We are introducing a new level to work up to. The advanced TXT level will be called KX KX: When a WOD is performed KX'd, that means the athlete performs all modalities using the prescribed weight and reps. In TOADAL CROSS-TRAINING, all WODs can be scaled down to meet your fitness level, but the goal is to get to a place where the KX is challenging, yet doable. MONDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: 10 reps SUMO DEADLIFT - Run The Rack For 10 Minutes Perform 10 Reps Each (really focus on getting them to the next level safely) BEGINNER - Single Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift (Goal is 50lbs men, 30lb women) INTERMEDIATE - Double Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift (Goal Is 2-50lb men, 2-35lb women) EXPERT - Double Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift (Goal Is 2-50lb + everyone) WOD: THE TALIA BENCHMARK (HAVE CLASS LOG THEIR TIME AND WEIGHT USED) 20 min time cap 1 round 2- running Laps 20- Toes to Bar ( Int: knees to elbow B- knees to as far as possible or V-ups) 7/7 R&L- One legged squats (I- TRX assist B- 2 legs) 150- Jump Rope (KX 30 Double Unders) 15 R&L- Snatch (I- High Pull B- Swing) (KX 35W / 53M) 25- Weight overhead sit-up (I- weight on chest B- normal sit-up) 25- Burpees 10- Pull-ups (I- BANDED, B- TRX Rows) 20- Dead Lifts (KX DBL KB 35W / DBL KB 53M) 76- Mountain Climbers 15- Push-ups 30- Jump Lunges (KX WEIGHTED JUMP LUNGE 35W / 53M) 3- 50M Sprints CORE CHALLENGE 100 situps TUESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) STRENGTH: STRICT PULL-UPS -Beginner: Shoot for 15-20 very assisted pull-ups (Bands or TRX pull-ups) -Intermediate: Shoot for 18-24 strict-pull-ups -Advanced: Shoot for 20-30 pull-ups (hard modifications= L-sit pull-ups or weighted pull-ups) *****Have Clients get into groups and break up the pull-ups in sets of 3-5 reps. No kipping. (Side note: kipping is generally safest when clients can do 2-3 strict pull-ups) WOD: (HAVE CLASS LOG THEIR TIME AND WEIGHT USED) Michael BENCHMARK 5 rounds as fast as they can for time of: Beginner 50 Jumping Jacks 20 Touch Jumps (like burpee but with no jumping back and forth just touch ground and then jump) 20 Jumping Pullups 5/5 snatches R & L (15lb women 30lb men) Intermediate 100 Rope Skips 20 Burpees (No Pushup) 10 Kipping Pullups 5/5 snatches R & L (20lb women 40lb men) Advanced a.k.a KX! 20 Double Unders 20 Burpees (Chest To Ground) 10 Strict Pullups (NO BANDS) 5/5 snatches R & L (KX 35lb women 53lb men) CORE CHALLENGE 100 situps WEDNESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) -SKILL: Double unders 4 Tabata rounds of double under practice (Tabatas are 20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest) Coaching tips: Shoulders dropped, elbows in, light on your feet, fast wrists, and jump a little higher. -STRENGTH: Front Rack Reverse Lunges Run the rack with front rack reverse lunges in sets of 4R/4L. When you reach your top weight, stay heavy and perform 4-5 rounds at top weight. -WOD: (HAVE CLASS LOG THEIR TIME AND WEIGHT USED) AXEL BENCHMARK START WITH: ROW 500M 2 ROUNDS 10 TRX PUSHUP 10 TRX SQUAT & ROW THEN -500M ROW- 2 ROUNDS 20 GOBLET SQUATS (KX 35LBW / 53LBM) 20 GOBLET LUNGES (KX 35LBW / 53LBM) 20 SITUPS THEN -ROW 500M- 2 ROUNDS 5R/5L KB SNATCH(KX 35LBW / 53LBM) 10 KB SUMO DEADLIFT HIGHPULL (KX DBL35LBW / DBL 53LBM) CORE CHALLENGE 100 situps THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) -SKILL: PERFECT THE KETTLEBELL SWING & Hip hinge movement (4 min) 8 rounds 20 sec on /10 sec