12/30/24-1/4/25 STRENGTH WEEK: #5 Hi TXT community, Tuesday new years eve there is only one class NOON at live oak with me and on New Year's day there are no classes and all clubs are closed. The flooring should have been installed at live oak in the new room this weekend and the gear will be moving soon. I’ll let you know when I know. Haha. I hope you all have a super fun New year and I can't wait to see how we grow in 2025!! Sending good vibes your way, Christa B P.s. the 6 week ubtc starts Friday Jan 3rd woot woot!! You still have time to sign up!! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2025-new-year-6-week-ultimate-body-transformation-challenge-tickets-1067690152989 MONDAY 0-10 Lead the group is toe to head Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility & Movement Patterning/Technique is warming up and teaching the movements that you will be doing in class. Warm Up: 3 rounds 5 hindu pushup 10 sit ups 5/5 KB halos 10 gob chest press 10-20 Strength Horizontal Pull: (focusing on upper back) 5 ROUNDS EACH PARTNER UP A. 5/5 Tempo Lawn mower row with 3 second lower B. HOLDS CHIN OVER BAR or HANGING FROM BAR TIL PARTNER IS DONE [If they cannot have them try but jump back up after they fall] 20-45 WOD: 5 rounds 6 SA bent over row to snatch R (Snatch from ground do not go heavy) 6 SA bent over row to snatch L 9 Glute bridge, GOB chest press, pull over 12 Sumo DL HP (SINGLE KB) 15 plank jacks TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 15,10,5 X walk reps each side 1 lap Lateral high knees Glute bridge hold w/ march side vups R Side V-up L 20-30 SQUAT Strength Run the rack with 5 single or dbl kb squat Do 5 reps then move up to the next weight once at heaviest weight do 5 sets of 5 reps. 30-45 WOD: BUY IN: 1 min wall sit 3 ROUNDS [12 min cutoff] 5 DBL KB THRUSTER (KX dbl kb 20W//35M) 10 goblet squat (KX 35W//53M) 10 jump squat 5 pistol squat R 5 Pistol squat L 1R/1L TURKISH GETUP* from the TOP DOWN (KX 25W//40M) *After the last snatch, from the lockout, do the down phase of the getup until you are laying down and then get back up. And then switch sides. WEDNESDAY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! THURSDAY long wod! Start strength early. 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 5 inch worm scorpion 5 iron cross 5 pike toe touch 20 bicycles 10 legs up toe touch 10-20 CORE Strength: 40/20, 30/15, 20/10 - 2 Mountain Climbers+ 2 grasshoppa + 2 plank jack - v-up + russian twist - Goblet Thruster + bicep curl (in the squat position) - Abmat Sit-ups 20-45 WOD: 20 min CUTOFF 100m DBL KB Waiter Carry (KX DBL KB 35w/53m) THEN 21 - 14 - 7 Mtn Climbers (DBL REPS) T2B or V- Up 100M DBL KB Farmer Carry (KX DBL KB 35w/53m) THEN 18 - 12- 6 Wall ball situps Dips or skull crushers 100M DBL KB Front Rack Carry (KX DBL KB 35w/53m) THEN 15 - 10 - 5 DBL KB Clean (KX DBL KB 35w/53m) Burpee over Box FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: REPS 15/10/5 Boot strapper Side lunge R Side lunge L Switch blade R Switch blade L 20-30 Strength Power lift: Suitcase Deadlift 10 min AMRAP 5 Suitcase Deadlift + 6 Tempo Romanian deadlift (3 up, 0 pause at top, 3 down, 0 pause at bottom.) 30-45 WOD: 2 Rounds 7R/7L REV. GOBLET LUNGE or modify for what is best for your knees (KX 35w/53m) 4 Sumo DeadLIFT (KX 53w/70+m) 14 GOBLET SQUAT (KX 35w/53m) 4 Sumo DeadLIFT 14 Box Jump 4 Sumo DeadLIFT 7R/7L TURKISH SITUP (To hip bridge point and back down.Half of a get up) (KX 35w/53m) 4 Sumo DeadLIFT SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up:5 min AMRAP 5 Lateral Plank walk R 5 Lateral Plank walk L 10 Hollow body rock 5 North South plank R 5 North South plank L 5 Pull over to KB SIT-UP 10 Frog jumps 20-30 Strength Vertical Pull: 10 min AMRAP alternate partners pullup study A: 5 PULLUPS B:Plank Hold while partner completes pullups 30-45 WOD For Time 5 Rounds of: 5 Pull-Ups or 2/2 north south plank 5 Push-Ups 5 Air Squats Then, 4 Rounds of: 6 Handstand Push-Ups or Pike pushup or Seated Shoulder press 6 KB Swings Then, 3 Rounds of: 7 Box Jumps or alt. kneeling step ups 7 Hanging Knees-to-Elbows or v-up Then, 2 rounds of: 8 Wall-Balls or KB Goblet Thruster 8 Sit-Ups Then, 1 Round of: 30 Burpees!!!!
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