TXT PROGRAMMING 12/23/24-12/28/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #4 HAPPY HOLIDAYS TXT FAM, We have Christmas AND Hanukkah this week. On Christmas eve 12/24 Tuesday there is only one class at live oak at noon with Coach Christa & clubs are open 8-1. 12/25 Wednesday all clubs are closed and there is no class. 12/26 we have 8 crazy nights for Hanukkah & Live oak will not have a 6am class on thursday 12/26. The schedule is the same for new years week too. There will be a 6:15amTXT Class at Live oak 1/2 with our new/old TXT Trainer Gabe! Live Oak has not moved rooms yet and class times have not changed yet. I will keep everyone updated. Thank you for your patience during this confusing time. I am operating on very little info and doing my best. I hope everyone has a happy holiday and I hope you join me for the Christmas & Hanukkah workouts. Our 6 week week ultimate body transformation challenge starts 1/3 just in time to brush up on your fitness goals and eating habits. click the link below to sign up. You do not need to be a member to sign up. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2025-new-year-6-week-ultimate-body-transformation-challenge-tickets-1067690152989 Christa B In health & kindness, Christa Berry & Team TxT www.txtsantacruz.com Find us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 4 Min AMRAP 5 Situps 5/5 Plank Wall Touches (Touch wall with alternating hands. Keep spine neutral and core intact) 10/10 Mtn climber 5/5 Plank hip taps 10 Kb Swing 20-30 Strength Power Lift DEAD LIFT 2/ 4/ 6/ 8/ 10/ 8/ 6/ 4/ 2 DBL KB DEAD LIFT 40/ 30/ 20/ 10/ 5/ 10/ 20/ 30/ 40 TRX HAMSTRING CURL or TRX HAMSTRING on exercise ball 30-45 WOD 3 Rounds 1 min on each exercise Deadlift + Dead Swing Goblet box step (alt legs) 3/3 Bulgarian Split Squat Goblet Tempo Squat (3 sec down. 3 sec pause, 3 sec up, 0 pause at top) Wall Ball Burpee or Burpee plank jacks TUESDAY MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 Min AMRAP 10 Plank up/down 3 Burpees 10 Skaters 5/5 iron cross Stair Run 20-45 WOD 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS!! COMPLETE AS YOU SING THE SONG. 1 REP... 2,1... 3,2,1...4,3,2,1.....5,4,3,2,1...ECT. 1-50 M SPRINT 2- HANDSTAND OR PIKE PUSHUP OR SHOULDER PRESS HEAVY WEIGHT 3- BURPEE PULLUP 4- KB SWING 5- HALO R/L 6- PISTOL (3/3) AKA SINGLE LEG SQUAT 7- DIPS 8- KB OR DB SNATCH (4/4) 9- T2B OR VUP 10- BALL SLAM OR OVER THE SHOULDER THROW 11- BOX JUMP 12- HEAVY DEADLIFTS OR SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT (6/6) WEDNESDAY MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY 1st day of Hanukkah Relax and enjoy yourself THURSDAY HAPPY 2nd day of Hanukkah 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 3 rounds 20 Dbl under or 40 jump rope 5R/5L Kb HALO 3 inch worm + scorpion 15-25 Vertical Press Strength 10 Min AMRAP 5 Right, Left, Together Strict shoulder press 50M Farmer Carry 25-45 WOD 8 CRAZY NIGHTS 20 min cutoff 8 ROUNDS 8 PULLUP or TRX Pull Up 8 Box Jump or Shorter step hop 8 Wall Ball (KX 14w/20m) 8 Pushups (mod. Elevate to make easier) 4/4 Alt. Lunge 8 Dips on box or Dip bars 8 Burpees 8 Double unders or 40 Jump Rope FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 rounds 5 SDHP 5 Wall balls 5 V-ups 5 Supermen 20-30 Core Strength 1x through 45 sec on 0 rest Side V-Up R Side V-Up L Legs straight up Toe touch Leg lifts Russian Twist Dead Bug V-up Plank Spider man Plank Side plank hip lift R Side plank hip lift L Bicycle Ceiling stomp 30-45 WOD ODD MIN: Total of 15 reps (each movement counts as 1 rep. Scale for safety and sill level) (beginners should do all swings for 15 reps with single KB) Dbl Swing Dbl highpull Dbl snatch EVEN MINUTE: 15 BALL SLAM SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds Short run or 150m row 5 Knees to elbows or crunch tuck 5 OH KB Swings 5 TRX jump Squats 20-30 Strength: 1 Minute at each station with no rest between stations for 3 rounds: Mountain Climbers Or TRX Mountain Climbers High Pulls Bicycles Or Chinees Wall Balls or thruster or kb swing 30-45 WOD (20 min time cap) THE PETRA BENCHMARK REPS: 3-6-9-12-15 DBL KB THRUSTERS (KX DBL KB 25W/44M) 12 CAL ROW (CAL STAY THE SAME) BURPEE WITH LATERAL HOP OVER MAT 100 JUMP ROPE (REPS STAY THE SAME)
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