01/13/24-01/18/25 STRENGTH WEEK: #7 It’s Week 7, team TXT! You’ve come so far, and it’s time to keep pushing forward. This week’s strength calendar is all about balance, focus, and determination. Here’s what’s on the agenda: Press (V): Build power and stability in vertical movements. Stay strong and controlled! Core: Strengthen your foundation. A solid core enhances every lift and every move. Lift (St): Power up your stamina with strength-focused lifts. This is where grit meets growth! Pull (H): Time to engage and conquer horizontal pulling movements. Back and shoulders, here we go! Squat: The ultimate full-body powerhouse move. Stay grounded and keep perfect form. Press (H): Bring intensity to your horizontal pressing movements—strength meets precision. Remember, every rep counts. Listen to your body, challenge your limits, and celebrate your progress. We’re all in this together, and Week 7 is the time to shine! Let’s crush it! #StrengthInCommunity #Week7Power In health and kindness, Christa Berry Owner + Master Trainer, Toadal Cross-training MONDAY shorter warm up, longer wod 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 5 minute cut off: 10 pike pushups 5/5 tall plank bird dog 5/5 Side plank leg lift 20 Jump rope or 20 jump jack 15-25 Vertical Press Strength (choose a challenging weight) 5 rounds - 5 reps on each ½ kneeling KB curl to OH press R (right knee down) ½ kneeling KB Curl to OH Press L (left knee down) Squat HOLD Bicep Curl Overhead tricep extension (or standing if bad knees) 25-45 WOD 20 min cutoff SET TIMER 2 min on 1 MIN JUMP ROPE Pyramid: 2-6-10-14-18-14-10-6-2 split reps between sides get as far as you can in: KB swing (KX 35W//53M) Goblet Curtsey Lunge (KX 35W//53M) OA KB clean (KX 25W//40M) OA KB Swing high pull (KX 25W//40M) Box Jump (KX 20w//24m) 5 MIN STRETCH/FOAM ROLL TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique Warm Up: 4 ROUNDS 30 on/05 off
20-30 Core Strength 3 ROUNDS 35 sec on/10 sec off Diver sit up (arms circle over to hug knees then circle back to hollow hold) Side V-UPS R Side V-UPS L Single Leg v-up alternate KB HALO (choose a challenging weight) 30-45 WOD: One time through, top to bottom. CANNOT DO OUT OF ORDER but you can rest. 15 min cutoff 100 FROG HOPS 45/45 Jump Lunge 80 Swing High Pulls (KX 35W//53M) 70 GOB Squat (KX 35W//53M) 30/30 PLANK up/down (DONT DIE HAHA) 50 KB Skull Crushers (KX 25W//40M) 40 T2B or V-up 15/15 BURPEE Box Overs 20 Candle Stick or (hollow rock then squats) 5/5 Sit Outs 5 MIN STRETCH/FOAM ROLL WEDNESDAY shorter warm up, longer wod 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique,Practice hinge motion. By placing a dowel on the spine to keep a perfect line from head to hips when bowing. Warm Up 3 rounds 30 sec TRX HAMSTRING CURL or exercise ball 30 sec HIGH KNEES 30 sec KB DEADLIFT + KB SWING (choose one movement if it causes low back fatigue) 1 MIN BICYCLE FAST!!! 15-25 Lift Strength: 12 min EMOM ODD: FULL MIN of KB SWING (remember to breath and engage abs.) EVEN: 5 SINGLE ARM KB Suitcase Deadlift choose a challenging weight heavier by 5lbs than previous week (SWITCH ARMS EVERY ROUND) 25-45 WOD JULIA BENCHMARK 20 min cutoff (FEEL FREE TO CHIP IN ANY ORDER) 44 DBL KB SQUAT (KX dbl 20w/40m) 44 BOX JUMP or Gob. Step Up 22/22 Gob Bulgarian Split squat (KX 20w/40m) 44/44 DBL KB Front rack forward lunges (KX dbl 20w/40m) 4x250m Run or row 5 MIN STRETCH/FOAM ROLL THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 3 rounds 10 WALL SLIDES 5/5 Alternating Side V-ups (hollow body roll to the other side) 10 TRX Row or bent over row SHORT RUN TRAINERS CHOICE 20-30 Horizontal Pull Strength RTR or start on a challenging weight 5 Sets 5/5 GORILLA ROW (Alternating bent over row from KB on ground) 5/5 Lawn Mower Row (heavier weight) 5 TRX Muscle up 30-45 WOD: 3 Rounds As Fast As Possible Of: (15 Minute Cut Off) Run 250m 20 HIGH PULL SWING 10 SNATCH R 10 SNATCH L 10 PUSHUP (MODIFICATION: Elevate Hands) 10 TRX W 10 LEG LIFT CEILING STOMP 5 MIN STRETCH/FOAM ROLL FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 MIN AMRAP 5/5 CLAM 5/5 BOX STEP UP 5/5 SIDE PLANK HOLD LEG LIFT (can do side lying leg lift if it bothers your shoulder) 15/15 Ice Skaters 20-30 Strength Squat 10 min EMOMs ODD EMOM: 5 HEAVY Goblet squats with 3 second descent (RTR add weight every round) EVEN EMOM: 10/10 Foot elevated Single Leg Hip Bridge (FOOT ON BOX) 30-45 WOD: 15 min Ascending AMRAP Add 2 reps each round! DIVIDE REPS FOR TGU ONLY ADD 1 REP EACH SIDE. 10 Sit Ups 4 DBL KB CLEAN & SQUAT (KX 35W//53M) 5/5 SINGLE ARM KB HIGH PULLS 1 Turkish Get Up R (YOU'RE GONNA LOVE IT!!) 1 Turkish Get Up L 5 MIN STRETCH/FOAM ROLL SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique Warm Up: 3 rounds 10 Dead bug 10 Serratus Push ups 10 Wall Slides 5/5 iron cross Short run Trainers choice or Row 20-30 Horizontal Press Strength 10 min RTR on the 5 REPS DBL KB CHEST PRESS SUPERSET with 10 REPS TRX CHEST FLY. repeat your top set 5X. 30-45 WOD: 15 min cutoff 3 ROUNDS 5 Goblet Squat + REV Lunge R+L (KX 20W/30M) 5/5 O.A KB Swing/Clean/Squat/Press (KX 25W//40M) 10 wall ball (KX 14W/20M) 20 Cal Row 5 MIN STRETCH/FOAM ROLL
