11/28/2016 0 Comments Bill strength Week 2 11/28-12/3MONDAY
1. Basic Mobility 2. Dowels 3. Specific Warm Up 4. STRENGTH: Double Chest Press + 10 HR push-ups -Run the rack with 5 reps of double chest press. When you achieve your top weight, superset your chest press with 10 hand-release push-ups. Do 3-4 rounds of this superset at your top weight. Try to go directly from you chest press into your push-ups, and save the rest till after the superset. If you need to, create a time cap appropriate to the fitness level of your class. 5. WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 -Wall Balls -TRX rows -Kettle Bell Swings -Sit-ups TUESDAY 1. Basic Mobility 2. Dowels 3. Specific Warm Up 4. STRENGTH: Core Circuit 4 Rounds (30 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest) 1) Hanging Leg Raises 2) One-leg Hip Bridges R 3) Weighted Sit-ups 4) One-leg hip bridges L 5. WOD: 3 Rounds. 1 minute per exercise. Perform as a circuit. -Jump Rope (good opportunity to practice DU) -Sumo Deadlift High Pull -Alternate 3R/3L Lawnmower Rows -Ball Slams -Rest WEDNESDAY 1. Basic Mobility 2. Dowels 3. Specific Warm Up 4. STRENGTH: Clean n' Press (Beginner: single arm; Advanced: doubles) -Run the rack with clean and press. Perform 5 sets of 3 reps at your top weight. Remember to brace your core before you even touch the kettle bells. 5. WOD: 15 Minute AMRAP: 5 Burpees (Increase height of jump. If you're sore from Monday, take out push-ups) 10 Deadlifts 15 V-ups 20 Traveling lunges (Try to get back knee to touch the floor. No jump lunges). 250m Run THURSDAY 1. Basic Mobility 2. Dowels 3. Specific Warm Up 4. STRENGTH: Chin-ups (palm face your face) -Perform 8-10 sets of 3-5 chin-ups. Modify with bands, TRX, or box. 5. WOD: 800m Run -Rest 1-minute- 3 Rounds: 10 Pistols (mod: Box or TRX) 10 Double Push Press 10 (5R/5L) TRX Power Pulls 30 Double Unders (mod: 90 single unders) 30R/30L Mountain Climbers -Rest 1-minute- 800m Run FRIDAY 1. Basic Mobility 2. Dowels 3. Specific Warm Up 4. STRENGTH: Squat + TRX Suspended Lunge Combo -Run the rack with squats in sets of 3. Perform 3-4 sets of squats at your top weight and superset that with 5R/5L TRX Reverse Lunges. Try to go directly from you squats into your lunges, and save the rest till after the superset. Modify as needed. 5. WOD: Buy In: 3X 10 TRX Biceps Curls 10 TRX Triceps Press then: 4 Rounds: 5R/5L Single-arm Russian Swings 10 Ice Skaters 5R/5L Single-arm Russian Snatch 10 TRX Jump Squats Short Sprint Buy Out: 3X: 10 Sit-ups 20 Leg Scissors 30 Plank Jacks SATURDAY 1. Basic Mobility 2. Dowels 3. Specific Warm Up 4. STRENGTH: Strict Shoulder Press (+1 Round Push Press) Run the rack with strict shoulder press in sets of 5 reps. Perform 3 sets of 5 at your top weight. After your last strict press, perform 1 set of 15 push presses. Choose a weighted that is lighter, but not pointless. 5. WOD: 50 DU (Modify: 150 singles) 50 Bicycles -Sprint- 40 DU (Modify: 120 singles) 40R/40L Mountain Climbers -Sprint- 30 DU (Modify: 90 singles) 30 Overhead Swings -Sprint- 20 DU (Modify: 60 singles) 20 Box Jumps (Be careful. Modify with step-ups) -Sprint- 10 DU (Modify: 30 singles) 10R/10L Body Scissors -Sprint-
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