7/11/22-7/16/22 STRENGTH WEEK: #5 MONDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 5 hindu pushup 10 sit ups 5/5 halos 10 gob chest press 10-20 Strength Horizontal Pull: (ZOOM Plank on bench and 5/5 KB Row then hollow body hold for 1 min.) 3 ROUNDS EACH PARTNER UP A. 10 TRX row negatives (3 second lower) B. HOLDS CHIN OVER BAR TIL PARTNER IS DONE [If they cannot have them try but jump back up after they fall] 20-45 WOD: **MAX EFFORT!!! SPRINT** **FOR ADVANCED STUDENTS, OFFER 4 ROUNDS EACH** 3 ROUNDS: SHORT SPRINT or FAST 150m Row 15 AB MAT BUTTERFLY SIT-UPS 12 BURPEES REST 1 MINUTE 3 ROUNDS: 50M DBL WAITER CARRY 15 DIPS OR KB SKULL CRUSHERS 12 PULL UPS TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 15,10,5 X walk reps each side squat jacks leg lift over the shoulder ball throw 20-30 SQUAT Strength Run the rack with single or dbl kb squat Do 5 reps then move up to the next weight once at heaviest weight do 5 sets of 5 reps. 30-45 WOD: 5 ROUNDS [15 MIN] 5 DBL KB THRUSTER 5 TRX MUSCLEUP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMZGD8NxWt0 (zoom KB skull crusher) 5R/5L KB SNATCH 1R/1L TURKISH GETUP* from the TOP DOWN *After the last snatch, from the lockout, do the down phase of the getup until you are laying down and then get back up. And then switch sides. WEDNESDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 8 rounds 20/10 alternate between the two exercises Touch jump or burpee TRX ROW or kb bent over row 10-25 Strength Horizontal Press 5 rounds 5 Tempo pushup (3 second down, 1 second pause 0 up, 0 pause at top.) 10 Pushups 25-45 WOD:(While doing single unders every attempt at a double under = 5 reps) 1 ROUND For BEST time: (20 MIN CUTOFF) Must finish each exercise before moving to the next. Row 500m or 300 rope skips or 60 DBL Unders (ZOOM:1 min buy in burpee) 20/20 KB Clean & press 30 Goblet SQUAT + BICEP CURL Run 500m 30 Overhead KB swings 20 Gorilla Row 10/10 Pistols or goblet Lunge THURSDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 5 inch worm scorpion 5 iron cross 5 pike toe touch 20 bicycles 10 legs up toe touch 15-25 CORE Strength: [10 MIN cutoff] REP: 30/20/10 -KB Dead bugs -Sideplank hiplift R -Sideplank hiplift L -Abmat situp 25-45 WOD: 15 Min Ascending amrap start with 1 rep and do all movements on right then 1 rep all movements on left. Then 2 reps all movements on right and 2 all movements on left. Ect. Kettlebell single-arm snatch Kettlebell windmill Kettlebell single-arm front squat Kettlebell single-arm Situp with bottoms up hold 100 jump rope (reps stay the same.) (Zoom: Jump Jacks) FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 10 kb good morning 10 kb swing 10 touch jump twist 5/5 side lunge Short run 20-30 Strength Power lift: Sumo Deadlift High Pulls Run the rack with 8 (4R/4L) SDHP till you find a top weight. Stay heavy for 4 total rounds. (ZOOM 10 min AMRAP 8 SDHP + 6 Tempo deadlift (3 up, 0 pause at top, 3 down, 0 pause at bottom.) 30-45 WOD: 4 Rounds 7R/7L REV. GOBLET LUNGE 4 T2B or V-up 14 SUITCASE DEADLIFT 4 T2B 14 Hands on KB PUSH UP 4 T2B 7R/7L TURKISH SITUP (to hip bridge point and back down.) 4 T2B *T2B = TOES TO BAR. SCALE FOR SKILL LEVEL. SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 30/10 sec off Box step up Band pull apart Over head KB swing Banded Tricep pull down 20-30 Strength Vertical Pull: 10 min AMRAP alternate partners A: 5 PULLUPS B:Waiter Carry 30-45 WOD: Benchmark THE LEAH (20 min cutoff) 10 Rounds 4 Handstand Kick up or Spinal rock handstand 4 Burpee Box Over (KX 20W//24M) 4 DBL KB Snatch (or high pull or swing) (KX 25W//40M) 40 Jump Rope
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