TXT PROGRAMMING 01/06/25-01/11/25 STRENGTH WEEK: #6 Hi Team TXT, the challenge has begun and I'm stoked to see so many of you coaches jumped on board!! YAY!! Live Oak also moved rooms. Micahel, Carina, Gabe & I spent sunday moving all the gear and organizing. Efrain will hang the jump ropes, pull up bands, & mats next weekend. We are working on getting more pull up bars in the room. I hope you like it!! Have a wonderful week! Christa B MONDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) 2 ROUNDS 20/10 Seated Hip roll Alternating GSW Traveling butt kickers X walk R X walk L STRENGTH: DBL KB SQUAT 10 MIN RTR Complete 5 rounds 5 rep max dbl kb squat. WOD: 15 min AMRAP 10 ab mat Situps 10 WALL BALL (KX 14W/20M) 3/3 KB Clean to reverse lunge (KX 35W/53M) 9 KB SWING (KX 35W/53M) 30 Jump Rope ____________________________________ TUESDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) 3 rounds 20/10 Scapular pushup scorpions Sit up Inch worms STRENGTH: Press (H) 10 MIN 3 rounds 30 sec plank hold 30 sec pushup 7 min Form a circle. Moving clock wise around the circle. One person goes at a time. Each person does 10 DBL KB CHEST PRESS and holds reverse plank or hollow body hold till it is their turn again. If one person falls from plank everyone does 5 inch worms. Then resume. WOD: for your best time! (15 min cut off) 4 rounds 10/10 single leg deadlift R (KX 35W/53M) 10 pushups 1/1 TGU R (KX 35W/53M) 50M DBL KB Waiter Carry (KX DBL KB 53W/70M) 250M RUN or ROW or Ski Erg ______________________________________ WEDNESDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) 3 rounds 10 Dead bug 10 Bird dog 5 bootstrapper 10 Seal jacks 10 KB Swing STRENGTH Core 8-10 MIN TABATA 8 rounds 20 on //10 sec plank (NO REST) 20 sec Side plank hip lifts (switch sides every round) 10 sec plank & 8 rounds 20 on //10 sec hollow body hold (NO REST) -20 sec Side V-up: http://youtu.be/gxBOxA2OMgU (switch sides every round) 10 sec hollow hold WOD: 15 Min AMRAP 1R/1L TGU with 3 SA Thruster at The top (and the turkish get back down) (KX 35W/53M) 10 Sit up or Dead bug 10 Pike Push Ups or Seated shoulder press 10 Hollow Body Rocks 10 KB Weighted Glute Bridge (KX 35W/53M) ____________________________________ THURSDAY BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) 5 AMRAP 20 mountain climbers total 5 Glute Bridges 2/2 Alternating side lunges 2 Inch worm + scorpion STRENGTH 10 min 5 KB DEADLIFT Between the feet R.T.R (run the rack) ON 5 reps KB DEADLIFT 5x5 at top weight WOD: 16 min cutoff PARTNER UP! 2 MIN TIMER ON LOOP. Partner rows or Bikes or ski ergs, while the other partner works on completing their rounds. DO NOT SANDBAG DURING THIS TIME, IT IS NOT TIME TO REST. Try to get 500m each 2min Both partners must complete 5 Rounds 8/8 KB ONE LEG DEADLIFT (KX 35W/53M) 8/8 ONE ARM KB SWING CLEANS (KX 35W/53M) 8/8 ONE ARM KB PUSH PRESS (KX 35W/53M) 8/8 Bulgarian Split Squat (KX 25W/45M) 10 Ball Slam (KX 15W/20M) ___________________________________ FRIDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) 3 rounds 20on/10 off Jumping Jacks Diver sit ups push up to pike STRENGTH Pull (V) 10 min PARTNER PULLUPS! CHOOSE to add reps or add weight Starting at 1 pullup go up to 10 & back to 1. If they are adding weight stay at 3 reps. (PARTNER RESTS WHILE WAITING) Before wod complete 10 Burpee pullups and one run. 30-45 min WOD: 10 Rounds 45 sec on 15 sec off Alternate between two exercises. Should only take 10 MIN. -Hollow Body Hold -TRX MUSCLE UP 5 Min AMRAP 5 Burpee Box Jumps (KX 20W/24M) 10 Ball Slam (KX 15W/20+M) ___________________________________ SATURDAY: BASIC MOBILITY (5 MIN) DOWELS (5 MIN) SPECIFIC WARM-UP (5-10MIN) 5 MIN AMRAP 5 BOOTSTRAPPER 5/5 BOX STEP UP (modify height if height is too challenging.) 5R/5L SIDE PLANK HIP LIFT 10 CEILING STOMPS 20-30 Strength Lunge Front Rack Reverse Lunges 5 sets of 5R/5L Front Rack Reverse lunges. Have members try to increase weight every round. 30-45 WOD 15 min ASCENDING AMRAP add 1 rep every round 3 BOX JUMP (KX 20W/24M) 3/3 KB CLEANS R&L from the ground (KX 35W/53M) 3/3 KB OA SWING (KX 35W/53M) TXT PROGRAMMING
12/30/24-1/4/25 STRENGTH WEEK: #5 Hi TXT community, Tuesday new years eve there is only one class NOON at live oak with me and on New Year's day there are no classes and all clubs are closed. The flooring should have been installed at live oak in the new room this weekend and the gear will be moving soon. I’ll let you know when I know. Haha. I hope you all have a super fun New year and I can't wait to see how we grow in 2025!! Sending good vibes your way, Christa B P.s. the 6 week ubtc starts Friday Jan 3rd woot woot!! You still have time to sign up!! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2025-new-year-6-week-ultimate-body-transformation-challenge-tickets-1067690152989 MONDAY 0-10 Lead the group is toe to head Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility & Movement Patterning/Technique is warming up and teaching the movements that you will be doing in class. Warm Up: 3 rounds 5 hindu pushup 10 sit ups 5/5 KB halos 10 gob chest press 10-20 Strength Horizontal Pull: (focusing on upper back) 5 ROUNDS EACH PARTNER UP A. 5/5 Tempo Lawn mower row with 3 second lower B. HOLDS CHIN OVER BAR or HANGING FROM BAR TIL PARTNER IS DONE [If they cannot have them try but jump back up after they fall] 20-45 WOD: 5 rounds 6 SA bent over row to snatch R (Snatch from ground do not go heavy) 6 SA bent over row to snatch L 9 Glute bridge, GOB chest press, pull over 12 Sumo DL HP (SINGLE KB) 15 plank jacks TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 15,10,5 X walk reps each side 1 lap Lateral high knees Glute bridge hold w/ march side vups R Side V-up L 20-30 SQUAT Strength Run the rack with 5 single or dbl kb squat Do 5 reps then move up to the next weight once at heaviest weight do 5 sets of 5 reps. 30-45 WOD: BUY IN: 1 min wall sit 3 ROUNDS [12 min cutoff] 5 DBL KB THRUSTER (KX dbl kb 20W//35M) 10 goblet squat (KX 35W//53M) 10 jump squat 5 pistol squat R 5 Pistol squat L 1R/1L TURKISH GETUP* from the TOP DOWN (KX 25W//40M) *After the last snatch, from the lockout, do the down phase of the getup until you are laying down and then get back up. And then switch sides. WEDNESDAY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! THURSDAY long wod! Start strength early. 