02/19/24-02/24/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #10 MONDAY 0-20 min Isolated Mobility,& Dowel stretch, warm up drills, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 6/6 KB Plank Pull through 6/6 Single leg v-ups 6 pushup 20 jump rope 20-30 Vertical Pull Strength (PULL UP) Work On One Of The Exercises For 10 Minutes choose the best version for your peeps: (really focus on getting them to the next level safely) BEGINNER - Pullup Negatives (Goal Is 3 Slow Reps To Bottom) INTERMEDIATE - Bodyweight Pullups (Goal Is 5 Reps For 5 Sets) EXPERT - Weighted Pullup (Max Weight For 1 Rep Goal Is 2-30 lb Women/2-50lb Men) 30-45 WOD: Round 1: 1 Minute on each exercise Round 2: 40 Seconds on each exercise Round 3: 30 Seconds on each exercise Round 4: 20 Seconds on each exercise One Arm TRX Power Pull Right One Arm TRX Power Pull Left Clean + Press R (KX 25/40) Clean + Press L KB Goblet Rev Lunge (KX 35/53) REST JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE (CANNOT COUNT JUMP ROPES FROM WORKOUT) Day 15 125 JR or 5 DBL Under TUESDAY 0-20 min Isolated Mobility & Dowel stretches dynamic warmup , Movement Patterning/Technique Warm Up: 3 rounds 1/1 Around the world lunges (front, side, back = 1 rep) 5/5 Bulgarian Split Squats 5/5 single arm Kettlebell Swings 30 butt kickers 20-30 Lunges - DBL KB Walking Lunge / ROW 10 min Cutoff
30-45 WOD: 10 Rounds For Time Of: (15 Minute Cut Off) 5/5 Box Step up 10 KB Swings (Modification Deadlift)(KX 35/53) 50 Jump Rope (KX 25 Double Unders) JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE (CANNOT COUNT JUMP ROPES FROM WORKOUT) Day 16 130 JR or 10 DBL under WEDNESDAY 0-20 min Isolated Mobility and dowel mobility, dynamic warm up drill, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 Rounds 5 Push up to pike (you choose difficulty level) 10 high Knees 5/5 Plank w/ rotation 20-30 Press Strength Turkish Get Up w/ Press RTR & work up to a 1 rep max doing a press at each of the seven stations of the Get Up. No need to get back down- just place the bell back on the floor. Repeat top set 2X. Give plenty of rest between sets. 30-45 WOD15 Minute AMRAP Of: Run 250m 10 KB Snatches R (KX 35/53) 10 KB Snatches L (Modification: DB Snatch or One Arm KB Swing) 20 Chinees JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE (CANNOT COUNT JUMP ROPES FROM WORKOUT) Day 17 135 JR or 15 DBL under THURSDAY 0-20 min Isolated Mobility & dowel stretch, dynamic core breathing warm up drill, Warm Up: 5 min AMRAP 3R/3L KB WINDMILL with a yoga block balancing 5 KB Swing to High pull 3/3 Windshield wipers 10 deadbugs with med ball 20-30 CORE: CORE GALORE (30sec on/15 sec off) OA Hover Plank R OA Hover Plank L V-ups (Side Plank) Hip-ups R Chinees (Side Plank) Hip-ups L Leg Lifts Spiderman Plank Butterfly Sit-ups Hollow Body Rocks Bicycles Superman Rocks Mountain Climbers 30-45 WOD 8 ROUNDs: 20 Seconds On/ 10 Seconds Off on Each Exercise (NOTE: Finish all 8 rounds of the exercise before moving on to the next) Scale As Necessary: Pullups DBL KB Clean + Squat (KX 25/40) Lying Leg Raises OR Hanging Leg Lifts Ball Slam + frog hop (KX 15/25) (modify no frog hop) JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE (CANNOT COUNT JUMP ROPES FROM WORKOUT) Day 18 140 JR or 20 DBL under FRIDAY 0-20 min Isolated Mobility & dowel stretch, dynamic warm up drill, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 30/10 Seated Hip Rolls with arms over head Hip Circles cat cow(On all fours press back to childs/cat pose then circle forward to neutral cows pose.) Gentle lateral lunges Inch worm + Scorpions V-up + Iron Cross 20-30 Lower Pull Strength SUITCASE DEADLIFT - Run the rack to heaviest weight with great form. Start with 3 reps then as it gets heavier do 1 rep. 10 min cutoff 30-45 WOD: 8 min cutoff Pyramid REPS: 3-6-9-12-15-12-9-6-3 KB OH swing (KX 35/53) Goblet Curtsey Lunge (R/L) (KX 35/53) 7 min AMRAP 6/6 SA KB clean, the high pull (R/L) (KX 25/40) 3 Inch worm ball slam (KX 15/25) JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE (CANNOT COUNT JUMP ROPES FROM WORKOUT) Day 19 145 JR or 25 DBL Under SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility & dowel stretch, dynamic warm up drill, Movement Patterning/Technique, warm up games Warm Up: 6 min AMRAP 5/5 TRX One Arm Row 10 Banded tricep ext 10 Superman 10 Plank Jack w/ Mountain Climber 20-30 Horizontal Pull Strength - KB LAWN MOWER ROW WITH TRX BACK FLY Work For 10 Minutes RTR 3/3 reps Lawn Mower Row. & 10 TRX Back Fly (superset only on RTR) 5 sets of 3 reps on each arm at top weight. And try for a 1 rep max heaviest one arm row with THE BEST form. 30-45 WOD: FOR BEST TIME: REPS 20/15/10/5 TRX MUSCLE UP WALL BALL BURPEE (KX 14/20) GORILLA ROW (DBL COUNT) (DBL KB KX 35/53) BOX OVER JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE (CANNOT COUNT JUMP ROPES FROM WORKOUT) Day 20 150 JR or 30 Dbl Under
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