07/17/23-07/22/23 STRENGTH WEEK: #8 Hi TxT Community! I’d like to welcome Mette Griffith to our training team!! She is currently subbing when she can. We have one more week till the 30 day diet clean up. Our TXT Team wants to make sure that we're doing everything we can to promote health and wellness. That's why Tara & I created the 30 Day diet clean up. Join us in eating cleaner, training smarter, and feeling better. Your health journey by eliminating sugar, alcohol, dairy, processed foods for 30 days. Helping them get back on track with a nutritious and delicious diet of lean proteins, veggies, fruits, low glycemic carbs, and healthy fats. We are including txt and urging everyone to take 3 days a week of our 45 min fitness routine plus once a week group hike with Coach christa on Sunday, Zoom check-in and meditation with Coach Tara, and Zoom call with Coaches Christa & Tara. The 30 days are Plant based & omnivore diet friendly. All fitness levels are welcome. It starts July 23rd!! click on the button above to find out more & sign up. Pricing for The 30 days: $45 TXT (Toadal Cross-Training member) $99 Toadal Fitness Member $150 non-member https://www.eventbrite.com/e/30-day-diet-clean-up-tickets-654504700177 Schedule covering reminder: Christa covering 6am MWF SV Kristof covering 6am MWF WS Mette covering 6am and 8am Monday Cabrillo MONDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 3 rounds 30 bicycle 30 dead bug 30 leg scissors 250m row or run or 50 jump Jack 15-30 Core 4 rounds 1 min plank 30 sec plank shoulder tap 1 min hollow hold 30 sec v-up or T2B 30-45 WOD 15 min ascending AMRAP (add 1 rep each round) 5 PULLUP 5 Gob squat 5 Box Jump 5 T2B or v-up 5/5 Side plank hip lift TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 5 min group game Get in a circle, everyone holds a plank. Everyone takes a turn doing 1 push-up, then 2 push-up all the way up to 5. Trainer can choose the rep range for the game. If anyone falls from Plank everyone does 1 Burpee. Make up rules as you please. 20-30 Power Lift - Dbl Kb Chest press RTR at top weight 5x5 Finish with 3 sets of 10 reps trx chest fly 30-45 WOD: 15 min cut off Do 3 reps burpee Kb Swing and 50 Jump rope. Then 6 burpee kb Swing and 50 Jump rope. Jump rope reps never change. Work back and forth between the two exercises till you finish the burpee kb swing rep pyramid. Reps 3-6-9-12-15-12-9-6-3 Burpee Kb Swing (kx 25w/40m) (separate movements if the transition from burpee to Kb swing isn’t perfect) Reps 50-50-50-50-50-50-50-50-50 Jump rope or (25 dbl under)(modification: jump Jack) WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 6-12-18 Plank shoulder tap Serratus push-up Band pull apart in front of body Sit out 20-30 Vertical Pull 10 min EMOM Odd min: Pullup as many as you can Even min: chin over bar or bar hang or plank 30-45 WOD: 7 Rounds 10/10 north/south Kb Plank (kx 35w/53m) (up/down =1 rep, try not to let hips rotate in the Plank ) 10 ball slam (zoom gob squat bicep curls) 5 T2B or Vup THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 5 min amrap 5/5 side lunge 5/5 x walk 20 butt kicker 30 jump Jack 30 mtn climber 20-30 Lunge STRENGTH 10 min cutoff CHOOSE A KB THAT YOU CAN DO 3TGU ON EACH SIDE WITH GREAT FORM 1R/1L, 2R/2L, 3R/3L, 2R/2L, 1R/1L TURKISH GET UP 30-45 WOD: 6 rounds 3 Clean + S.L.D.L + Reverse Lunge R (kx 35w/53m) 3 Clean + S.L.D.L + Reverse Lunge L (do this as a flow)(modification: seperate movements if they are to challenging together.) 3 Box Over (modification 3/3 step up) 3 wall walk or inch worm FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 30/10 with a partner -Squat wall ball toss over trx A frame -Use green pullup band to hold partner back for partner sprint. Band goes around hips of sprinting partner. Other partner is behind hanging on to band. - switch partners and sprint again 20-30 Vertical Press 3 Rounds 6/6 narrow shoulder press 6/6 wide shoulder press 30-45 WOD 3 ROUNDS 10 KB DEADLIFT (kx 70w/109m) 10 Burpee lateral hop 10 Sit up + gob shoulder press (kx 25w/40m) BUY OUT: 1 mile Run or 1609m row SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 4 rounds 10 Beast Bird dog 10 dead bug 10 pike + alt forward Lunge 20-30 Core: 2 rounds 1 min on each no rest Bicycle Crunch tuck Diver sit-up Mtn climber Hollow body rock 30-45 WOD circuit through the 3 EMOMS, 5 times. Start with EMOM 1, then do EMOM 2, then EMOM 3. Start back at EMOM 1 for round 2. Try to final all the work before the minute is over. If you do not you do not get rest. EMOM1 5/5 sit-up with bottoms up kb 10 KB SWING EMOM 2 5 dbl kb swing +high pull + Snatch EMOM 3 10 wall ball 5 burpee -- In health & kindness, Christa Berry & Team TxT www.txtsantacruz.com Find us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram
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