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 5 inch worm scorpion 5 iron cross 5 pike toe touch 20 bicycles 10 legs up toe touch 10-20 CORE Strength: 40/20, 30/15, 20/10 - 2 Mountain Climbers+ 2 grasshoppa + 2 plank jack - v-up + russian twist - Goblet Thruster + bicep curl (in the squat position) - Abmat Sit-ups 20-45 WOD: 20 min CUTOFF 100m DBL KB Waiter Carry (KX DBL KB 35w/53m) THEN 21 - 14 - 7 Mtn Climbers (DBL REPS) T2B or V- Up 100M DBL KB Farmer Carry (KX DBL KB 35w/53m) THEN 18 - 12- 6 Wall ball situps Dips or skull crushers 100M DBL KB Front Rack Carry (KX DBL KB 35w/53m) THEN 15 - 10 - 5 DBL KB Clean (KX DBL KB 35w/53m) Burpee over Box FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: REPS 15/10/5 Boot strapper Side lunge R Side lunge L Switch blade R Switch blade L 20-30 Strength Power lift: Suitcase Deadlift 10 min AMRAP 5 Suitcase Deadlift + 6 Tempo Romanian deadlift (3 up, 0 pause at top, 3 down, 0 pause at bottom.) 30-45 WOD: 2 Rounds 7R/7L REV. GOBLET LUNGE or modify for what is best for your knees (KX 35w/53m) 4 Sumo DeadLIFT (KX 53w/70+m) 14 GOBLET SQUAT (KX 35w/53m) 4 Sumo DeadLIFT 14 Box Jump 4 Sumo DeadLIFT 7R/7L TURKISH SITUP (To hip bridge point and back down.Half of a get up) (KX 35w/53m) 4 Sumo DeadLIFT SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up:5 min AMRAP 5 Lateral Plank walk R 5 Lateral Plank walk L 10 Hollow body rock 5 North South plank R 5 North South plank L 5 Pull over to KB SIT-UP 10 Frog jumps 20-30 Strength Vertical Pull: 10 min AMRAP alternate partners pullup study A: 5 PULLUPS B:Plank Hold while partner completes pullups 30-45 WOD For Time 5 Rounds of: 5 Pull-Ups or 2/2 north south plank 5 Push-Ups 5 Air Squats Then, 4 Rounds of: 6 Handstand Push-Ups or Pike pushup or Seated Shoulder press 6 KB Swings Then, 3 Rounds of: 7 Box Jumps or alt. kneeling step ups 7 Hanging Knees-to-Elbows or v-up Then, 2 rounds of: 8 Wall-Balls or KB Goblet Thruster 8 Sit-Ups Then, 1 Round of: 30 Burpees!!!! TXT PROGRAMMING 12/23/24-12/28/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #4 HAPPY HOLIDAYS TXT FAM, We have Christmas AND Hanukkah this week. On Christmas eve 12/24 Tuesday there is only one class at live oak at noon with Coach Christa & clubs are open 8-1. 12/25 Wednesday all clubs are closed and there is no class. 12/26 we have 8 crazy nights for Hanukkah & Live oak will not have a 6am class on thursday 12/26. The schedule is the same for new years week too. There will be a 6:15amTXT Class at Live oak 1/2 with our new/old TXT Trainer Gabe! Live Oak has not moved rooms yet and class times have not changed yet. I will keep everyone updated. Thank you for your patience during this confusing time. I am operating on very little info and doing my best. I hope everyone has a happy holiday and I hope you join me for the Christmas & Hanukkah workouts. Our 6 week week ultimate body transformation challenge starts 1/3 just in time to brush up on your fitness goals and eating habits. click the link below to sign up. You do not need to be a member to sign up. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2025-new-year-6-week-ultimate-body-transformation-challenge-tickets-1067690152989 Christa B In health & kindness, Christa Berry & Team TxT www.txtsantacruz.com Find us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 4 Min AMRAP 5 Situps 5/5 Plank Wall Touches (Touch wall with alternating hands. Keep spine neutral and core intact) 10/10 Mtn climber 5/5 Plank hip taps 10 Kb Swing 20-30 Strength Power Lift DEAD LIFT 2/ 4/ 6/ 8/ 10/ 8/ 6/ 4/ 2 DBL KB DEAD LIFT 40/ 30/ 20/ 10/ 5/ 10/ 20/ 30/ 40 TRX HAMSTRING CURL or TRX HAMSTRING on exercise ball 30-45 WOD 3 Rounds 1 min on each exercise Deadlift + Dead Swing Goblet box step (alt legs) 3/3 Bulgarian Split Squat Goblet Tempo Squat (3 sec down. 3 sec pause, 3 sec up, 0 pause at top) Wall Ball Burpee or Burpee plank jacks TUESDAY MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 Min AMRAP 10 Plank up/down 3 Burpees 10 Skaters 5/5 iron cross Stair Run 20-45 WOD 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS!! COMPLETE AS YOU SING THE SONG. 1 REP... 2,1... 3,2,1...4,3,2,1.....5,4,3,2,1...ECT. 1-50 M SPRINT 2- HANDSTAND OR PIKE PUSHUP OR SHOULDER PRESS HEAVY WEIGHT 3- BURPEE PULLUP 4- KB SWING 5- HALO R/L 6- PISTOL (3/3) AKA SINGLE LEG SQUAT 7- DIPS 8- KB OR DB SNATCH (4/4) 9- T2B OR VUP 10- BALL SLAM OR OVER THE SHOULDER THROW 11- BOX JUMP 12- HEAVY DEADLIFTS OR SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT (6/6) WEDNESDAY MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY 1st day of Hanukkah Relax and enjoy yourself THURSDAY HAPPY 2nd day of Hanukkah 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 3 rounds 20 Dbl under or 40 jump rope 5R/5L Kb HALO 3 inch worm + scorpion 15-25 Vertical Press Strength 10 Min AMRAP 5 Right, Left, Together Strict shoulder press 50M Farmer Carry 25-45 WOD 8 CRAZY NIGHTS 20 min cutoff 8 ROUNDS 8 PULLUP or TRX Pull Up 8 Box Jump or Shorter step hop 8 Wall Ball (KX 14w/20m) 8 Pushups (mod. Elevate to make easier) 4/4 Alt. Lunge 8 Dips on box or Dip bars 8 Burpees 8 Double unders or 40 Jump Rope FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 rounds 5 SDHP 5 Wall balls 5 V-ups 5 Supermen 20-30 Core Strength 1x through 45 sec on 0 rest Side V-Up R Side V-Up L Legs straight up Toe touch Leg lifts Russian Twist Dead Bug V-up Plank Spider man Plank Side plank hip lift R Side plank hip lift L Bicycle Ceiling stomp 30-45 WOD ODD MIN: Total of 15 reps (each movement counts as 1 rep. Scale for safety and sill level) (beginners should do all swings for 15 reps with single KB) Dbl Swing Dbl highpull Dbl snatch EVEN MINUTE: 15 BALL SLAM SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds Short run or 150m row 5 Knees to elbows or crunch tuck 5 OH KB Swings 5 TRX jump Squats 20-30 Strength: 1 Minute at each station with no rest between stations for 3 rounds: Mountain Climbers Or TRX Mountain Climbers High Pulls Bicycles Or Chinees Wall Balls or thruster or kb swing 30-45 WOD (20 min time cap) THE PETRA BENCHMARK REPS: 3-6-9-12-15 DBL KB THRUSTERS (KX DBL KB 25W/44M) 12 CAL ROW (CAL STAY THE SAME) BURPEE WITH LATERAL HOP OVER MAT 100 JUMP ROPE (REPS STAY THE SAME) TXT PROGRAMMING
