MONDAY 0-5 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY & DOWEL STRECHES 5-10 MIN WARMUP 10-25 MIN STRENGTH: 1 LAP WALKING LUNGE DBL KB WITH 10 REPS SIDE LUNGE RUN THE RACK WORKING UP TO HEAVIEST KB WITH BEST FORM . BEFORE MOVING UP TO NEXT WEIGHT DO 10 REPS SIDE LUNGE. 30-45MIN WOD 20 MIN CUTOFF Benchmark #11 Jason (CLASS SHOULD LOG HOW FAR THEY GOT) 20 Minute Ascending AMRAP. Start at 1 rep and add 1 rep each round for the entire 20 minutes. Stay on an exercise until you complete that number of reps before you move on. Beginner
TUESDAY 0-5 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY & DOWEL STRECHES 5-10 MIN WARMUP (FOCUS ON THORACIC MOBILITY) 10-30 MIN STRENGTH 3R/3L KB BENT PRESS The bent press is an amazing exercise that aids in thoracic mobility, shoulder strength and stability, and allows you to press a great amount of weight overhead. Step 1 - Clean KB Step 2 - Rack KB Step 3 - Bend The bend has a simultaneous corkscrew (your body moving toward the front and the weight moving behind). As you start the bend, most of the weight will be driven into the back leg. As you move under the kettlebell, the weight eventually transfers to the opposite leg. The goal of this movement is to move away and underneath the weight. If you were to look at only the weight (and the forearm), you would see it in the same position. Some people can lock out the arm with the bend. Others might need to squat a little to get completely locked out. It depends on your body type. The goal is to get under the weight and not press it out. Thus, you may need to squat a little to get under it completely. During the bend, you will keep your gaze on the weight. Step 4 - Stand Up With the Weight After the arm is completely extended, you will do a slight corkscrew (opposite of the way down) to stand with the weight overhead. Step 5 - Return the Weight to the Ground 30-45 MIN WOD 15 MIN CUTOFF BUY IN: 5R/5L KB WINDMILL 3 ROUNDS 20 CAL ROW OR BIKE 10 SNATCH R 10 SNATCH L 10 BOX JUMP 10 BALL SLAM BUY OUT: 2 100M RUNNING LAPS WITH MEDBALL OVER HEAD (modify for members) WEDNESDAY 0-5 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY & DOWEL STRECHES 5-10 MIN JUMP ROPE WARMUP 10-30 MIN STRENGTH CORE CIRCUIT 3 ROUNDS 30 SEC ON// 20 SEC OFF TRX PIKE KB SITUP AND OVER HEAD PRESS PLANK (TRX PLANK OR EXERCISE BALL TO MAKE IT HARDER) WALL BALL SITUP 3 ROUNDS 10VUPS 10 SUPERMAN 30-45MIN WOD: 15 MIN AMRAP 5 HANDSTAND KICK UP OR 1 WALL WALK 20 TRX MTN CLIMBER 10 BOX OVERS 20 ABMAT SITUP 10 KB LEGS UP STRAIGHT TOE TOUCH FRIDAY 0-10 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY & DOWEL STRECHES 10-20 MIN WARMUP UPPER BODY 20-30 MIN STRENGTH TRX T,Y,I 10 MIN EMOM PARTNER A: TRX 3REPS T, 3 REPS Y, 3REPS I PARTNER B: 5 KB HALO R&L SWITCH 30-45MIN WOD 15 MIN CUTOFF 10 MIN AMRAP 1 LAP BEAR CRAWL SLAM BALL TOSS 15 OH KB SWING REVERSE SLAM BALL TOSS 5 MIN AMRAP 30 V-UP 10R/10L SIDE PLANK HIPLIFT 10 CEILING STOMPS SATURDAY 0-10 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY & DOWEL STRECHES 10-15 MIN WARMUP 15-30 MIN STRENGTH 5 REPS KB SWING, FLIP AND SQUAT SUPERSET WITH 10 GOBLET SQUAT 3 SETS @ TOP WEIGHT 30-45 MIN WOD 15 MIN CUTOFF 5 ROUNDS 10 TRX JUMP SQUAT 250M ROW 10R/10L LUNGE BALL SLAM 10 WALL BALL RUN SUNDAY
Rest Day or Active rest. Take a gentle Yoga class or take a friend on an easy hike or walk, enjoy yourself.
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