BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) SKILL: 10 min L-SIT PRACTICE LIFT STRENGTH: RTR Lunges - Start in light weight work up to heaviest. Work on partner walking lunges. Have partner A lunge across the room and back followed by rest while partner B LungesBEGINNER - Bodyweight or Goblet Lunges INTERMEDIATE - Double Kettlebell Racked Or Suitcase Lunges EXPERT - One Or Two Arm Overhead Lunges WOD:15 Minute AMRAP Of: 1 min Plank 20 Wall Balls 20 Over head Swings 10r/10L Goblet Box Step Up HANDSTAND CHALLENGE 1 min Head Stand ____________________________________ TUESDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) SKILL: 10 min L-SIT PRACTICE Strength (10 min) Press Strength - Run The Rack On The Press For 5 Reps (really focus on getting them to the next level safely) BEGINNER - One Arm Press (Goal Is 5 Reps With 30lbs Women/50lbs Men) INTERMEDIATE - One Arm Bottoms Up Press (Goal Is 5 Reps With 30lbs Women/50lbs Men) EXPERT - One Arm 2 Kettlebell Press (Goal Is 1 Rep With 2-30lbs Women/2-50lb Men) WOD:1 Minute at each station with no rest between stations for 3 rounds: (rest 1 min between rounds) One arm clean to Bottoms up press R One arm clean Bottoms up press L TRX T Chinees Superman Hold HANDSTAND CHALLENGE 1 Min Head Stand ______________________________________ WEDNESDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Skill: 10 min double under skill practice STRENGTH:20 Seconds On 10 Seconds Off for 10 rounds of: BEGINNER - Lying Leg Raises INTERMEDIATE - V Ups, Legs Stay Up EXPERT - Full V Ups or Hanging Leg raise SLOW WOD 15 min EMOM ODD MIN: Total of 15 reps (each movement counts as 1 rep. Scale for safety and sill level) Dbl Swing Dbl highpull Dbl snatch EVEN MINUTE: 15 BALL SLAM HANDSTAND CHALLENGE 3 rounds 30 on 15 off Handstand kick up ____________________________________ THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Skill: 10 min double under skill practice STRENGTH: Lower Pull Strength - Run The Rack For 10 Minutes Perform 10 Reps Each (really focus on getting them to the next level safely) Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift KX 35w/53m WOD: 15 Minute Ascending AMRAP Of: (Perform 1 rep on the first round, 2 on the second and keep increasing each round by 1 rep until time is up. The symbol 2X indicates you multiply the reps by 2 etc. for any other number) -MANMAKERS (OR BURPEE) KX 15W/25M -KB Windmill R ( ) KX 20w/35m -KB Windmill L -Rope Skips or D.U. (+10X each round or x5 for DU) HANDSTAND CHALLENGE 3 rounds 30 on 15 off Handstand kickup ___________________________________ FRIDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) SKILL: The importance of the hip hinge (see below.) 8 ROUNDS 20 on 10off Dead swing (SEE BELOW VIDEO) STRENGTH: Horizontal Pull Strength - Work On One Of The Exercises For 10 Minutes (really focus on getting them to the next level safely) BEGINNER - One Arm Row Place Other Hand On Wall For Support (Goal Is 3 Slow Reps To Bottom) INTERMEDIATE - One Arm Split Row (Goal Is 5 Reps With 30lb Women/50lb Men) EXPERT - One Arm 2 Kettlebell Row (Goal Is 5 Reps With 2-30lb Women/2-50lb Men) WOD 20 Seconds On 10 Seconds Off For 8 Rounds Of Each Exercise (NOTE: Finish all 8 rounds of the exercise before moving on to the next) Scale As Necessary: KX 35w/53m DBL KB SNATCH DBL KB HIGHPULL SWING DBL KB SWING DBL KB SUMO SQUAT HANDSTAND CHALLENGE 3 rounds 30 on 15 off Handstand against wall optional shoulder tap ___________________________________ SATURDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) SKILL: The importance of the hip hinge (see below.) 8 ROUNDS 20 on 10off Dead swing (SEE BELOW VIDEO) STRENGTH: Leg Strength - Run the rack on the Squat or Pistol for 5 reps (really focus on getting them to the next level safely) BEGINNER - Goblet Squat (Goal Is 5 Deep Reps With 30lb Women/ 50lb Men) INTERMEDIATE - Double Kettlebell Front Squat (Goal Is 5 Deep Reps With 2-30lb Women/2-50lb Men) EXPERT - (pistol)One Leg Squat (Goal Is 1 Deep Rep With 2-30lb Women/2-50lb Men) 30-45 10 Rounds as fast as possible of: 10 Snatches Right 10 Snatches Left 10 Abmat situps HANDSTAND CHALLENGE 3 rounds 30 on 15 off Handstand against wall optional shoulder tap
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