12/16/24-12/21/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #3 Hi TXT Community!! 6 WEEK Ultimate body transformation challenge starts Januray 3rd !! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2025-new-year-6-week-ultimate-body-transformation-challenge-tickets-1067690152989 The week of christmas clubs are open 8-1pm christmas eve and christmas day the clubs are closed. There will be 8am and noon class on christmas eve. If you need a sub please find one asap. This is also Coach Ryan’s last week of teaching TXT. Thank you for joining the TXT team Ryan we will miss you! But he will be available for subbing. Coach Gabe is re-joininig the TXT team at live oak in the new year. He will be teaching 6:15am tu/th at live oak. Plus live oak will be moving to a new room on the winward side & evening classes will move to 5:15pm in the new year. The move to the new room is TBA. We are also welcoming Stephanie to the TXT team who is currently training to teach 6am's at cabrillo fitness. Have a wonderful week! Christa B MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: REPS 20,14,10 : Jump Rope Plank leg lift KB swings (focus on a good henge movement) Bicycle (DBL REPS) 20-30 CORE Strength : START WITH: 1 min Plank THEN REPS 20,16,12,8,4 Plank Shoulder tap (divide reps) Side Plank hold with Leg Lift L Side Plank hold with Leg Lift R Sit up Straight leg + Toe touch DBL Leglift with Ceiling Stomp (controlled lower) THEN FINISH WITH: 1 min Plank 30-45 WOD 4 Rounds: 250M run or row 12 Hand-release Pushups 12 Dips 12 V-ups 12 (6R/6L) Pistols (MODIFICATION SINGLE LEG BOX SQUAT) 12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls Foam Roll 5 min TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 20-12-8 reps of: Walking lunge (divide between legs) Waist Banded good morning (focus on engaging hamstrings in henge motion) Sprinter Sit Up (divide between legs) 20-30 LIFT Strength: DBL KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges + SUITCASE DEADLIFT Run the rack with front rack reverse lunges in sets of 4R/4L + 10/10 Suitcase Deadlift. The two movements do not have to use the same weight. When you reach your top weight, stay heavy and perform 4-5 rounds at top weight. 30-45 WOD 21-15-9 Wall balls 1 Lap WALK GOBLET LUNGE X5 Mountain Climbers (105, 75, 45) Abmat Sit-ups BOX JUMP Foam Roll 5 min WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 6 min EMOM ODD: 6 TRX jump lunges, 5 hollow body rocks, 4 band pull aparts EVEN: 4 burpees, 6 Dead bugs 20-30 Horizontal pull Strength: 10/10 Plank on a box while OA Row + 10 TRX LAWN MOWER row (Tempo 3 up, 3 pause at top, 3 down, 0 at bottom.) Run the rack with OA Plank on a box while OA Row (or bent over row, or lawn mower row) in sets of 10/10 reps + 10 TRX Lawn Mower row. When you reach your top weight, back back to the beginning of the rack and work your way back up again. Stress the importance of a tight core and flat back. NO BRO LIFTING! Tempo does not change. 30-45 WOD: 12 minute ascending AMRAP: (1 rep first round, 2 reps second round...) TRX Muscle Up Gorilla row (1R/1L) Goblet squats TRX W X10 Jump Rope (x5 DBL Under) FINISHER: 1 minute wall sit (hardest modifications possible) Foam Roll 5 MIN THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min AMRAP 5 TRX Pullup 10 Single leg box squat 15 grasshoppers 5/5 box step up Short Run 20-30 Squat Strength: 4 rounds 8/8 KB single arm Front rack Box Step up + 10 DBL KB Rack Squat 30-45 WOD: Run 250m 3x 15 Toes-to-bar (Mod: V-up and over) 15 OH KB Swing (KX 25/40) 15 Goblet squat (KX 35/53) Run 250m 2x 10 Toes-to-bar 10 OH KB Swing 10 Goblet squat Run 250m 1x 5 Toes-to-bar 5 OH KB Swing 5 Goblet squat FOAM ROLL 5 min FRIDAY strength should start at 10 min in 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 10 ALTERNATING KB SWINGS 10 WINDMILLS R 10 WINDMILLS L 5/5 Halo 10-30 Horizontal Press Strength: Take 5 MIN RTR TO FIND YOUR TOP WEIGHT FOR DBL KB CHEST PRESS, THEN ON TOP WEIGHT START: 10 MIN AMRAP 8 DBL KB CHEST PRESS WITH HIP BRIDGE] (on challenging weight) 8 PUSHUP (best version of a plank pushup, no pushups on knees. Elevate hands to box if you need to.) 1 MIN MTN CLIMBER 30-45 WOD : Buy in: 10 Renegade Row + Pushup 8 Minute AMRAP: 7 Ball Slams 7 Box jumps 7R SINGLE ARM KB Clean n' Press (touch ground every time, no swing) 7L SINGLE ARM KB Clean n' Press (touch ground every time, no swing) 7R/7L TRX Power Pulls Buy Out: 10 inch worm + pushup FOAM ROLL 5 MIN SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 18/12/8 Plank to Pike toe touch (divide reps) Side V-UP (divide reps) Flutter Kick Swimmers 20-30 Core Strength: 4 rounds 5/5 Around body KB 10 Hollow body rock 10/10 Side plank hip lift 10/10 Goblet March 10 hollow body rock 30-45 WOD 15 min total 3 ROUNDS (CIRCUIT THROUGH EXERCISES) 45 seconds on //15 seconds off.
