0-15 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 15 - 20 min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) MUST WRITE YOUR OWN SPECIFIC WARM-UP (10 MIN) STRENGTH: LIFT CLEAN & JERK 5 REPS DEMO DEMO NUMBER 2 RTR TO HEAVIEST WEIGHT KB YOU CAN DO WITH BEST FORM. WOD: 5-10-15-10-5 (15 MIN CUTOFF) NO KX Please focus on the form. KB SWING AROUND BODY TO R DEMO KB SWING AROUND BODY TO L PULSING LUNGE WITH KB PASS UNDER LEG R DEMO PULSING LUNGE WITH KB PASS UNDER LEG L WINDMILL R DEMO FOAM ROLL CHALLENGE 5 MIN ROLLOUT AFTER CLASS TUESDAY 0-15 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 15 - 20 min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) MUST WRITE YOUR OWN SPECIFIC WARM-UP LIFT: Vertical Pull STRICT PULL-UPS -Beginner: Shoot for 15-20 very assisted pull-ups (Bands or TRX pull-ups) -Intermediate: Shoot for 18-24 strict-pull-ups -Advanced: Shoot for 20-30 pull-ups (hard modifications= L-sit pull-ups or weighted pull-ups) *****Have Clients get into groups and break up the pull-ups in sets of 3-5 reps. No kipping. (Side note: kipping is generally safest when clients can do 2-3 strict pull-ups***** WOD: 800m Run -Rest 1-minute- 3 Rounds: 10 Pistols (mod: Box or TRX or 20 Squats) 10 Double KB Push Press (KX DBL 25/40) 10 (5R/5L) TRX Power Pulls 20 Double Unders (mod: 100 single unders) 30R/30L KB Mountain Climbers (hands on KB) -Rest 1-minute- 800m Run FOAM ROLL CHALLENGE 5 MIN ROLLOUT AFTER CLASS WEDNESDAY 0-5 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY & DOWEL STRETCHES 5-10 MIN WRITE YOUR VERY OWN EXERCISE WARMUP BE CREATIVE PLAY A GAME 10-30 MIN STRENGTH: LUNGE 1 LAP WALKING LUNGE DBL KB WITH 5R/5L REPS SIDE LUNGE RUN THE RACK WORKING UP TO HEAVIEST KB WITH BEST FORM . BEFORE MOVING UP TO NEXT WEIGHT DO 5R/5L REPS SIDE LUNGE. 30-45MIN WOD 1 ROUND 10 spinal rock/ burpee (YOU CAN COMBINE IT AS ONE OR DO 10 OF EACH SEPARATELY) 5 ROUNDS 5 Deadlift 10 Push-ups 1 ROUND 10 Spinal rock/ burpees 5 ROUNDS 5 Deadlift 10 TRX rows 1 ROUND 10 Spinal rock/ burpees FOAM ROLL CHALLENGE 5 MIN ROLLOUT AFTER CLASS THURSDAY 0-15 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility. 15 - 20 min: Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) STRENGTH: Vertical Press Turkish Get Up w/ Press (YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO TURKISH GET DOWN.) Have clients work up to a 1 rep max doing a press at each of the seven stations of the Get Up. No need to get back down- just place the bell back on the floor. Repeat top set 2X. Once again, plenty of rest between sets. WOD: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of... (KX 35W/53M) OA Snatch (R) OA rack squat w/ KB (R) OA Snatch (L) OA rack squat w/ KB (L) 50 M Farmer Carry (DISTANCE STAYS THE SAME) (KX DBL 50+W/70+M) FOAM ROLL CHALLENGE 5 MIN ROLLOUT AFTER CLASS FRIDAY 0-15 min: Isolated / Compound Joint Mobility.Technique and Form Warm Up (choose according to the day’s workout) 15 - 30 min: STRENGTH: CORE 3 ROUNDS 45 on 15 off
10 min EMOM: (EVERY MINUTE ON THE MINUTE) 4/4 Jump Lunges or goblet lunge 8 Hollow body rock 8 Ball Slam Finish with 5 min of partner sprints or equally intense cardio choice FOAM ROLL CHALLENGE 5 MIN ROLLOUT AFTER CLASS SATURDAY 0-15 min Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up Workout 15 - 30 min: STRENGTH: LIFT Swing - Run the rack working on the Swing for 10 reps. For strong clients have them swing 2 kettle bells. Watch for neutral spine throughout and don’t allow bad form to swing heavier. Stay at heaviest have them complete 3 rounds of 10 reps on most difficult weight, that they can maintain perfect form on 30 - 45 Min WOD: SET A TIMER. Go through each circuit time with the 4 exercises. CIRCUIT 1: 60 sec on 30 sec off CIRCUIT 2: 40 seconds on 20 seconds off CIRCUIT 3: 30 sec on 15 sec off CIRCUIT 4: 20 sec on 10 sec off 1 DEAD SWING (do first version) (good tutorial) 2 O.A STRICT PRESS RIGHT/LEFT 3. DBL KB FLOW....4 Pushups on KB handle, 3 bent over rows, 2 squats, 1 overhead press 4 SNATCH SWING SWITCH or swing switch (only do snatch swing switch, always switch hands in front of you. Watch the video at 1 min) FOAM ROLL CHALLENGE 5 MIN ROLLOUT AFTER CLASS
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