5 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY & DOWEL STRETCHES 10 MIN CORE WARMUP REPS 20,18,12 One Arm Plank L One Arm Plank R Side Plank hold with Leg Lift L Side Plank hold with Leg Lift R Inchworm Birddog DBL Leglift with Ceiling Stomp 2 MIN-SKILL: Double unders 4 Tabata rounds of double under practice (Tabatas are 20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest) Coaching tips: Shoulders dropped, elbows in, light on your feet, fast wrists, and jump a little higher. 8 MIN -STRENGTH: CORE 8 MINUTE E.M.O.M. - 7 Hanging Leg raises or V-ups -Every minute on the minute, perform 7 hanging leg raises. Then russian twist with med ball til next minute starts. Modifications: Beginner: just raise knees to hip height Intermediate: Raise knees to armpits Hard: Actually tough knees to elbows (for real) Advanced: Touch toes to bar -WOD: 20 min cutoff 4 Rounds: 250 m run 12 Hand-release Pushups 12 Dips 12 Leg lift ceiling stomps 12 (6R/6L) Pistols 12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls TUESDAY: 5 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY & DOWEL STRETCHES 10 MIN WARMUP & SKILL: WARM UP 20/10/5 -AB MAT SITUP -OBLIQUE VUP (FULL REPS ON EACH SIDE) -VUP -SWIMMERS SKILL Double unders 4 Tabata rounds of double under practice (Tabatas are 20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest) Coaching tips: Shoulders dropped, elbows in, light on your feet, fast wrists, and jump a little higher. -10 MIN STRENGTH: CLEAN-SQUAT-PRESS (DBL OR SINGLE KB) Run the rack working up to heaviest weight 4 Reps. When you reach your top weight, stay heavy and perform 4-5 rounds at top weight. -WOD: 20 MIN CUTOFF 5 LAP DBL KB OVERHEAD LUNGE 50 BUTTERFLY SITUP 4 LAP DBL KB OVERHEAD LUNGE 40R/40L MTN CLIMBER 3 LAP DBL KB OVERHEAD LUNGE 30R/30L SIDE PLANK HIPLIFT 2 LAP DBL KB OVERHEAD LUNGE 20 TOES TO BAR 1 LAP DBL KB OVERHEAD LUNGE 10 SUPERMAN 250M RUN or ROW or 20cal BIKE WEDNESDAY: 5 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY & DOWEL STRETCHES 10 MIN WARMUP & SKILL: 5 MIN AMRAP PARTNER A: 5 TRX ROW NEGATIVES PARTNER B: PLANK -SKILL: Med ball cleans -4 Tabata rounds of medball cleans -10 MIN STRENGTH: Bent-over Rows Run the rack with bent over rows in sets of 5 reps. When you reach your top weight, back back to the beginning of the rack and work your way back up again. Stress the importance of a tight core and flat back. NO BRO LIFTING! -WOD: 12 minute ascending AMRAP: (1 rep first round, 2 reps second round...) Burpees TRX row Goblet squats X10 Jump Rope FINISHER: 1 minute plank (hardest modifications possible) 1 minute wall sit (hardest modifications possible) THURSDAY: 5 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY & DOWEL STRETCHES 10 MIN WARMUP & SKILL: 3X 20 ALTERNATING KB SWINGS 15 WINDMILLS R 15 WINDMILLS L -SKILL: Med ball cleans -4 Tabata rounds of medball cleans -10 MIN STRENGTH: Squats Run the rack with squats (DBL OR SINGLE KB) until you reach your top weight. Perform 5 sets of 5 reps at top weight. SUPERSET with 3 Box Jumps -WOD: RUN 750M (3 LAPS) 15 Toes-to-bar 15 KB swings 15 TRX jump Squats RUN 500m (2 LAPS) 10 Toes-to-bar 10 KB Swings 10 TRX Jumps Squats RUN 250M (1 LAP) 5 Toes-to-bar 5 KB Swings 5 TRX jump Squats FRIDAY: 5 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY & DOWEL STRETCHES 10 MIN WARMUP & SKILL: 3 ROUNDS 30 SEC ON EACH STATION (QUICKLY MOVE TO EACH STATION, NO REST) -LATERAL PLANK WALK AND PUSHUP (5 TO THE R/ 5 TO THE L) -RING DIPS OR TRX TRICEP PRESS -ALTERNATING BOX STEP UP -SKILL: Handstand (Push-up) Practice --Beginner or injured: 30 seconds of push-up plank to downward facing dog. Keep alternating in controlled manner. --Intermediate: Hold a handstand for 20-30 seconds with feet against the wall. --Advanced: 5-10 handstand pushups against the wall. Place 1-3 abmats under their heads. As they get better at HSPU’s, take away abmats. Make sure shoulders are packed and glutes are clenched. You may have student spot other students by holding onto their ankle and lifting them up. -STRENGTH: CHEST PRESS Have clients run the rack with single-arm chest press for 5 reps each side. Have students complete 4 sets at top weight. -WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP: 7 Ball Slams OR 7 Rope Slams 7 TRX PUSHUP 7 Box jumps 7R/7L Clean n' Press (touch ground every time) 7 TRX PULLUPS SATURDAY: 5 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY & DOWEL STRETCHES 10 MIN WARMUP & SKILL: 1 time through circuit warmup 10 cal Row 20 travelling lunges 20 (10R/10L) snatches (light weight) 20R/20L Side V-Ups 60 Double Unders (180 singles) 20 TRX Rows 20 Air squats -SKILL: Handstand (Push-up) Practice --Beginner or injured: 30 seconds of push-up plank to downward facing dog. Keep alternating in controlled manner. --Intermediate: Hold a handstand for 20-30 seconds with feet against the wall. --Advanced: 5-10 handstand pushups against the wall. Place 1-3 abmats under their heads. As they get better at HSPU’s, take away abmats. Make sure shoulders are packed and glutes are clenched. You may have student spot other students by holding onto their ankle and lifting them up. -10 min STRENGTH: TURKISH SITUP & MORE CORE!!!! For 10 minutes, run the rack to find a 3R/3L max on the Turkish Get-up. It is helpful to start off on the weaker side! Perform 3-4 rounds at your top weight. 3 rounds of 15 toes to bar, 15 hollow body rock, 15 superman -WOD: Run To The Hills “Run To The Hills” For time with 25 minute cutoff: 250m run 20 One Arm Snatches Right 250m run 20 One Arm Snatches Left 250m run 20 Burpees 250m run 20 One Arm Thrusters Right 250m run 20 One arm Thrusters Left 250m run 20 Jump Lunges 250m run 20 One Arm Swings Right 250m run 20 One Arm Swings Left 250m run 20 Jump Squats 250m run
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