Foam Roll 5 MIN In health & kindness, Christa Berry & Team TxT www.txtsantacruz.com Find us on Facebook TXT PROGRAMMING 12/09/24-12/14/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #2 Hi TXT TEAM!! The new year 2025 6 WEEK Ultimate body transformation challenge starts January 3rd it is $60 for txt members. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2025-new-year-6-week-ultimate-body-transformation-challenge-tickets-1067690152989 Sign up starts on tuesday. Have a wonderful week! Christa B MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, dowel exercises, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 Rounds: 5/5 Plank Up/Down or plank shoulder tap 10 Sit up or crunch 10 KB Good Mornings (kb behind the butt) 10 Push Up Short jog 20-30 Horizontal Press Strength: 2-3 ROUNDS 10 min cutoff go lite. 10/10 SA KB Chest Press 10 TRX Chest Fly OR DB CHEST FLY 10/10 SA KB Chest Press 10 Standing KB Halo alternate sides 10/10 SA KB Chest Press 10 PUSHUP 10/10 SA KB Chest Press 10 TRX TRICEP EXT. or kb skull crusher 10/10 SA KB Chest Press 30-45 WOD: REPS 20/16/12/8/4 V-UP + Russian twist (modify with sit up russian twist or separate exercises. ADV use KB) Superman with 1 sec arch body hold WALL BALL(KX 14W/20M) KB SWING (KX 35W/53M) Bicycle (double the reps) Ball slam burpee FOAM ROLL CHALLENGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxyxY-jVNm8 10 Rep each side psoas 10 rep whole low back 10 rep whole upper back 10 rep Thoracic spine mobility stretch over foam roller 10 rep Lat Roll R 10 rep tricep R 10 rep chest R 10 rep deltoid R 10 rep bicep R 10 rep seratus R 10 rep Lat Roll L 10 rep tricep L 10 rep chest L 10 rep deltoid L 10 rep bicep L 10 rep seratus L 5/5 reps laying on foam roller trap stretch TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, dowel exercises, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min 3 Rounds 10 Grasshoppers 10 Spiderman plank 30 Leg Scissors up/down 20 Swimmers 100m run or Row 20-30 CORE Strength 10 min 2 rounds 30 sec Side Plank (adv add Leg Lift) DEMO 30 sec Side Plank (adv add Leg Lift) 1 Min Beast Bird dog 1 min Plank Hold DEMO 1 min Hollow Hold DEMO 30-45 WOD 5 Rounds 50 M Farmer Carry DEMO 10 Pullups DEMO or TRX Pull up 10 Squats DEMO (KX gob squat 35w/53m) 10 Push Ups DEMO 10 Sit up or Deadbug BUY OUT: 250M RUN or ROW DEMO(KX run with 14W/20M Wall Ball only for advanced running.) Foam Roll CHALLENGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzB0Vy_JJhE 5x up and down spine 3x up and down right spine 3x up and down left spine 5x T-Spine arch over foam roller 5x Lat roll R 5x Chest roll/ anterior delt R 5x Lat roll L 5x Chest roll/ anterior delt L 5x Tricep roll on the wall R 5X Tricep roll on the wall L WEDNESDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, dowel exercises, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 2 ROUNDS 20 sec on/10 sec off KB or DB front raise (do not go heavy you can use a dowel too) 4 high knees to sprawl (elevate sprawl to a box for beginners) KB GOOD MORNING work on hip hinge 15-25 POWER LIFT Strength 10 min time cut off Run the rack with both movements and then complete 3 rounds at your top weights. 10 Sumo Deadlift (feet wide kb between feet) DEMO 10 Suitcase Deadlift DEMO 30-45 WOD 15 min Cutoff Reps: 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2 (divide reps between sides choose a challenging weight) Forward lunge (Modify Lunges for beginners) Single Leg Deadlift DEMO KB Clean DEMO KB Wind Mill DEMO 10 Sit ups (reps do not change) Foam Roll Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl-9x8DKmkQ&t=58s 5 min total choose a timer for 30 sec 30 sec each side calf 30 sec each side hamstring 30 sec each side glute 30 sec each side IT band 30 sec each side quads THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, dowel exercises, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 20 sec on/10 sec off Legs up toe touch crunch Banded Lat pull down Alternating single leg v-ups Chin over bar hold 20-30 Vertical Pull Strength 10 MIN EMOMs EMOM ODD: 5 Pullup negative 3 sec count lower DEMO EMOM EVEN: HOLLOW BODY HOLD or HOLLOW BODY ROCK DEMO 30-45 WOD 5 Rounds 10 Sec Bar hang (KX CHIN OVER BAR) 10 TRX MUSCLE UP 15 PUSHUP 50m WALKING LUNGE OR GOBLET WALKING LUNGE (TRAINER CHOOSES DISTANCE) Foam Roll CHALLENGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muSX2gNYf3k 1 min T SPINE Roll 30sec/30 sec Glute roll 30sec/30sec quad roll 30sec/30sec hamstring roll 30sec/30sec Lat roll FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, dowel exercises, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 MIN AMRAP 10 Mountain Climbers 3/3 walking lunges 10 Glute Bridges 5/5 x walk with band DEMO 20-30 LUNGE Strength 3 ROUNDS 10/10 Bulgarian Split squat 10/10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift 30-45 WOD ascending and descending reps. Circuit through the exercises. 1,2,3,4,5,6-10 DBL UNDER (OR x3 for regular jump rope) 5 DEAD LIFT (KX 53w/80+M) 10,9,8,7,6-1 BOX JUMP DEMO or BOX STEP UP DEMO FOAM ROLL CHALLENGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9DC6jcAvss 1x through 30 sec on each Calfs each side Hamstrings each side Glutes each side Shin each side Quad each side Inner thigh each side SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, dowel exercises, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 3 x 3 side shuffle + 1 sit out 3x Inchworm + scorpion Seperate exercises if to difficult 10 Goblet Shoulder press 5/5 clean and press 20-30 Vertical Press Strength 3 rounds - 45 on/ 15 off ½ kneeling KB curl to OH press R (right knee down) DEMO ½ kneeling KB Curl to OH Press L (left knee down) TRX Tricep Ext 30-45 WOD 15 Min AMRAP keep track of how many rounds you got and what weight you used. 10/10 sit out DEMO or grasshopper DEMO 10 TRX T 10 Hollow body rock DEMO 10 Squat + KB Bicep curl + Shoulder press (KX 25w/40m) 10 DBL KB Chest press 250m RUN or Row Foam Roll CHALLENGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9a3awO81tUM 10x quad R 10x IT band R 10x Glute R 10x Hamstring R 10x adductor R (INNER THIGH) 10x Calf R 10x quad L 10x IT band L 10x Glute L 10x Hamstring L 10x adductor L (INNER THIGH) 10x Calf L TXT PROGRAMMING
12/02/24 - 12/07/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #1 HEY TXT COMMUNITY!! I’m back to teaching. The last 3 months with my beautiful baby has been wonderful. TUESDAY/THURSDAY NOON LIVE OAK & MONDAY/WEDNESDAY 5:30pm SCOTTS VALLEY. We are BACK to week one of our strength calendar. And we all know what that means, volume & tempo movements plus speed & cardio in our metcons (metabolic conditioners.) I left you some pro tips throughout the workouts. I hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful week! Christa MONDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 MIN AMRAP 30 Mountain Climbers 1 lap traveling butt kickers 1 lap Stork walks 10 Superman 20 Glute Bridges 10-30 Lunge Strength 3 rounds weight should be light enough to make it through. If you are constantly resting during the work time, the weight is too heavy. Circuit through exercises. This is more about light weight and max reps 3 rounds 30 sec on//15 sec off (takes a total of 11 min ish)
30-45 WOD:15 min AMRAP 2 min ON// 1 MIN BURPEE The weights are light so you move fast and circuit as many times during the 2min.
