TXT PROGRAMMING 02/05/24-02/10/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #8 Hi TXT community!! Bon voyage to Coach Heather and thank you for all the fun classes, she is off to take on higher learning and world exploration. Coach Kristof is taking over Tuesday, Thursday nights at west side & Coach Zoe is re-joining the training team starting monday!! Thank you Coach Jason for taking on all the extra evening classes while Zoe was away. Our amazing super sub Coach Ivan wrote Tuesday's workout inspired by a favorite arcade game. And this month's challenge is jump roping because it’s the heart month and it's a chance to learn how to do dbl unders. demo Tara & I are hosting another 30 DAY diet CLEAN UP deets below please let your classes know. The 30 DAY DIET CLEAN UP starts Feb 18th!! Sign up on the eventbrite page with this link: CLICK ME INCLUDED IN THE 30 DAYS: Diet clean up Healthy shopping List List of foods to avoid and foods to enjoy Meal Planning homework Fitness 6 days a week Toadal Cross-Training 45 min small group training Daily step challenge Weekly group Hike Coaching & Mindfulness Support Weekly group Check-in & Mindfulness Intro & Closing group Coaching Zoom call PRICING for complete 30 days: $49 TXT (Toadal Cross-Training member) $99 Toadal Fitness Member $159 non-member MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min AMRAP 5/5 halo 5 touch jumps 5/5 dead bugs 5/5 bird dog 5 dead lift 20-25 Core: Navy Seal Situps - We are giving them the NAVY SEAL standard situp test. Have every one partner up, one partner holds the other partner's feet and does the counting, the other partner has their hands crossed in front of their chest with their hands touching their opposite shoulders. Rules are elbows to knees then back to shoulder blades touching the ground equals 1 rep. The test will go for 2 minutes as many reps as possible then have the partners switch. 25-45 WOD 5 Rounds For Time Of: (20 Minute Cut Off) 1/1 TGU ADD 1 REP TO BOTH SIDES EVERY ROUND (SHOULD END WITH 5/5) 15/15 One Arm Swings 15 Burpees 100 Bicycles Or Dead Bug JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE (CANNOT COUNT JUMP ROPES FROM WORKOUT) Day 1 10 jump rope 5 dbl under TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 20/10 Bird dog Hollow body rock Surrender squats Kb swing 20-30 Power Lift - RTR 5 reps 3 sets at top weight Dbl KB suitcase DL, curl, press Your limiting weight will be your press. 30-45 WOD: 15 min Street Fighter AMRAP (by coach Ivan) 8/8 Shoryken 12 E Honda Sumo Slap 8/8 Chun Li Spinning Birds 10/10 Hadoukens 8/8 Dhalsim yoga punch THE KEY: Shoryken, single kb squat rotate to a single arm press E Honda- KB goblet clean, squat, curl & standing chest press (choose a lite weight) Spinning Birds- KB windmills Hadouken- wall ball side throws (be careful not to throw it through the wall) Yoga punch- plank One arm kB push pulls JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE (CANNOT COUNT JUMP ROPES FROM WORKOUT) Day 2 20 jump rope 10 dbl under WEDNESDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 20/10 Banded tricep ext Banded lat pulldown Backwards Bear crawl with kb pull 15-25 Vertical Pull: TRX L-Sit Pull up demo (modify by using legs) Reps 3, 6, 9, 12, 9, 6, 3 take a rest after each set or partner up and rest as your partner works. 25-45 WOD Michael BENCHMARK (HOW TO TEACH THE KIPPING PULLUP PROGRESSION.) 5 rounds as fast as they can for time: Beginner 50 Jumping Jacks 20 Touch Jumps + wall pushup (like burpee but with no jumping back and forth just touch ground and then jump) 20 Jumping Pull Ups 10/10 snatches (15lb women 30lb men) Intermediate 100 Jump Rope 20 Burpees (No Pushup) 10 Kipping Pull Ups with band 10/10 snatches (20lb women 40lb men) Advanced 20 Double Unders 20 Burpees (Chest To Ground) 10 Kipping Pullups no band 10/10 snatches (25lb women 50lb men) JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE (CANNOT COUNT JUMP ROPES FROM WORKOUT) Day 3 30 jump rope 15 dbl under THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 Rounds 5/5 x walk 10/10 clam 10/10 single leg glute bridge 30 butt kickers 20-30 Lunge RTR DBL KB Forward or Rev Lunge. 3-5 reps & 3 sets on top weight 30-45 WOD: 5 rounds 2 min on// 1 min wall sit (15 MIN) Perform exercises while 2 min clock is going and then stop for 1 min wall sit. Continue to work on your exercises from wherever you left off. 10 Ball slams 10 Chinees 10 Box Jump 10 DBL KB Clean to R&L reverse lunge JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE (CANNOT COUNT JUMP ROPES FROM WORKOUT) Day 4 40 jump rope 20 dbl under FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min AMRAP 3/3 pike to alt toe touch 5/5 scorpion 5/5 halo 5 thruster Run trainers choice 20-30 Vertical Press Bottoms Up Press RTR on the OA Bottoms Up Press for 3-5 reps. Repeat at the top weight 3 more times. 30-45 WOD One time through FAST 30 Burpee/WallBalls (MODIFY: Separate movements) 30/30 OA High pull (KX 30/50) 30/30 Jump lunges (KX weighted jump lunge with snatch weight) 300 Jump Rope -OR- 60 Double Unders JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE (CANNOT COUNT JUMP ROPES FROM WORKOUT) Day 5 50 jump rope 25 dbl under SATURDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 10 rounds AS FAST AS POSSIBLE 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1x sit-ups 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10x Superman 15-25 Core 10 min E.M.O.M (EVERY MINUTE ON THE MINUTE) 10 ROUNDS 1 MIN EACH 20 SITOUTS total REST OR HOLD PLANK WITH THE REMAINDER OF THE MINUTE DEMO (scale according to fitness level) 25-45 WOD (20 MIN CUTOFF) 3 rounds of 15 REPS (TRY TO STAY AT THE SAME KB WEIGHT THE ENTIRE TIME) KB SIT UP (KB ON CHEST) KB UP AND OVER (touching the kb on the ground behind the head, as you sit up bring it up and over head to touch on ground in front of you) KB EXTENSION (like a v-up, extending kb overhead legs out straight, bring kb in and touch knees) COFFIN SITUPdemo LEG RAISE TO CEILING STOMP (hold on to KB on the ground above head) RUN 250m JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE (CANNOT COUNT JUMP ROPES FROM WORKOUT) Day 6 60 jump rope 30 dbl under
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