MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 MIN AMRAP 30 Mountain Climbers 5/5 Rocking Lunges 10 Superman 20 Glute Bridges 20-30 Lunge Strength 3 rounds 5/5 Dbl KB forward Lunge 5/5 Dbl KB Bulgarian Split Squat 5/5 Dbl KB Single Leg RDL + KB Clean 30-45 WOD: 1 Round till completion (must finish each exercise before moving on [15 min cutoff]): · 10 Burpees + Spider Plank PU · 20 Goblet Squats (KX 35W/53M) · 15R/15L Jump Lunge ( IF YOU FEEL CRAY JUMP LUNGE + KB SNATCH) · 40 KB Swings (KX 35W/53M) · 500M RUN or ROW or 1 min 5/5 MTN CLIMBERS & 5 Touch Jump · 40 KB Swings (KX 35W/53M) · 15R/15L Jump Lunge ( IF YOU FEEL CRAY JUMP LUNGE + KB SNATCH) · 20 Goblet Squats (KX 35W/53M) · 10 Burpees + Spider Plank PU TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, WARM UP: 8 Min AMRAP 2 x Walk out, push back, hop Pulsing lunge 10 r/l 10 Push up w/ double shoulder tap 40 Bicycles 20-30 Vertical press Strength 3 Rounds 5 DBL KB WIDE Strict Press(weight should be hard to press by the 6th rep) 5 DBL KB NEUTRAL Strict Pess 5 HINDU PUSHUP 5 KB SQUAT BICEP CURL to OVERHEAD PRESS TRICEP EXT. THEN FINISH WITH 30 OVERHEAD KB SWING (KX 35W/53M) 30-45 WOD BUY IN: 5R/5L KB WINDMILL (KX 35W/53M) 3 ROUNDS 10 CAL ROW OR 10/10 BENT OVER ROW to CLEAN 10 DBL KB CLEAN (KX 35W/53M) 10 BOX JUMP (KX 20inW/24inM) OR Box Step Up 10 BALL SLAM (KX 15W/30M) OR GOB CLEAN to O.H. PRESS BUY OUT: TWO 100M RUNNING LAPS WITH MEDBALL OVER HEAD (ZOOM 1 MIN GOBLET JUMP JACK) WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 8 rounds (4 min) 20 sec crunch tuck (ADD KB FOR EXTRA CHALLENGE) 10 sec hollow body hold or rock 20-30 Core Strength 3 rounds 40 sec on//20 sec OVER THE SHOULDER BALL TOSS or FROG JUMPS Plank hold Bird Dog Hollow body Hold Dead Bug 30-45 WOD: 15 min AMRAP 2 min ON// 1 MIN BURPEE 1R/1L Turkish Get Ups (KX 35W/53M) 10 Sit Up with Russian twist 10 DBL KB Chest Press (KX 35W/53M) 50m Heavy ONE ARM Farmer carry (KX DBL 53W/70+M) THURSDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 ROUNDS 3 inch worm walking hands out as far as they can go 3/3 Side Lunge 3/3 Squat & Halo 10 Jump Jack 15-30 Lift Strength 20min Conventional Dead-lift 3 sets x 8 reps Touch and go reps, :3 tempo lowering the bar to the floor. Tempo Romanian Dead-lift 3 sets x 10 reps 3210(:3 down, :2 pause in lowest position, up FAST, no stopping at the top.) 30-45 WOD 3 ROUNDS 10 WALL BALL (KX 14w/20m) or zoom thruster 30 JUMP ROPE OR 6 DBL UNDER OR 30 JUMP JACKS 15 DIPS 30 JUMP ROPE OR 6 DBL UNDEROR 30 JUMP JACKS 15 CHINUP 30 JUMP ROPE OR 6 DBL UNDEROR 30 JUMP JACKS FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 Rounds 1 min plank hold 30 sec mnt climber 1 min reverse plank hold 30 sec glute bridge 1min side plank leg lift right- (do left second round) 30 sec jump squats 20-30 Tempo TRX Row OR Goblet bent over row with tempo 3 sets x 8 reps 3330(:3 down, :3 pause, :3 up, :0 at the top) Bent over DBL KB row 3 sets x 10 reps No Tempo. Select a weight that you can complete all 3 sets of 10. 30-45 WOD LUCKY #7 - 7 Rounds of the following exercises for 7 reps each. 7 Vups 7 Snatches R (KX 35W/53M) 7 Snatches L 7 Burpees 7 Pullups SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, WARM UP: 6 MIN EMOM ODD: 5R/5L Split Squats & 5 V-Ups EVEN: 10 JUMP JACK SQUAT Then Plank the remainder of the min 20-30 Squat Strength Time for tempo!! Tempo Goblet squat 3 sets x 8 reps 3330(:3 down, :3 pause, :3 up, :0 at the top.) :90 rest between each set. HEAVY Goblet Squat and quick rest 3 sets x 10 reps No tempo, but keep rests at :60-:90. 30-45 WOD “The TERRIBLE 10’s” - Make sure student do the most challenging version/weight on each exercise, or they will finish the circuits too quickly. · 5 rounds: (8 min Cut Off) o 10 Pull Ups o 10 Push Ups · 5 rounds: (8 min Cut Off) o 10 Thrusters (KX DBL KB 35W/53M) o 10 Deadlifts (KX DBL KB 35W/53M) · 5 rounds: (8 min Cut Off) o 10 Weighted Sit Ups o 10 Superman 1 MIN AB MAT BUTTERFLY SITUP BURNOUT
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