AND LE STRETCH! DAS IT! TUESDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, WARM UP: 5 Min AMRAP 5 hindu pushup 10 band pull a parts at chest level 5 o.h. Kb swings 40 Bicycles 10-25 Vertical press Strength 3 rounds weight should be light enough to make it through 3 rounds in 15 min. If you are constantly resting it is too challenging. 3 Rounds 10 DBL KB WIDE Strict Shoulder Press(weight should be hard to press by the 6th rep) 10 DBL KB NEUTRAL Strict Shoulder Press 10 KB SQUAT BICEP CURL 10 TRX TRICEP 25-45 WOD *THE SUBE* 20MIN CUTOFF go light make this fast GUIDELINES X = cardio BEG: 50 jump jack, INT: 75 jump rope, ADV: 20 DBL UNDER WOD: X 10 Goblet thrusters (KX w15/m25) X 20 push ups X 30 goblet squats (KX w20/m30) X 40/40 bicycles (per leg) X 25/25 SNATCH (KX w15/m20) X 40/40 bicycles (per leg) X 30 goblet squats X 20 push ups X 10 Goblet thrusters X AND LE STRETCH! DAS IT! WEDNESDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 8 rounds (4 min) 20 sec Frog hop 10 sec High knees 15-25 Core Strength 3 rounds 40 sec on//20 sec of 3 Side slides + 1 Touch jump keep alternating directions til 20 sec is up. Plank Shoulder taps Beast Bird Dog Hollow body Hold KB Dead Bug 25-45 WOD Benchmark THE RICK BURGER (20 min cutoff) PRO TIP: separate movements to modify 50/50m OA KB Waiter Carry (KX 25/40) 50/50m OA KB Farmer Carry (KX 40/60+) 40 DBL KB Clean + Squat (KX 25/40) 30 Box Jump (KX 20/24) 20 Pull Up (KX no band) 10 Burpee + Wall Ball (KX14/20) 50/50m OA KB Farmer Carry (KX 40/60+) 50/50 OA KB Waiter Carry (KX 25/40) AND THEN: WHEN FINISHED JUMP ON A ROWER & ROW UNTIL WHOLE CLASS IS DONE! THAT WAY EVERYONE IS DONE AT THE SAME TIME. AND LE STRETCH! DAS IT! THURSDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 ROUNDS 10 KB GOOD MORNINGS 3/3 SIDE LUNGE 3/3 SQUAT & HALO 10 JUMP JACK 15-30 Lift Strength 20 min RTR TO WARM UP AND FIND YOUR WORKING WEIGHT. FIRST DO SUITCASE DEADLIFT AND THEN TEMPO ROMANIAN DEADLIFT. Suitcase Dead-lift 3 sets x 8 reps Touch and go reps, :3 tempo lowering the KBs to the floor. Tempo Romanian Dead-lift 3 sets x 10 reps 3210(:3 down, :2 pause in lowest position, up FAST, no stopping at the top.) 30-45 WOD: PRO TIP: Go lite and move fast this is week 1. Start together: 1 MIN AB MAT BUTTERFLY SITUP BURNOUT THEN: · 1 round any order you please Chipper: o 50 Pull Ups o 50 Push Ups o 50 Thrusters (KX DBL KB 35W/53M) o 50 Sumo Deadlifts (KX DBL KB 35W/53M) o 50 Weighted Sit Ups o 50 Superman AND LE STRETCH! DAS IT! FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 MIN 20 JUMP ROPE 5 INCH WORM 10 GORILLA ROW 50 M SPRINT 20-30 HORIZONTAL ROW (Make sure shoulders are packed and lats are activated) 3 ROUNDS 30 sec ON/15 Sec OFF (PRO TIP:STAGGER CLASS) Tempo TRX Row Tempo (3 up, 3 pause, 3 down, 0 at bottom) KB Lawn Mower Row R KB Lawn Mower Row L TRX Power Pull R TRX Power Pull L 30-45 WOD (PRO TIP: stagger start class because there is two rowing sections) 3 ROUNDS 10 WALL BALL (KX 14w/20m) 10 cal row 15 DIPS on box 30 JUMP ROPE 15 CHIN UP (hands face in) 10 cal row AND LE STRETCH! DAS IT! SATURDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, WARM UP: 6 MIN EMOM ODD: 10 SQUATS & 5 V-Ups EVEN: 10 JUMP JACK SQUAT Then Plank the remainder of the min 10-30 20 min Squat Strength Time for tempo!! RTR to warm up for your squats. Once you find your working weight then do the tempo squat completely and then do HEAVY GOBLET SQUAT. Do not super set. Tempo Goblet squat 3 sets x 8 reps 3330(:3 down, :3 pause, :3 up, :0 at the top.) :90 rest between each set. HEAVY Goblet Squat and quick rest 3 sets x 10 reps No tempo, but keep rests at :60-:90. 30-45 WOD: 15 min cutoff LUCKY #7 go lite go fast!! 7 Rounds 7 Vups 7 Snatches R 7 Snatches L 7 Burpees 7 Pullups AND LE STRETCH! DAS IT! TXT PROGRAMMING
11/25/24-11/30/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #10 HAPPY THANKSGIVING WEEK TXT Community! It’s a wonderful week to get gains. Week 10 we try for harder movements and heavier weights before we reset to week 1 of our strength calendar. Make the most of it. There is only one class on thursday. It is at live oak at 9am with me Coach Christa. Please come join us and get your turkey burner on. Friday all clubs open at 8am there is no 6am classes. I hope to see you thursday morning!! Have a wonderful week! Christa B MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 MIN AMRAP 10 hanging scapular retraction 10 sec Bar hang 10 TRX Tricep ext 10 TRX Pull UP 20-30 Vertical Pull Strength 10 rounds (5 MIN) 15 SEC ON/15 SEC OFF HOLD CHIN OVER BAR FOR 15 SEC 5 MIN OF: THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OF OUR STRENGTH CALENDAR TRY FOR YOUR HARDEST VERSION. 5 SETS OF 3 REPS PULLUP NEGATIVES (OR TRX NEGATIVES) IF THEY NEED MORE OF A CHALLENGE GRAB A WEIGHT BELT AND RTR w/KB's. PULLUP FAST AND LOWER YOUR SELF SLOW. 30-45 WOD 16 minute E.M.O.M. Minute 1,5,9,13: Run 50M (KX SPRINT) Minute 2,6,10,14: 5 KB GOB Thrusters + 10 sit-ups (KX single KB 35W/53M) Minute 3,7,11,15: 25 D.U. (125 singles) (BEGINNER 75 Singles) Minute 4,8,12,16: 5 H.R. Push-ups + 10 superwomen TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min 20 butt kickers 10/10 x walk 1 lap side slide r 1 lap side slide L 1 Lap karaoke r 1 lap karaoke L 10/10 clam 20-30 Lunges- 10 ROUNDS (8 MINish) DBL OR SINGLE KB 30 ON / 15 OFF RUN THE RACK. ALTERNATING FORWARD LUNGE EVERY 30 SECONDS, THEN MOVE UP TO THE NEXT KETTLE-BELL. WHEN YOU GET TO YOUR HEAVIEST STAY ON IT. 30-45 WOD 15 minute AMRAP: 2 Wall Walks or Inch worm (NO SHOES ON THE WALL) 4 Over mat Burpees 6/6 Sitouts 8/8 Jump Lunge or light goblet lunge 10 Heavy KB Swings (KX 40+W/70+M) (Emphasize quick transitions) WEDNESDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 Rounds 20/10 Goblet shoulder press with marching Hindu Pushup 15-25 Press Strength Press Strength Turkish Get Up w/ Press (Only get up NO get down.) Have clients work up to a 1 rep max doing a press at each of the seven