rest of Kettlebell swing -STRENGTH: (10-15 min) 5 reps DBL KB Strict Shoulder Press (AFTER do 1 set of 15 Reps DBL KB Push Press) Run the rack with strict shoulder press in sets of 5 reps. Perform 3 sets of 5 reps at your top weight. After your last strict press, perform 1 set of 15 push presses. Choose a weighted that is lighter, but not pointless. -WOD: 5 min! (challenge yourself) HAVE CLASS LOG THEIR TIME AND WEIGHT USED THE BILL BENCHMARK (SNATCH TEST) 5 Minutes as many reps as possible switching hands or resting whenever they want. If they are incapable of kettlebell snatches have them use the appropriate size dumbbell until they master the movement. Beginner One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Right (15lb Women, 20lb Men) One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Left (15lb Women, 20lb Men) Intermediate One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Right (25lb Women, 35lb Men) One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Left (25lb Women, 35lb Men) Advanced a.k.a KX! One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Right (KX 35lb Women, 53lb Men) One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Left (KX 35lb Women, 53lb Men) CORE CHALLENGE 100 situps FRIDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) 3 ROUNDS 30 SEC ON// 10 SEC OFF
STRENGTH CORE (HAVE CLASS LOG THEIR TIME AND WEIGHT USED) 2 minute - Navy Seal Sit Up Test: Remind students of correct Sit Up form, then have students partner up and perform most situps they can in 2 minutes. WOD: (HAVE CLASS LOG THEIR TIME AND WEIGHT USED) Tyler Bro BENCHMARK: 25 minute CUTOFF Done as a Chipper Must complete all exercises in 25 mins, can alternate exercises at choice (may want little pieces of scratch paper to keep track) Beginner 5 Laps Running 50 Kettle Bell Swings (20w / 35m) 50 Jump Touches 75 Body Weight Squats 75 Sit Ups 300 Rope Skips Intermediate 7 Laps Running 25/25 Snatches (20w / 35m) - 25 each arm 50 Burpees (no pushup) 75 Bodyweight Jump Squats 100 Sit Ups 400 Rope Skips Advanced a.k.a KX 10 Laps Running 50 Double KB Snatches (kettlebell each arm) (Double KB 20+W / double 35+M) 50 Full Burpees (chest to ground) 75 Goblet Jump Squats (KX 15W / 35M) 125 Sit Ups 500 Rope Skips CORE CHALLENGE 100 situps for time SATURDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. DOWELS (5 MIN)Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) (CREATE YOUR OWN) -SKILL: Handstand (Push-up) Practice --Beginner or injured: 30 seconds of push-up plank to downward facing dog. Keep alternating in controlled manner. --Intermediate: Hold a handstand for 20-30 seconds with feet against the wall. --Advanced: 5-10 handstand pushups against the wall. Place 1-3 abmats under their heads. As they get better at HSPU’s, take away abmats. Make sure shoulders are packed and glutes are clenched. You may have student spot other students by holding onto their ankle and lifting them up. -STRENGTH: NO RTR (9 min) 3 min EMOM -- 2 Cleans (L), 2 Thrusters ( L); Repeat Right side; Rest with remaining time 3 min EMOM -- 3 Cleans (L), 3 Thrusters ( L); Repeat Right side: Rest with remaining time 3 min EMOM -- 4 Cleans (L), 4 Thrusters ( L); Repeat Right side: Rest with remaining time -WOD: (HAVE CLASS LOG THEIR TIME AND WEIGHT USED) THE RUDY BENCHMARK (FOR BEST TIME) 7 ROUNDS 10 SNATCHES R (KX 35W / 53M) 10 SNATCHES L (KX 35W / 53M) 10 STRICT PULLUP (NO KIP) 10 BURPEE BOX JUMP 250M RUN CORE CHALLENGE 100 situps for time
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