDE VUP (FULL REPS ON EACH SIDE) Wall ball SWIMMERS 20-30 Vertical Press 10 min cutoff 3 x Superset 3R/3L OA Push Press 6 KB Gob Shoulder press THEN 60 total Seated Strict shoulder press (choose a very light weight) 30-45 WOD 3 Rounds: 50m/50m O.A. Waiter carry Hold 10 TRX Row 10 Push-Ups 15 Snatch R 15 Snatch L 50m/50m One ArmFarmer Carry hold 10/10 Lateral leg lifts over KB SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique Warm Up: 5 MIN AMRAP 40 Mountain Climbers 30 Jumping Jacks 10 Sit Ups 10 inch worm burpees 10 Banded good mornings for hinge practice 20-30 Core “Core Galore” 30 sec on 15 sec off of: One Arm Hover plank Right One Arm Hover Plank Left V ups Hipups Right Chinees Hipups Left Leg Lifts Plank With a knee lift (spiderman plank) Situps Hollow Body Rocks Bicycles Superman Rocks Mountain Climbers 30-45 WOD 15 min Ascending AMRAP ALL WITH DBL KB
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