stations of the Get Up. No need to get back down- just place the bell back on the floor. Repeat top set 2X. Once again, plenty of rest between sets. 25-45 WOD Get As Far Through The List As Possible In 20 Minutes: 100 Rope Skips (50 dbl unders) 20 PULLUPS 90 Rope Skips (45 dbl unders) 10/10 One Arm KB Swings (KX DBL 25W/45M) 80 Rope Skips (40 dbl unders) 10/10 One Arm KB Swing clean (KX single KB 25W/45M) 70 Rope Skips (35 dbl unders) 10/10 One Leg Deadlifts (KX single KB 25W/45M) 60 Rope Skips (30 dbl unders) 20 Goblet Squats (KX 40W/70M) 50 Rope Skips (25 dbl unders) 10/10 Bottoms Up Presses (KX 20W/40M) 40 Rope Skips (20 dbl unders) 20 Wall Balls (KX 14W/20M) 30 Rope Skips (15 dbl unders) 20/20 Mountain Climbers (R&L) 20 Rope Skips (10 dbl unders) 20 Ball Slam (KX 20W/30M) 10 Rope Skips (5 dbl unders) THURSDAY only class at live oak 9am HAPPY THANKSGIVING 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 Min AMRAP 20 jump jack 10/10 ice skaters 1 lap bear crawl 1 Lap high knees 20-30 CORE 8 rounds 20sec on /10sec off Side Vup (Switch sides every round) THEN: 50 Bird Dogs 50 Dead Bugs 30-45 WOD START WITH: 1 MIN FARMER CARRY (KX DBL 53+W/80+M) THEN: 10 MIN AMRAP 10M WAITER CARRY 5/5 SIDE PLANK HOLD WITH ONE LEG LIFT 5 PUSHUP 5 DBL KETTLEBELL PUSHUP TO LSIT (Bigger KB will be better for balance) 5 FAST BODY WEIGHT SQUAT(no weight) 5/5 KB ALTERNATING LUNGE AND UNDER FRONT LEG PASS (Keep posture upright.) (KX single KB 20W/35M) (Modify with pulsing lunge or omit exercise.) 5 SITUP THEN END WITH: 1 MIN FARMER CARRY (KX 53+W/80+M) FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: REPS 20,15,10 KB GOOD MORNING HIP BRIDGE MTN CLIMBERS (DBL REPS) 20-30 Lower Pull (LIFT) Strength - Sumo Deadlift RTR 3 reps When you find your heaviest weight do 5 sets of 3 reps 30-45 WOD (KX 53+W/80+M) USE A LARGE KB FOR BALANCE & BE CAREFUL THAT YOU ARE SET UP FOR DEADLIFT WITH THE BEST FORM 15 Single KB Deadlift + Plank Jump Back (Hands on KB handle and hop back into plank, then hop forward) 5 Frog Hop forward & Backward (1 rep) 10 Single KB Deadlift + Plank Jump Back 10 Frog Hop forward & Backward (1 rep) 5 Single KB Deadlift + Plank Jump Back 15 Frog Hop forward & Backward (1 rep) 10 Single KB Deadlift + Plank Jump Back 10 Frog Hop forward & Backward (1 rep) 15 Single KB Deadlift + Plank Jump Back 5 Frog Hop forward & Backward (1 rep) SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 6 MIN EMOM Alternate between the two minutes for a total of 6 min EVEN MIN: 10 Gorilla Row + 3 Pushup ODD MIN: 20 Bicycle + 5 v-up 20-30 Horizontal Pull Strength - RTR work up to your most challenging 3 rep LAWN MOWER ROW DO 3 sets of 3 reps at top weight then work up to your heaviest 1 rep max 30-45 WOD 15 Minute ASCENDING REP AMRAP: 1,2,3... R/L TRX Power Pull 1,2,3...Knees to Elbows or V-up 1,2,3... Wall Balls (KX 14W/20M) 10,20,30 Jump Rope (KX 5,10,15 ..DBL UNDER) In health & kindness, Christa Berry & Team TxT Find us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram TXT PROGRAMMING
11/18/24-11/23/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #9 HI TXT COMMUNITY, This is almost the end of our strength calendar. That means go heavy and then on week 1 we will go light and have higher reps. Thanksgiving there will only be one class. I will teach Live Oak 9am all clubs are welcome. Members can bring friends and family for free. All clubs are open 8-1pm on thanksgiving. No Friday 6am classes on the day after thanksgiving. 🙂 Have an awesome week! Christa B MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Click this link WARMUP: 1 LAP MONKEY WALK 20 DEAD BUGS 30 LEG LIFTS 20-30 Lift Strength LOWER PULL: SUPERSET 5 TRX HAMSTRING CURL + HEAVY SUITCASE DEADLIFT 3 reps. RTR to top weight of 3 reps. 5X3 at top weight. 30-45 WOD (20 min cut off) For your best time with challenging weight. BUY IN: RUN 500M 10/10 Goblet Bulgarian split squat (KX 35W/53M) ------------------------- finish 2 ROUNDS (KX DBL 35W/53M) 10 Double Kettlebell Swing 10 Double Kettlebell Snatch 10 Double Kettlebell Front Squat 10 Double Kettlebell Clean and Press (PUSH PRESS OK) 10 H.R. Push Ups (KX no knees on ground) 10 Double Kettlebell High Pulls ---------------------------- BUY OUT: 10/10 Goblet Bulgarian split squat (KX 35W/53M) RUN 500M FOAM ROLL & STRETCH FOR 5 MIN TUESDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Upper body dynamic stretch WARMUP: 3 ROUNDS 20 HOLLOW BODY ROCK 20 SUPERMAN ROCK 10 SEC CROW POSE 20-30MIN STRENGTH HORIZONTAL PULL: 10 min EMOM ODD MIN: 3/3 LAWN MOWER ROW and 5 TRX Tricep ext EVEN MIN: 5 tuck jumps and 10 TRX ROW 30-45min WOD:1 ROUND For BEST time: (20 MIN CUTOFF) Must finish each exercise before moving to the next. Row 1000m or 300 rope skips or 150 DBL Unders 20 KB Clean & press (ON EACH ARM) (KX 35W/53M) 30 Dips Run 500m 30 Overhead KB swings (KX 35W/53M) 20 DBL KB Gorilla Row (KX 35W/53M) 10/10 Pistols or Single Leg squat on to a box FOAM ROLL & STRETCH FOR 5 MIN WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 2 Rounds: 5/5 X Walk 10 body weight squats 2/2 Rocking lunge 10 sit ups 30 sec wall sit 20-30 Squat Strength 10 MIN Amrap 3 KB single arm Rack squat L 3 KB single arm Rack squat R 3/3 KB Bulgarian Split Squat 3 KB SUMO SQUAT 30-45 WOD: 1 Round till completion (must finish each exercise before moving on [15 min cutoff]): Every 2 min do 20 jump squat · 10 Burpees Kb swing (separate movements if needed) (KX 35W//53M) · 20 Goblet Squats (KX 35W//53M) · 15R/15L Jump Lunge · 20/20 KB High Pull (KX 35W//53M) · 50 Ball Slam (KX 15W//30M) · 20/20 KB High Pull (KX 35W//53M) · 15R/15L Jump Lunge · 20 Goblet Squats (KX 35W//53M) · 10 Burpees kb swing (KX 35W//53M) FOAM ROLL & STRETCH FOR 5 MIN THURSDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, body dynamic stretch Warm Up: 3 ROUNDS 20 ON/10 OFF TRX Pushup DBL KB Waiter Carry Hollow Body Hold 15-25 Horizontal Press PUSHUPS AND ABS 2 ROUNDS OF (10 MIN)
