BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: Tempo Bench Press 4 sets x 6 reps 4210(:4 down,:2 pause, explode up, no pause at the top) Single Arm KB Press 4 sets x 10 reps 10 on ea side WOD: Bill 5 Minutes as many reps as possible switching hands or resting whenever they want. If they are incapable of kettlebell snatches have them use the appropriate size dumbbell until they master the movement. Beginner One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Right (15lb Women, 20lb Men) One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Left (15lb Women, 20lb Men) Intermediate One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Right (25lb Women, 35lb Men) One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Left (25lb Women, 35lb Men) Advanced One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Right (35lb Women, 50lb Men) One Arm Kettlebell Snatch Left (35lb Women, 50lb Men) -THEN- 4 Rounds of.. 250m runor row 20 Double Unders -or- 100 Singles WALL BALL CHALLENGE 290 air squats --------------------------------------- TUESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) STRENGTH: Turkish get up/Turkish Situp
WOD: 3 AMRAPS 4 Min AMRAP 20 Situps 20 Leg Lift laterally over kettle bell -250M Run- 4 Min AMRAP 5 burpees 5 box overs -250M Run- 1 Min AMR(reps)AP Toes to bar Burnout! Make sure they count their reps! Wall Ball Challenge or AIR SQUAT 300 wall walls or air squat --------------------------------------- WEDNESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) WOD: 5 Min Ascending EMOM (KX DBL 35W/ DBL 53M) 6 KB cleans 8 KB cleans 10 KB cleans 12 KB cleans 14 KB cleans -THEN- “Run To The Hills” For time with 20 minute cutoff: 250m run 20 One Arm Snatches Right (KX 35W/53M) 250m run 20 One Arm Snatches Left (KX 35W/53M) 250m run 20 Burpees 250m run 20 One Arm Thrusters Right (KX 35W/53M) 250m run 20 One arm Thrusters Left (KX 35W/53M) 250m run 20 Jump Lunges (KX 35W/53M) 250m run 20 One Arm Swings Right (KX 35W/53M) 250m run 20 One Arm Swings Left (KX 35W/53M) 250m run 20 Jump Squats (KX 35W/53M) 250m run WALL BALL CHALLENGE or AIR SQUAT 310 wall walls --------------------------------------- THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) 10 MIN STRENGTH: Pullup - have clients do a PULLUP ladder with a little rest in between, start at 2, go up by 1 all the way to 10 (if they can, scale as necessary, as well as add weight for advanced) If there is still time have them start over at 2 reps and work the ladder again with a chin up WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 -Wall Balls (KX 14lbW/20lbM) -TRX MUSCLE UP -Kettle Bell Swings (KX 35W/53M) -Sit-ups --------------------------------------- FRIDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) WARMUP BY TEACHING THE HIP HINGE. VERY IMPORTANT. CHECK OUT THIS LINK Strength: DBL KB SQUAT 4 sets x 6 reps 4210(:4 down,:2 pause, explode up, no pause at the top) Increase off last week. NO TEMPO DBL KB Squat 3 sets x 10 reps Work on low bar technique, but attempt to increase off tempo weight KB Good Morning (KB HELD AT CHEST) 3 sets x 10 reps WOD: 3 rounds: 10/10 Bulgarian split squats (KB OPTIONAL) (KX 35W/53M) 10/10 OA kb high pull (KX 35W/53M) 20 goblet walking lunges (KX 35W/53M) 10/10 single leg Squat on to box 20 Bird Dogs --------------------------------------- SATURDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC Movement Patterning/Technique WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Strength: KB Strict Press 4 sets x 8 reps KB Arnold Press 3 sets x 15 reps WOD: ONE TIME FAST! For your best time. 50 DU (Modify: 250 singles) (ROW 500M) 50 Bicycles -Sprint- 40 DU (Modify: 200 singles)(ROW 400M) 40R/40L Mountain Climbers -Sprint- 30 DU (Modify: 120 singles)(ROW 300M) 30 Overhead Swings (KX 35W/53M) -Sprint- 20 DU (Modify: 100 singles)(ROW 200M) 20 Box Jumps (Be careful. Modify with step-ups) -Sprint- 10 DU (Modify: 50 singles)(ROW 100M) 10R/10L Body Scissors -Sprint-
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