07/08/24-07/13/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #10 MONDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 15,10,5 Seated dowel press Pike pushup Hanging Shoulder packing or on TRX Short jog or row 20-30 Vertical Pull Strength: 10 min cut off circuit through below exercises 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10… North South Plank R the L 1 challenging strict pullup 10 KB Dead drag ( work on activating lats) 30-45 WOD: 15 min AMRAP 2 PULL UPS (KX NO BAND HELP) 4 DEAD SWINGS (KX 25W/40M) 3/3 SIT OUT or GRASSHOPPER 4/4 JUMP LUNGE 10 KB HEAVY SWING (KX 40W/80M) 5 MIN FOAM ROLL LEAD BY DOING 30sec each body part TUESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 Rounds 10/10 Butt kickers 10 Sumo squat 10 Reverse lunge 20 Jump rope or jump jack 20-30 Lunges - 10 min CUTOFF RTR to 1/1 rep max Goblet or DBL Forward of Rev. Lunge 30-45 WOD: 15 MIN AMRAP 3 Clean to Reverse Lunge R (MODIFY BY SEPARATING MOVEMENTS) 3 Clean to Reverse Lunge L (KX 25W/40M) 3 Lateral Lunge to Overhead press R (goblet or dbl KB) (MODIFY BY SEPARATING MOVEMENTS) 3 Lateral Lunge to Overhead press L (KX DBL KB 25W/40M) 5 Goblet Box Step Up R (KX 35W/53M) 5 Goblet Box Step Up L 50 Jump Rope or (KX 10 DBL UNDERS) 5 MIN FOAM ROLL LEAD BY DOING 30sec each body part WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 30 sec on each PLEASE WATCH SHOULDER INFORMATIONAL VIDEO it will explain the exercises you will need pullup bands for this External rotation with band with 5 sec hold Horizontal abduction with band 5 sec hold Cheerleader with band 5 sec hold 20-30 Press Strength 3 ROUNDS 45 SEC ON 15 SEC PLANK HOLD KB PRESS L// SWING SWITCH // KB PRESS R KB GOBLET Pull from ground to chin then PRESS OVER HEAD PIKE PUSHUP or HSPU (IF FEET ARE ON THE WALL PLEASE REMOVE SHOES) 30-45 WOD: 3 ROUNDS at 5 MIN each Start at 2 reps each and add a rep each round. Continuously circuit through the exercises, stop at 5 min timer and do 5 INCHWORM BALL SLAM. Then continue where you left off. KB WINDMILL R (KX 25W/40M) KB WINDMILL L KB RENEGADE ROW + PUSHUP (KX 25W/40M) KB OVERHEAD SQUAT R (MODIFY BY CHANGING TO FRONT RACK SQUAT) (KX 25W/40M) KB OVERHEAD SQUAT L ROW 250M (rowing meters never change) 5 MIN FOAM ROLL LEAD BY DOING 30sec each body part THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, MOBILITY WARMUP 10 MIN Warm Up: 3 Rounds: 5 Inchworm with push up 5/5 curtsy lunge to knee hug 10 leg lifts 15/15 cross body climbers 20-30 CORE 10 Min Amrap: 10 sit up bridge to opposite reach 10 knee huggers 10 hollow body rocks 10 dbl bicycle to sit up 10 double plank jack/mountain climber 30-45 WOD: Buy in: 250M RUN or ROW 15 MIN AMRAP 10 BOX DIPS 5 Hollow body rocks 10 jump squat to jump lunge R & L (modification use trx to or separate movements) 5/5 Sit out or grasshopper (modification elevate hands on to a box) 10 Ceiling stomp 5 DBL high knees to sprawl Buy out:250M RUN or ROW 5 MIN FOAM ROLL LEAD BY DOING 30sec each body part FRIDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 5 Min Amrap 10 Single leg glute bridge R 10 Single leg glute bridge R 10 TRX Deep squat or hold a KB and get low squat 10 Step over & Step Under 10 KB Good morning 20-30 Lower Pull Strength - 10 min AMRAP RTR to 1-3 rep max SUMO DEADLIFT with DBL or SINGLE KB 30-45 WOD: 5-10-15-20-15-10-5 (15 min cutoff if you finish before 15 min climb the pyramid again. This should be fast and light.) SIT UP BICYCLE (DBL REPS) SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT R (KX 35W/53M) SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT L SUPERMAN BALL SLAM (KX 15W/30M) TRX HAMSTRING CURL (MODIFY BY DOING EXERCISE BALL HAMSTRING CURL) 5 MIN FOAM ROLL LEAD BY DOING 30sec each body part SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 20/10 Pike toe touch Ball slam toss over the shoulder Toe taps on ball Jump jack 20-30 Horizontal Pull Strength - 10 MIN RTR 1-3 rep MAX Lawn mower row 30-45 WOD: 5 MIN AMRAP 5 KB GOBLET PULL//CATCH//SQUAT (KX 25W/40M) 10 BOX JUMP (MODIFY BY DOING BOX STEP UPS) 5 MIN AMRAP 5 BURPEE to HIGH PULL (MODIFY BY SEPARATING MOVEMENTS) (KX 25W/40M) 5 SPINAL ROCK TO JUMP or HANDSTAND (REMOVE SHOES IF YOU USE THE WALL) MODIFY BY SEPARATING MOVEMENTS 5 MIN AMRAP 2/2 SINGLE LEG SQUAT (MODIFY BY USING A BOX TO LESSEN THE DEPTH OF THE SQUAT) 3/3 TRX POWER PULL 4 DBL SNATCH (KX DBL KB 25W/40M) 5 MIN FOAM ROLL LEAD BY DOING 30sec each body part
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