25-45 WOD (CUTOFF 20MIN) BUY IN: 5R/5L KB WINDMILL (KX 35W//53M) 3 ROUNDS 6 SINGLE ARM CHEST PRESS L (KX 35W//53M) 6 SINGLE ARM CHEST PRESS R 6 THRUSTER L (KX 25W//40M) 6 THRUSTER R 12 BOX JUMP OR 6/6 GOBLET BOX STEP UP 12 KB OH SWING (KX 35W//53M) BUY OUT: 5 KB SWING/ HIGH PULL/ OVER HEAD SWING (should have 15 reps)(KX DBL KB 35W//53M) FOAM ROLL & STRETCH FOR 5 MIN FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up REPS 15/10/5 Mtn climber (x2 reps) Leg scissors (x2 reps) Touch jumps Jump jack Short RUN 20-30 Core: 2 rounds 45/15 sec plank Superman or Swimmer JUMP ROPE or DOUBLE UNDER KB Dead Bug DBL Leg lift + Ceiling Stomp THEN 1 min HOLLOW HOLD 30-45 WOD 3 ROUNDS (15 MIN CUTOFF) 6/6 KB One Arm front rack Rev Lunge (KX 25W//40M) 6 Spinal rock to jump or handstand (Modify 6 Hollow body rock and then 6 Squats) 20 K2E (knees to elbow) 6/6 KB Sit up & Twist (KX 25W//40M) 20 Ball Slam (KX 15w//30m) FOAM ROLL & STRETCH FOR 5 MIN SATURDAY 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Lower body dynamic stretch 5 min Warm Up: 3 rounds 10 KB Swing 10 TRX Rows 1 Lap Dead drag 20 Jump rope 15-30Min STRENGTH POWER LIFT: RTR (RUN THE RACK) 3 reps dbl kb clean then at top weight complete 5X3 DBL KB CLEAN FORM TIPS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0B1SrcGAIA 30-45 WOD: (try for 3 rounds) 15 MINUTE AMRAP: 25 Double unders or 125 Jump Rope 5/5 Pistols or TRX single leg squat or single leg sit on to box 4/4 DBL KB OH Lunges (modify appropriately) 6 Burpee Pull Ups FOAM ROLL & STRETCH FOR 5 MIN TXT PROGRAMMING
11/11/24-11/16/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #8 MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min AMRAP 5/5 halo 5 touch jumps 5/5 dead bugs 5/5 bird dog 5 dead lift 20-25 Core: Navy Seal Situps - We are giving them the NAVY SEAL standard situp test. Have every one partner up, one partner holds the other partner's feet and does the counting, the other partner has their hands crossed in front of their chest with their hands touching their opposite shoulders. Rules are elbows to knees then back to shoulder blades touching the ground equals 1 rep. The test will go for 2 minutes as many reps as possible then have the partners switch. 25-45 WOD 5 Rounds For Time Of: (20 Minute Cut Off) 1/1 TGU ADD 1 REP TO BOTH SIDES EVERY ROUND (SHOULD END WITH 5/5) 15/15 One Arm Swings 15 Burpees 100 Bicycles Or Dead Bug Foam roll for 5 min TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 20/10 Bird dog Hollow body rock Surrender squats Kb swing 20-30 Power Lift - RTR 5 reps 3 sets at top weight Dbl KB suitcase DL, curl, press Your limiting weight will be your press. 30-45 WOD: 15 min Street Fighter AMRAP (by coach Ivan) 8/8 Shoryken 12 E Honda Sumo Slap 8/8 Chun Li Spinning Birds 10/10 Hadoukens 8/8 Dhalsim yoga punch THE KEY: Shoryken, single kb squat rotate to a single arm press E Honda- KB goblet clean, squat, curl & standing chest press (choose a lite weight) Spinning Birds- KB windmills Hadouken- wall ball side throws (be careful not to throw it through the wall) Yoga punch- plank One arm kB push pulls Foam roll for 5 min WEDNESDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 rounds 20/10 Banded tricep ext Banded lat pulldown Backwards Bear crawl with kb pull 15-25 Vertical Pull: TRX L-Sit Pull up demo (modify by using legs) Reps 3, 6, 9, 12, 9, 6, 3 take a rest after each set or partner up and rest as your partner works. 25-45 WOD Michael BENCHMARK (HOW TO TEACH THE KIPPING PULLUP PROGRESSION.) 5 rounds as fast as they can for time: Beginner 50 Jumping Jacks 20 Touch Jumps + wall pushup (like burpee but with no jumping back and forth just touch ground and then jump) 20 Jumping Pull Ups 10/10 snatches (15lb women 30lb men) Intermediate 100 Jump Rope 20 Burpees (No Pushup) 10 Kipping Pull Ups with band 10/10 snatches (20lb women 40lb men) Advanced 20 Double Unders 20 Burpees (Chest To Ground) 10 Kipping Pullups no band 10/10 snatches (25lb women 50lb men) Foam roll for 5 min THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 Rounds 5/5 x walk 10/10 clam 10/10 single leg glute bridge 30 butt kickers 20-30 Lunge RTR DBL KB Forward or Rev Lunge. 3-5 reps & 3 sets on top weight 30-45 WOD: 5 rounds 2 min on// 1 min wall sit (15 MIN) Perform exercises while 2 min clock is going and then stop for 1 min wall sit. Continue to work on your exercises from wherever you left off. 10 Ball slams 10 Chinees 10 Box Jump 10 DBL KB Clean to R&L reverse lunge Foam roll for 5 min FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 min AMRAP 3/3 pike to alt toe touch 5/5 scorpion 5/5 halo 5 thruster Run trainers choice 20-30 Vertical Press Bottoms Up Press RTR on the OA Bottoms Up Press for 3-5 reps. Repeat at the top weight 3 more times. 30-45 WOD One time through FAST 30 Burpee/WallBalls (MODIFY: Separate movements) 30/30 OA High pull (KX 30/50) 30/30 Jump lunges (KX weighted jump lunge with snatch weight) 300 Jump Rope -OR- 60 Double Unders Foam roll for 5 min SATURDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 10 rounds AS FAST AS POSSIBLE 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1x sit-ups 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10x Superman 15-25 Core 10 min E.M.O.M (EVERY MINUTE ON THE MINUTE) 10 ROUNDS 1 MIN EACH 20 SITOUTS total REST OR HOLD PLANK WITH THE REMAINDER OF THE MINUTE DEMO (scale according to fitness level) 25-45 WOD (20 MIN CUTOFF) 3 rounds of 15 REPS (TRY TO STAY AT THE SAME KB WEIGHT THE ENTIRE TIME) KB SIT UP (KB ON CHEST) KB UP AND OVER (touching the kb on the ground behind the head, as you sit up bring it up and over head to touch on ground in front of you) KB EXTENSION (like a v-up, extending kb overhead legs out straight, bring kb in and touch knees) COFFIN SITUPdemo LEG RAISE TO CEILING STOMP (hold on to KB on the ground above head) RUN 250m Foam roll for 5 min -- In health & kindness, Christa Berry & Team TxT www.txtsantacruz.com Find us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram |