WARM UP CLASS AS A GROUP WITH BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS STRETCH (5 MIN) SPECIFIC DYNAMIC WARM-UP Warm-up: 2 rounds Run 200m or Row 10x Toes to bar or vup 20x Super Mans 30x Push-ups 40x Squats SKILL: 10 min L-SIT PRACTICE STRENGTH: 10MIN Press Strength - Run The Rack On The Press For 3 Reps (really focus on getting them to the next level safely) BEGINNER - One Arm Press (Goal Is 5 Reps With 30lbs Women/50lbs Men) INTERMEDIATE - One Arm Bottoms Up Press (Goal Is 5 Reps With 30lbs Women/50lbs Men) EXPERT - One Arm 2 Kettlebell Press (Goal Is 1 Rep With 2-30lbs Women/2-50lb Men) WOD: 1 Minute at each station with no rest between stations for 3 rounds: (rest 1 min between rounds) SPINAL ROCK TO GOBLET PRESS ALTERNATING TURKISH SIT UP TRX T Chinees REST 1 Round (FOR MORE ADVANCED HOLD A PLANK) TUESDAY GET THE CLASS IN A CIRCLE AND HELP THEM GET TO KNOW EACHOTHER DURING BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10 MIN) Warm-up: 3 rounds 20x Walking lunges 20x Squats 20x Push-ups 20x Box jumps OR Stepups Run 100m STRENGTH: CORE 3 ROUNDS 45on/15off (15 MIN TOTAL) 1. SPIDERMAN PLANK 2. HALO R 3. HALO L 4. L SIT HANGING FROM BAR 5. SLOW TOES TO BAR WOD: 20MIN CUTOFF 400m RUN OR ROW THEN: 1 TIME FAST 10 TRX TRICEP PRESS 10 DIVER SITUP 10 KB SKULL CRUSHERS 1 min SWIMMERS 20 BOX OVER 20 TOES TO BAR 1 MIN PLANK 15R/15L OA KB SWING 30 AB MAT SITUP AFTER: 400m RUN OR ROW WEDNESDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Warm-up: 3 minutes jump rope 10x Hindu pushup 15x Pull-ups OR TRX ROW 60 seconds hollow rock Jog 3 minutes STRENGTH: 10 MIN EMOM 15 REPS TOTAL EACH MIN Double Swing/High Pull/Snatch - At The top of each minute for ten sets/minutes have each person perform a set of Heavy double swings or high pulls or snatches depending on their current level for 15 reps. Make sure that they have perfect form if they are going to be swinging heavy or moving up in exercises. The following video contains the 3 elements of the exercises, if you can’t double high pull or snatch kettlebells with as much fluidity as this girl don’t try to teach it to others, remember monkey see monkey do! WOD: Run To The Hills “Run To The Hills” For time with 25 minute cutoff: 250m run 20 One Arm Snatches Right 250m run 20 One Arm Snatches Left 250m run 20 Burpees 250m run 20 One Arm Thrusters Right 250m run 20 One arm Thrusters Left 250m run 20 Jump Lunges 250m run 20 One Arm Swings Right 250m run 20 One Arm Swings Left 250m run 20 Jump Squats 250m run THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Warm-up: Run 400m 20x Walking lunges 20x Back extensions 20x V-ups Run 400m SKILL: The importance of the hip hinge (see below.) 8 ROUNDS 20 on 10off Dead swing (SEE BELOW VIDEO) Strength - Work On One Of The Exercises For 10 Minutes (really focus on getting them to the next level safely) BEGINNER - One Arm Row Place Other Hand On Wall For Support (Goal Is 3 Slow Reps To Bottom) INTERMEDIATE - One Arm Split Row (Goal Is 3 Reps With 30lb Women/50lb Men) EXPERT - One Arm 2 Kettlebell Row (Goal Is 3 Reps With 2-30lb Women/2-50lb Men) WOD: 8 Rounds Of Each Exercise 20 Seconds On //10 Seconds Off (NOTE: Finish all 8 rounds of the exercise before moving on to the next) Scale As Necessary:
FRIDAY MOBILIZE TOGETHER AS A GROUP BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) Warm-up: 100x Jumping jacks 100x Jump rope singles 50x Squats 30x Push-ups 15x Vertical jumps Jog 400m STRENGTH: RUN THE RACK 3R/3L BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT Do 3 sets on top weight WOD “The TERRIBLE 10’s” - Make sure student do the most challenging version/weight on each exercise, or they will finish the circuits too quickly. · 5 rounds: (8 min Cut Off) 10 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups · 5 rounds: (8 min Cut Off) 10 Thrusters 10 Deadlifts · 5 rounds: (8 min Cut Off) 10 Weighted Sit Ups 10 Superman 1 MIN AB MAT AB BURNOUT SATURDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP PLAY A GAME! TAG, DODGE BALL, RED ROVER(5MIN) WARMUP: 3 ROUNDS 5 Push Up to Dip ON KB 5 per direction KB Halos 5 HINDU PUSHUP STRENGTH:10 min EMOM: 1R/1L Turkish Get-up (only let them choose a weight that allowed them to finish the minute) -then- 3X10 weighted sit-ups WOD: 21-18-15-12-9 -Goblet Squats -Hand release Pushups -Abmat Sit-ups -BURPEE WITH KB SNATCH
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