11/25/24-11/30/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #10 HAPPY THANKSGIVING WEEK TXT Community! It’s a wonderful week to get gains. Week 10 we try for harder movements and heavier weights before we reset to week 1 of our strength calendar. Make the most of it. There is only one class on thursday. It is at live oak at 9am with me Coach Christa. Please come join us and get your turkey burner on. Friday all clubs open at 8am there is no 6am classes. I hope to see you thursday morning!! Have a wonderful week! Christa B MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 MIN AMRAP 10 hanging scapular retraction 10 sec Bar hang 10 TRX Tricep ext 10 TRX Pull UP 20-30 Vertical Pull Strength 10 rounds (5 MIN) 15 SEC ON/15 SEC OFF HOLD CHIN OVER BAR FOR 15 SEC 5 MIN OF: THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OF OUR STRENGTH CALENDAR TRY FOR YOUR HARDEST VERSION. 5 SETS OF 3 REPS PULLUP NEGATIVES (OR TRX NEGATIVES) IF THEY NEED MORE OF A CHALLENGE GRAB A WEIGHT BELT AND RTR w/KB's. PULLUP FAST AND LOWER YOUR SELF SLOW. 30-45 WOD 16 minute E.M.O.M. Minute 1,5,9,13: Run 50M (KX SPRINT) Minute 2,6,10,14: 5 KB GOB Thrusters + 10 sit-ups (KX single KB 35W/53M) Minute 3,7,11,15: 25 D.U. (125 singles) (BEGINNER 75 Singles) Minute 4,8,12,16: 5 H.R. Push-ups + 10 superwomen TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min 20 butt kickers 10/10 x walk 1 lap side slide r 1 lap side slide L 1 Lap karaoke r 1 lap karaoke L 10/10 clam 20-30 Lunges- 10 ROUNDS (8 MINish) DBL OR SINGLE KB 30 ON / 15 OFF RUN THE RACK. ALTERNATING FORWARD LUNGE EVERY 30 SECONDS, THEN MOVE UP TO THE NEXT KETTLE-BELL. WHEN YOU GET TO YOUR HEAVIEST STAY ON IT. 30-45 WOD 15 minute AMRAP: 2 Wall Walks or Inch worm (NO SHOES ON THE WALL) 4 Over mat Burpees 6/6 Sitouts 8/8 Jump Lunge or light goblet lunge 10 Heavy KB Swings (KX 40+W/70+M) (Emphasize quick transitions) WEDNESDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 Rounds 20/10 Goblet shoulder press with marching Hindu Pushup 15-25 Press Strength Press Strength Turkish Get Up w/ Press (Only get up NO get down.) Have clients work up to a 1 rep max doing a press at each of the seven stations of the Get Up. No need to get back down- just place the bell back on the floor. Repeat top set 2X. Once again, plenty of rest between sets. 25-45 WOD Get As Far Through The List As Possible In 20 Minutes: 100 Rope Skips (50 dbl unders) 20 PULLUPS 90 Rope Skips (45 dbl unders) 10/10 One Arm KB Swings (KX DBL 25W/45M) 80 Rope Skips (40 dbl unders) 10/10 One Arm KB Swing clean (KX single KB 25W/45M) 70 Rope Skips (35 dbl unders) 10/10 One Leg Deadlifts (KX single KB 25W/45M) 60 Rope Skips (30 dbl unders) 20 Goblet Squats (KX 40W/70M) 50 Rope Skips (25 dbl unders) 10/10 Bottoms Up Presses (KX 20W/40M) 40 Rope Skips (20 dbl unders) 20 Wall Balls (KX 14W/20M) 30 Rope Skips (15 dbl unders) 20/20 Mountain Climbers (R&L) 20 Rope Skips (10 dbl unders) 20 Ball Slam (KX 20W/30M) 10 Rope Skips (5 dbl unders) THURSDAY only class at live oak 9am HAPPY THANKSGIVING 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 Min AMRAP 20 jump jack 10/10 ice skaters 1 lap bear crawl 1 Lap high knees 20-30 CORE 8 rounds 20sec on /10sec off Side Vup (Switch sides every round) THEN: 50 Bird Dogs 50 Dead Bugs 30-45 WOD START WITH: 1 MIN FARMER CARRY (KX DBL 53+W/80+M) THEN: 10 MIN AMRAP 10M WAITER CARRY 5/5 SIDE PLANK HOLD WITH ONE LEG LIFT 5 PUSHUP 5 DBL KETTLEBELL PUSHUP TO LSIT (Bigger KB will be better for balance) 5 FAST BODY WEIGHT SQUAT(no weight) 5/5 KB ALTERNATING LUNGE AND UNDER FRONT LEG PASS (Keep posture upright.) (KX single KB 20W/35M) (Modify with pulsing lunge or omit exercise.) 5 SITUP THEN END WITH: 1 MIN FARMER CARRY (KX 53+W/80+M) FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: REPS 20,15,10 KB GOOD MORNING HIP BRIDGE MTN CLIMBERS (DBL REPS) 20-30 Lower Pull (LIFT) Strength - Sumo Deadlift RTR 3 reps When you find your heaviest weight do 5 sets of 3 reps 30-45 WOD (KX 53+W/80+M) USE A LARGE KB FOR BALANCE & BE CAREFUL THAT YOU ARE SET UP FOR DEADLIFT WITH THE BEST FORM 15 Single KB Deadlift + Plank Jump Back (Hands on KB handle and hop back into plank, then hop forward) 5 Frog Hop forward & Backward (1 rep) 10 Single KB Deadlift + Plank Jump Back 10 Frog Hop forward & Backward (1 rep) 5 Single KB Deadlift + Plank Jump Back 15 Frog Hop forward & Backward (1 rep) 10 Single KB Deadlift + Plank Jump Back 10 Frog Hop forward & Backward (1 rep) 15 Single KB Deadlift + Plank Jump Back 5 Frog Hop forward & Backward (1 rep) SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 6 MIN EMOM Alternate between the two minutes for a total of 6 min EVEN MIN: 10 Gorilla Row + 3 Pushup ODD MIN: 20 Bicycle + 5 v-up 20-30 Horizontal Pull Strength - RTR work up to your most challenging 3 rep LAWN MOWER ROW DO 3 sets of 3 reps at top weight then work up to your heaviest 1 rep max 30-45 WOD 15 Minute ASCENDING REP AMRAP: 1,2,3... R/L TRX Power Pull 1,2,3...Knees to Elbows or V-up 1,2,3... Wall Balls (KX 14W/20M) 10,20,30 Jump Rope (KX 5,10,15 ..DBL UNDER) In health & kindness, Christa Berry & Team TxT Find us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram
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